Publications from the chair of Bioprocess Engineering
The following pages carry compilations of our most recent publications and presentations. Due to copyright agreements and legal restrictions we are not allowed to provide our publications for download. However, we would be pleased to send you offprints upon request.
Publications in books and journals
Ackermann J U, Müller S, Lösche A, Bley T, Babel W (1995) Methylobacterium rhodesianum cells tend to double the DNA content under growth limitations and accumulate PHB. Journal of Biotechnology 39, 9-20
Ackermann J U, Babel W (1997) Growth-associated synthesis of poly(hydroxybutyric acid) in Methylobacterium rhodesianum as an expression of an internal bottleneck. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 47, 144-149
Bley T, Müller S, Lösche A, Ackermann J U, Babel W (1995) Flow cytometric monitoring of bacterial cell states under growth limiting conditions. In: Computer Applications in Biotechnology, A Munack, K Schügerl (Eds), Pergamon Press, Oxford, 213-216
Bley T, Müller S, Lösche A, Ackermann J U, Babel W (1995) Flow cytometric monitoring of bacterial cell states under growth limiting conditions. In: Computer Applications in Biotechnology, A Munack, K Schügerl (Eds), Pergamon Press, Oxford, 213-216
Bley T, Albrecht K F, Miethe D, Riis V, Babel W (1996) Describing microbial degradation processes with the evolon model. Acta Biotechnolica 16, 237-244
Boschke E, Wegner T, Linke L, Raeuber HJ (1996) Sicherer Nachweis von osmophilen Hefen zur Qualitätssicherung von Lebensmitteln. Lebensmittel- und Verpackungstechnik 41, 149 - 153
Boschke E, Bley T (1998) Growth patterns of yeast colonies depending on nutrient supply. Acta Biotechnologica 18, 17-27
Breuer U, Ackermann J U, Babel W (1995) Accumulation of poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid) and overproduction of exopolysaccharides in a mutant of a methylotrophic bacterium. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 41 (Suppl 1), 55-59
Große-Uhlmann R, Bley T (1999) A modular approach to situation identification of the dynamics of bacterial populations synthesizing poly-ß-hydoxybutyrate. Bioprocess Engineering 21, 191-200
Herrmann C, Lösche A, Müller S, Bley T, Babel W. (1997) Flow cytometric discrimination between Acinetobacter calcoaceticus 69-V and Alcaligenes eutrophus JMP 134 by fluorescently labelled rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes and DNA staining. Acta Biotechnolica 17, 19-38
Löser C, Seidel H, Zehnsdorf A, Stottmeister U (1998) Microbial degradation of hydrocarbons in soil during aerobic/anaerobic changes and under purely aerobic conditions. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 49, 631-636
Miethe D, Albrecht K F, Riis V, Bley T, Babel W (1995) Description of the microbial degradation process for mineral oils and its extrapolation by the evolon model. In: Contaminated Soil ´95, W J van den Brink, R Bosman, F Arendt (Eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1305-1306
Mothes G, Ackermann J U, Babel W (1998) Regulation of the PHB synthesis in Methylobacterium rhodesianum MB 126 growing on methanol or fructose. Archives in Microbiology, 169, 360-363
Müller R H, Bley T, Babel W (1995) Transient state cultivation as a means for determining maximum growth rates in inhibition kinetics. Journal of Microbiolological Methods 22, 209-219
Müller S, Lösche A, Bley T, Scheper T (1995) A flow cytometric approach for characterization and differentiation of bacteria during microbial processes. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 43, 93-101
Müller S, Loffhagen N, Bley T, Babel W (1996) Membrane-potential-related fluorescence intensity indicates bacterial injury. Microbiolical Research 151, 127-131
