Presentation of the professorship
At the Bitzer-Chair of Refrigeration, Cryogenics and Compressor Technology we attend to subjects dealing with the following three fields of expertise.
Our services
Our professorship provides knowledge and experience special topics such as:
Apart from long-term projects as part of joint research or funding we also offer the following services:
- assigned research work
- case studies
- consulting and expertise
- elaboration of detailed issues
- error analysis of existing systems
- evaluation
Details concerning type and extent of the task may be discussed for each individual case.
Contact information:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ch. Thomas
Dr. Riley Barta (Department of Refrigeration technology)
Prof. Dr.rer.nat. et Ing.habil. Ch. Haberstroh (Department of Cryogenics)
Dr.-Ing. K. Klotsche (Department of Compressor technology)