Chair of Magnetofluiddynamics, Measuring and Automation Technology
The professorship headed by Professor Stefan Odenbach has been located in the Mollier Building on the university campus since 2005. Approximately 25 employees take care of teaching and research. In addition, there are always guests from Germany and abroad.

The professorship
The close link between teaching and research is certainly a characteristic that has centrally determined our work during these years. Due to the large number of students in the basic course on measurement and on measurement and automation technology, the aspect of teaching in the basic area has taken on an extraordinarily high priority, both in terms of time and organization. In addition, the course had to be adapted during this time with a view to the contents of the lectures, the structure of the exercises and practical courses, but also with regard to the overall structure of the comprehensive practical course, in order to meet the requirements of a modern engineering education. to be appropriate. But also the teaching in the special fields, which is directly fed by the current research, covers with meanwhile eight courses the spectrum of our research interests from magnetic fluids over rheology to measurement technology.