Müller S, Hutter K J, Bley T, Petzold L, Babel W (1997) Dynamics of yeast cell states during proliferation and non proliferation periods in a brewing reactor monitored by multidimensional flow cytometry. Bioprocess Engineering 17, 287-293
Müller S, Bley T (1999) Flow Cytometry. In: The Encyclopedia of Bioprocess Technology: Fermentation, Biocatalysis and Bioseparation, M C Flickinger, S W Drew (Eds), 1226 - 1238, John Wiley, New York
Müller S, Bley T, Babel W (1999) Adaptive responses of Ralstonia eutropha to feast and famine conditions analysed by flow cytometry. Journal of Biotechnology 75, 81-97
Seidel H, Ondruschka J, Morgenstern P, Stottmeister U (1998) Bioleaching of heavy metals from contaminated auquatic sediments using sulfuroxidizing bacteria: a feasibility study, Water Science and Techology 37, 387-394
Seidel H, Ondruschka J, Weißbrodt J, Stottmeister U (1996) Reinigung schwermetallbelasteter Sedimente durch bakterielle Laugung - ein Behandlungskonzept, Vom Wasser 86, 363-375
Seidel H, Ondruschka J, Kuschk P, Stottmeister U (1995) Einfluss des Schwefelgehaltes von Sedimenten auf die Mobilisierung von Schwermetallen durch bakterielle Laugung, Vom Wasser 84, 419-430
Simon D, Müller R H, Bley T, Babel W (1996) Correlation between cellular fluorescence and NAD(P)H levels in Alcaligenes eutrophus JMP 134. Bioprocess Engineering 14, 57-62
Werner A, Boschke E, Bley T (1997) Immobilisierung fettspaltender Mikroorganismen zur Reinigung fetthaltiger Abwässer der Lebensmittelindustrie. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden 46, 33-39
Presentations and Poster
Bley T, Boschke E (1999) Chancen und Risiken des Einsatzes moderner Gentechnik im Bereich von Land- und Forstwirtschaft (Non Food). 6.Internationale Tagung "Stoffliche Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe", Freiberg
Bley T, Müller S (1999) Multiparameter Flow Cytometry - Zur Charakterisierung der Leistungen von Hefen in der Brautechnologie. 17.DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Wiesbaden
Bley T (1998) Biomonitoring zur Qualitätssicherung in der Lebensmittelproduktion. 9.Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, Heiligenstadt
Bley T (1998) Monitoring des biologischen Systems mit der Durchflusszytometrie. DECHEMA-Kolloquium "Neue Meámethoden in der Biotechnologie", Frankfurt/Main
Bley T (1998) Biotechnologie im Umweltschutz - Sachsen als Standort für Innovationen ? VDI-Tagung "Moderne Technologien der Umweltschutztechnik", Dresden
Boschke E, Bley T (1999) Die Direkte Epifluorezenz-Filter-Technik - ein Verfahren zur schnellen Qualitätskontrolle. Grenzen und Chancen für die Zukunft. HY-PRO 99, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress, Wiesbaden
Boschke E, Klöden W, Bley T (1999) Strukturbildung in mikrobiellen Kolonien unter stringenten Lebensbedingungen. 17.DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Wiesbaden
Federbusch U, Albrecht KF, Miethe D, Riis V, Babel W, Bley T (1999) Modellbeschreibung und Prognose des Dekontaminationspotentials von Mikroorganismen. 17.DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Wiesbaden
Große-Uhlmann R, Müller S, Bley T, Babel W (1999) Flow cytometric investigation of the dynamics of bacterial populations synthesizing poly-á-hydroxybutyrate (PHB). ISAC XIX International Congress, Colorado Springs
Große-Uhlmann R, Müller S, Bley T (1999) Flow Cytometry als Methode zur Prozessidentifikation am Beispiel der Synthese von Poly-á-hydroxybuttersäure (PHB) durch Methylobacterium rhodesianum MB 126. DECHEMA-Arbeitsausschuss "Technik biologischer Prozesse", Erfurt
Große-Uhlmann R, Müller S, Bley T (1998) Flow-cytometrische Untersuchung bakterieller Populationen zur Situationserkennung bei nichtstationären kontinuierlichen Prozessen. 11.Heidelberger Zytometriesymposium, Heidelberg
