Das Foto zeigt einen Hörsaal voller Studierender während einer Vorlesung. Viele der Studierenden schauen nach vorn oder machen sich Notizen. © TU Dresden

Studying at the chair of energy storage systems

With its courses, the chair of energy storage systems provides the students with the skills needed to design an innovative, sustainable energy supply system. This includes the scientific and technical support of the fast development of renewable energies (such as PV and wind) in combination with energy storage systems, increasing the efficiency of energy conversion processes as well as the maximization of component lifetime through intelligent control algorithms of the utilized storage systems.

learn more Studying at the chair of energy storage systems

Wichtige Themen im Überblick

 Das Foto zeigt drei Studierende in einem vollen Hörsaal. Sie sitzen nebeneinander und schauen gemeinsam in ein Notebook. © Amac Garbe