Photo of a woman in the lab. She sits at a table and works at the microscope. © Amac Garbe Das Foto zeigt im Vordergrund ein säulenartiges Konstrukt aus gläsernen Fragmenten, in welchen sich Teile des Raumes spiegeln. Im Hintergrund ist durch ein Fenster ein Gebäude zu sehen. © TU Dresden

Elastomer Materials & Technology Research

The chair combines topics from materials and process research, which can be significantly assigned to the research profile lines ‘Intelligent Materials and Structures’ and ‘Energy and Environment’ at TU Dresden. The primary aim is to develop solutions for the development, application-oriented technological implementation and characterisation of novel particle- and fibre-reinforced elastomer materials as system components for applications in future energy-efficient lightweight construction and mobility technologies and intelligent material composites. The focus is on the integration of new functionalities and the expansion of the range of applications for elastomers using mineral and carbon-based, preferably nanoscale, functional fillers.

A holistic research approach is pursued which, in addition to theoretical considerations on the structure-property profile and interaction in particle-reinforced elastomer materials, also includes their reproducible and sustainable production through adequate process control of the elastomer-specific mixing and processing methods as well as suitable methods for application-oriented material characterisation, does justice to the interaction in the field of tension between material - process - design.

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 Das Foto zeigt eine Frau mit weißem Laborkittel in einem Labor. In der Hand hält sie ein Glasgefäß mit einer roten Flüssigkeit, welches sie intensiv betrachtet. © Amac Garbe