Große-Uhlmann R, Müller S, Bley T (1998) Situation identification in transient states of bioprocesses. Eufit, European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing, Aachen
Große-Uhlmann R, Müller S, Bley T, Babel W (1998) Dynamik bakterieller Populationen unter den Bedingungen des overflow metabolism - Situationserkennung bei nichtstationären kontinuierlichen Prozessen. 16.DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Wiesbaden
Kunze U, Herrmann K, Babel W, Bley T (1999) Flow-cytometrische Quantifizierung der Konkurrenz von Bakterienpopulationen in kontinuierlichen Bioprozessen. DECHEMA/GVC-Tagung "Wechselwirkung zwischen Biologie und Prozessführung", Erfurt
Müller S, Herrmann C, Bley T (1999) Population Dynamics of Ralstonia eutropha JMP 134 on different substrates. ISAC XIX International Congress, Colorado Springs
Müller S, Hutter KJ, Bley T (1999) Flow cytometric characterization of physiological states of brewers yeast in industrial processes. Conference "Food Microbiology and Food Safety into the Next Millenium", Wageningen
Müller S, Ullrich S, Lösche A, Bley T (1999) New strategies for controlling brewery processes. DECHEMA/GVC-Tagung "Wechselwirkung zwischen Biologie und Prozeáführung", Erfurt
Ondruschka J, Glombitza F (1995) Inhibition of natural microbiological leaching processes on the uranium ore mining, 7th European Congress on Biotechnology, Nizza
Simon D, Müller RH, Bley T, Babel W (1999) Indikation von substratüberschussgehemmten mikrobiellen Prozessen mittels Fluoreszenzmessung. DECHEMA/GVC-Tagung "Wechselwirkung zwischen Biologie und Prozessführung", Erfurt
Publications in books and journals
Achilles J, Müller S, Bley T, Babel W (2004) Affinity of single S.cerevisiae cells to 2-NDBglucose under changing substrate conditions. Cytometry 61A, 88-98
Deponte S, Steingroewer J, Löser C, Boschke E, Bley T (2004) Biomagnetic separation of Escherichia coli by use of anion-exchange beads: measurement and modeling of the kinetics of cell-bead interactions. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 379 (3), 419-26
Fialova A, Boschke E, Bley T (2004) Rapid monitoring of the biodegradation of phenol-like compounds by the yeast Candida maltosa using BOD measurements. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 54, 69-76
Fischer R, Seidel H, Rahner D, Morgenstern P, Löser C (2004) Elimination of heavy metals from process waters of the bioleaching process by electrolysis. Engineering in Life Sciences 4, 438-444
Löser C, Zehnsdorf A, Voigt K, Seidel H (2004) Physicochemical conditioning of freshly dredged heavy metal-polluted sediment in suspension. Engineering in Life Sciences 4, 258-265
Löser C, Ulbricht H, Seidel H (2004) Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in waste wood. Compost Science and Utilization, 12 (4), 335-341
Onyango C, Bley T, Raddatz H, Henle T (2004) Flavour compounds in backslop fermented uji (an East African sour porridge). European Food Research and Technology 218, 579-583
Onyango C, Henle T, Hofmann T, Bley T (2004) Production of high energy density fermented uji using a commercial alpha-amylase or by single-screw extrusion. LWT - Food Science and Technology 37, 401-407
Onyango C, Henle T, Ziems A, Hofmann T, Bley T (2004) Effect of extrusion variables on fermented maize-finger millet blend in the production of uji. LWT - Food Science and Technology 37, 409-415
Onyango C, Noetzold H, Bley T, Henle T (2004) Proximate composition and digestibility of fermented and extruded uji from maize-finger millet blend. LWT - Food Science and Technology 37, 827-832
Walther T, Reinsch H, Große A, Ostermann K, Deutsch A, Bley T (2004) Mathematical modeling of regulatory mechanisms in yeast colony development. Journal of Theoretical Biology 229, 327-338
Weber J, Agblevor F (2004) Microbubble fermentation of Trichoderma reesei for cellulase production Process Biochemistry, 40 (2), 669-676
