Exams and examinations
Examination dates
Subject: Measurement and Automation Technology 1, Fundamentals of Measurement and Automation Technology 1
with Prof. Odenbach, written exam 5th semester
Date: 18.02.2025
Time: 09:20, duration 150 minutes
Enrolment year: 2022 and others
Degree program: Mechanical Engineering, W 23 Mechanical Engineering distance learning, Process and Natural Materials Engineering
For students whose surnames begin with the letters A to L:
OPAL Exam2 https://exam2.zih.tu-dresden.de
The link to the exam is https://exam2.zih.tu-dresden.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/19169285
For students whose last name begins with the letters M to Z:
OPAL Exam3 https://exam3.zih.tu-dresden.de
The link to the exam is https://exam3.zih.tu-dresden.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/18939959
The first letter of your surname determines in which room you take the exam:
First letter: B-D, I, J; Room HÜL/S386/H
First letter: A, G, H; Room: HÜL/S186/H
First letter: F, K, M-S; Room: HSZ/0003/H
First letter: E, L, T-Z; Room: BAR/SCHÖ/H
Only students enrolled for PC pool space: Room ZEU 322A/B
Subject: Measurement and sensor technology
with Prof. Odenbach, written exam 5th semester
Date: 18.02.2025
Time: 09:20, duration 150 minutes
Enrolment year: 2022 and others
Degree program: Mechanical Engineering, W 23 Mechanical Engineering distance learning, Process and Natural Materials Engineering
Place/room: Online in presence
For students whose surnames begin with the letters A to L
OPAL Exam https://exam2.zih.tu-dresden.de
The link to the exam is https://exam2.zih.tu-dresden.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/19169285
For students whose last name begins with the letters M to Z:
OPAL Exam2 https://exam3.zih.tu-dresden.de
The link to the exam is https://exam3.zih.tu-dresden.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/18939959
The first letter of your surname determines in which room you take the exam:
First letter: B-D, I, J; Room HÜL/S386/H
First letter: A, G, H; Room: HÜL/S186/H
First letter: F, K, M-S; Room: HSZ/0003/H
First letter: E, L, T-Z; Room: BAR/SCHÖ/H
only students enrolled for a PC pool seat: Room ZEU 322A/B

Bitte nachfolgende PDFs beachten!
General exam instructions for the online exam
Special exam instructions for the online exam
Exam instructions_special_digital_exam_MAT1_bf_W2425.pdf
Inspection of the exam
Currently not possible.