B3: Confidentiality in SD-MSCs
A technical basis for software-defined mobile supply chains are vendor-independent modular systems of plug-and-produce modules that remain networked with planners and manufacturers over their entire lifetime or can be networked on-demand to provide data for continuous optimization and adaptation, resulting in an efficient provision of services, processes, and products.
An essential prerequisite for this continuous networking is to ensure the confidentiality of the information exchanged. For the operator of an SD-MSC, there is a risk of revealing central know-how via process data. Component manufacturers must therefore worry about being responsible or even liable for such loss. This PhD research examines and develops methods and algorithms for assessing and maintaining confidentiality in mobile cyber-physical production systems.
Doctoral Candidate: Zarina Chokparova
First (Main-) Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Leon Urbas
Second Supervisor: N.N.