Boschke E, Eschenhagen U, Bley T (2003) Schnelle Detektion von Keimen mittels Fluoreszenz in situ Hybridisierung. Swiss Pharma 25 (5), 5-11
Bühner J, Weber J, Bley T (2003) Monitoring of Brewery Processes via Online Flow Cytometry. EBC Yeast Meeting, Dresden
Seidel H, Mackenzie K, Löser C, Zehnsdorf A, Kopinke F-D, Stottmeister U (2003) Kontaminierte Sedimente - chemische Zeitbomben? 60-65 In: Forschen für die Umwelt Nr. 4, UFZ Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle, Leipzig
Bley T, Müller S (2002) How should microbial life be quantified to optimise bioprocesses. Acta Biotechnologica 22, 401-409
Boschke E, Eschenhagen U, Bühner J, Bley T (2002) Lebensmittelverderbern und Kontaminanten auf der Spur. BIOforum, 25, 472-475
Boschke E, Ripperger S, Bley T (2002) Biomonitoring by combination of immunomagnetic separation and direct epifluorescence filter technique. European Cells and Materials, 3 (Suppl.2), 146-147
Eschenhagen U, Boschke E, Bley T (2002) Bewertung eines produktionsorientierten Biomonitorings mittels Fluoreszenz in situ Hybridisierung, Tagungsband 11. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, Technische Systeme für Biotechnologie und Umwelt, Heilbad Heiligenstadt
Löser C, Zehnsdorf A (2002) Conditioning of freshly dredged heavy metal-polluted aquatic sediment with reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.). Acta Biotechnologica 22, 81-89
Löser C, Zehnsdorf A, Fussy M, Stärk HJ (2002) Conditioning of heavy metal-polluted river sediment by Cannabis sativa L. International Journal of Phytoremediation 4, 27-45
Löser C, Zehnsdorf A, Hoffmann P, Seidel H (2002) Ein Verfahren zur Reinigung schwermetallbelasteter Gewässersedimente durch Bioleaching im Festbett. Umweltmagazin 32, 52-53
Ondruschka J, Bley T (2002) Biosorption umweltrelevanter Schwermetalle an ausgewählten Biomaterialien als Grundlage für die Reinigung belasteter Abwässer. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 74, 500-504
Seidel H, Mattusch J, Wennrich R, Morgenstern P, Ondruschka J (2002) Mobilization of arsenic and heavy metals from contaminated sediments by changing the environmental conditions. Acta Biotechnologica 22, 153-160
Walther T, Ostermann K, Listewnik H-F, Rödel G, Bley T (2002) Verfahren zur biotechnologischen Herstellung von Xylit. Patent-Nr: DE 10222373.4-42
Löser C, Bley T (2001) Metabolic modeling: an useful tool for improving microbial production strains. 7-9 In: 1st Workshop Computational Biology in Saxony: Problems and Perspectives, Dresden
Löser C, Seidel H, Hoffmann P, Zehnsdorf A (2001) Remediation of heavy metal-contaminated sediments by solid-bed bioleaching. Environmental Geology 40, 643-650
Löser C, Zehnsdorf A, Fussy M, Morgenstern P (2001) Möglichkeiten zur Kostenreduzierung bei der Entsorgung Schwermetall-kontaminierter Flußsedimente - ein Fallbeispiel. altlasten spektrum 10, 18-27
Walther T, Hensirisak P, Agblevor F A (2001) The influence of aeration and hemicellulosic sugars on xylitol production by Candida tropicalis, Bioresources Technology 76, 213-220
Boschke E, Schünemann K, Bley T (2000) Enzymatische Probenaufbereitung für die nachfolgende Detektion von Mikroorganismen in ausgewählten Stoffsystemen aus dem Bereich der Lebensmittelindustrie. Lebensmittel- und Verpackungstechnik 45, 299-301
Hardjito L, Bley T (2000) A model for biopigment formation by Serratia marcescens biovar A2/6 in batch culture containing lactic acid and beef extract. Acta Biotechnologica 20, 75-81
Löser C, Seidel H, Zehnsdorf A, Hoffmann P (2000) Improvement of the bioavailability of hydrocarbons by applying nonionic surfactants during the microbial remediation of a sandy soil. Acta Biotechnol. 20, 99-118
Seidel H, Ondruschka J, Morgenstern P, Wennrich R, Hoffmann P (2000) Bioleaching of heavy metal-containted sediments by indigenous Thiobacillus spp: metal solubilization and sulfur oxidation in the presence of surfactants, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 54, 854-857
Seidel H, Zehnsdorf A, Löser C, Stottmeister U (2000) Verfahren zur mikrobiologischen Bodenreinigung mit gesteuertem Luft- und Wasserkreislauf. Patentschrift DE19616903
Simon D, Müller R H, Große H J, Bley T, Babel W (2000) Response of Ralstonia eutropha JMP 134 to long-term exposure to toxic substrates in nutristat cultivation as indicated by on-line fluorescence measurements. Bioprocess Engineering 23, 1-10
Presentations and Poster
Bley T (2004) Bioverfahrenstechnik: Zellen im Bioreaktor und Zellen im Computer. Plenum der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Leipzig
Deponte S, Steingroewer J, Löser C, Bley T, Boschke E (2004) New approaches in the biomagnetic separation of food contaminants. 5th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Application of Magnetic Carriers, Lyon (Poster)
Dreyße A, Ziems A, Kerns G, Rohm H, Bley T (2004) Production and investigation of fungal inulinases for the modification of inulin from jerusalem artichoke. Biocatalysis in the Food and Drink Industries, Stuttgart (Poster)
Eschenhagen U, Boschke E, Achilles J, Bley T (2004) Vergleich von Fluoreszenz in situ Hybridisierung und Immunofluoreszenztechnik - Nachweis von Bakterien in Abhängigkeit von ihrem physiologischen Zustand. BioPerspectives 2004, Wiesbaden (Poster)
Kerns G, Unbehaun H, König S, Wagenführ A, Bley T (2004) Development and optimization of oxylanase complexes for the production of glue-free medium density fibre boards. Biannual Conference on Chemistry, Cairo
Seidel H, Zehnsdorf A, Löser C (2004) A bioremediation process for heavy metal contaminated sediments: efficiency at pilot scale. 14th Annual West Coast Conference on Soils, Sediments, and Water, San Diego (Poster)
Steingroewer J, Boschke E, Bley T (2004) Möglichkeiten der biomagnetischen Separation zur Isolation lebensmittelrelevanter Keime aus unterschiedlichen Stoffsystemen. GVC/DECHEMA-Tagung "Simultane und integrierte Bioprozeáentwicklung", Eisenach (Poster)
Steingroewer J, Deponte S, Löser C, Bley Th, Boschke E (2004) New Approaches in the Biomagnetic Separation of Food Contaminants. 5th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, Lyon (Poster)
Walther T, Reinsch H, Ostermann K, Deutsch A, Bley T (2004) Mathematical and Experimental Investigations of Yeast Colony Development. A Model System for the Growth of Higher Fungi in Heterogeneous Systems. BioPerspectives, Wiesbaden
Bley T, Müller S (2003) Flow Cytometric Analysis of Population Dynamics in Bioreactors. ACHEMA Frankfurt, München
Niloperpowo W, Ondruschka J, Bley T (2003) Elemental sulfur oxidation by mixed culture of Thiobacilli. 21.DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, München (Poster)
Onyango C, Bley T, Raddatz H, Henle T (2003) Identification and classification of aroma compounds in fermented uji (an east african sour porridge) at different stages of processing. 21.DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, München (Poster)
Seidel H, Zehnsdorf A, Löser C (2003) A bioremediation process for heavy metal contaminated sediments: efficiency at pilot scale. 2nd International Conference Remediation Contaminated Sediments, Venedig
Steingroewer J, Boschke E, Bley T (2003) Biomagnetische Separation zur Isolation von Kontaminanten aus Lebensmittelproben. Biotech-Konferenz "Moderne Biotechnologie - Verbraucherschutz, Functional Food und Lebensmitteltechnologie", Dresden
Steingroewer J, Boschke E, Wessely B, Müller U, Bley T (2003) Biomagnetische Seperation zum Isolieren von lebensmittelrelevanten Keimen. 21.DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, München
Walther T, Reinsch H, Ostermann K, Deutsch A, Bley T (2003) Mathematische und experimentelle Analyse des Wachstums von Hefekolonien als Modell für das Wachstum von Pilzen in heterogenen Systemen. GVC/DECHEMA-Tagung 'Zellkulturen: vom biologischen System zum Produktionsprozess', Bad Dürkheim (Poster)
Weber J, Agblevor F (2003) Improvement in oxygen transfer in submerged fermentation using microbubbles. 225th American Chemical Society National Meeting, New Orleans, USA
Weber J, Bühner J, Göhde W, Bley T (2003) Monitoring of Biotechnology Processes via online Flow Cytometry. 16th Heidelberg Cytometry Symposium, Heidelberg
Bley T (2002) Quantitative Mikrobiologie: Gesprächsnotizen eines Modellierers. Ehrenkolloquium anlässlich des 65. Geburtstages von Prof.Dr.W.Babel, Leipzig
Boschke E, Ripperger S, Bley T (2002) Biomonitoring by combination of immunomagnetic separation and direct epifluorescence filter technique. Biotechnology 2000, Berlin
Boschke E, Steingroewer J, Ripperger S, Klingner E, Bley T (2002) Biomonitoring by combination of immunomagnetic separation and direct epifluorescence filter technique. Fourth International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, Tallahasse
Brendler A, Bühner J, Eschenhagen U, Herrmann C, Bley T, Göhde W (2002) Flow-Cytometrisches Online Biomonitoring von Hefen in biotechnologischen Verfahren. 20.DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Wiesbaden
König S, Unbehaun H, Kerns G, Bley T, Wagenfähr A (2002) Xylanase-/Cellulase complexes for the production of glue-free medium density fibre boards. BIOCATALYSIS, Moskau
Krödel A, Beilfuß S, König S, Kerns G, Bley T (2002) Fermentation von Xylanase-/Cellulase-Enzymkomplexen für die Modifikation von Lignocellulose-Faserstoffen, 11.Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, Heiligenstadt
Kutschke S, Bley T (2002) Citric acid production from used grease by Yarrowia lipolytica: Effect of mass transfer. Third Yarrowia lipolytica International Meeting, Dresden
Kutschke S, Bley T (2002) Optimierung des Stoffübergangs bei der Synthese von Zitronensäure aus Altfett. 20.DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Wiesbaden
Walther T, Bley T (2002) Monitoring of development of Yarrowia lipolytica colonies. Third Yarrowia lipolytica International Meeting, Dresden
Walther T, Ostermann K, Deutsch A, Bley T (2002) Monitoring and Modelling the Growth of Yeast Colonies. 2nd International Conference "Analysis of Microbial Cells at the Single Cell Level", Vejle
Walther T, Ostermann K, Deutsch A, Bley T (2002) Untersuchungen zur biotechnologischen Herstellung von Xylitol. 20.DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Wiesbaden
Walther T, Ostermann K, Rödel G, Agblevor F, Bley T (2002) Modellierung musterbildender Prozesse beim Wachstum von Hefekolonien auf der Basis zellulärer Automaten. 20.DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Wiesbaden
Weber J, Agblevor F (2002) Cellulase production using microbubble generator. American Institute of Chemical Engineering Annual Meeting, Indianapolis (USA)
Bley T (2001) Flow Cytometry: Teure Grundlagenforschung oder Methode zum Prozessmonitoring in der Bioverfahrenstechnik. Kolloquium "Bioprozess- und Bioverfahrenstechnik", Hamburg
Boschke E, Kutschke S, Bley T (2001) Schnelles Biomonitoring mit molekularbiologischen Methoden. XIV.Lebensmitteltechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden
Kerns G, König S, Bönsch K, Bley T (2001) Zur Prozessführung bei der Fermentation von Xylanase/Cellulase mit T. reesei und P. verruculosum im technischen Maástab in Korrelation zur Induktion und C-Katabolitrepression. 19.DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Leipzig
Kerns G, Unbehaun H, König S, Bley T, Kühne G, Wagenführ A (2001) Untersuchungen zur enzymatischen Aktivierung von lignocellulosen Faserstoffen mit hydrolytischen Enzymen. Naturstofftechnik - Stoffliche Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe, Dresden
Klöden W, Bley T (2001) Modellierung von Musterbildungsprozessen beim Wachstum von Mikroorganismen-Kolonien. XIV.Lebensmitteltechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden
Kutschke S, Bley T (2001) Prozessoptimierung zur Zitronensäureproduktion aus fetthaltigen Abfällen mit Yarrowia lipolytica. 19.DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Leipzig
Löser C, Bley T (2001) Metabolic modeling: an useful tool for improving microbial production strains. 1.Workshop on Computational Biology in Saxony: Problems and Perspectives, Dresden
Mothes G, König S, Ackermann JU, Wilken D, Bley T, Gerth A, Kerns G (2001) Produktsynthese mittels pflanzlicher Zellkulturen. In vitro-Zellvermehrung von Lavandula officinalis und Synthese von Rosmarinsäure als Modellsystem. 19.DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Leipzig
Ondruschka J, Bley T (2001) Biosorption/bioaccumulation of heavy metals, 10th European Congress on Biotechnology, Madrid
Ondruschka J, Bley T (2001) Bioakkumulation / Biosorption umweltrelevanter Schwermetalle an ausgewählten Biomaterialien für die Reinigung belasteter Abwässer, 19.Dechema-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Leipzig
Portsch U, Werner A, Bley T (2001) Kontinuierlicher Fettabbau in Prozeáabwässern mit immobilisierten fettspaltenden Mikroorganismen. 19.DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Leipzig
Seidel H, Mattusch J, Wennrich R, Morgenstern P, Ondruschka J (2001) Mobilization of arsenic and heavy metals from contaminated sediments by changing the environmental conditions, ISEB Meeting Phytoremediation, Leipzig
Walther T, Boschke E, Bley T (2001) Mikroorganismen unter stringenten Bedingungen - Analyse und Modellierung musterbildender Prozesse beim Wachstum von Hefekolonien. 19.DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Leipzig
Walther T, Bley T (2001) Monitoring of Pattern Formation During Growth of Yeast Colonies. 1st International MTBio Workshop on Function and Regulation of Cellular Systems: Experiments and Models, MPI-PKS Dresden, Dresden
Wilken D, Bley T, Gerth A, König S, Mothes G (2001) Pflanzenbiotechnische Produktion von Wirkstoffen aus Heil- und Gewürzpflanzen. Naturstofftechnik - Stoffliche Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe, Dresden
Ackermann JU, Bley T, Gerth A, König S, Kerns G, Mothes G, Wilken D (2000) Pflanzliche Zellkulturen als biotechnische Systeme zur Synthese von Wirkstoffen. 10.Heiligenstädter Kolloquium "Technische Systeme für Biotechnologie und Umwelt", Heilgenstadt
Bley T (2000) Biotechnologische Verfahren zur Verringerung und zum Recycling von Fett und fetthaltigen Abfällen aus der Ernährungsindustrie mittels fettverwertender Hefen. Fachseminar Kreislaufwirtschaft im sächsischen Ernährungsgewerbe, Dresden
Bley T, Müller S (2000) Flow cytometrische Charakterisierung von Bioprozessen - neue Entwicklungen und Trends. 10. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium "Technische Systeme für Biotechnologie und Umwelt", Heilgenstadt
Boschke E, Ondshoorn A, Bley T (2000) Zellseparation mit dem BioSep Ultrasonic Filter der Firma AppliSens. 10.Heiligenstädter Kolloquium "Technische Systeme für Biotechnologie und Umwelt", Heilgenstadt
Lösche A, Müller S, Bley T (2000) Flowcytometrische Kontrolle der Populationsdynamik von Bakterien in biotechnischen Prozessen. GVC-DECHEMA-Tagung "Prozessmesstechnik in der Biotechnologie", Bamberg
Ondruschka J, Bley T (2000) Biosorption / Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals. International Symposium on Marine Biotechnology, Jakarta
Walther T, Pirr C, Bley T (2000) Monitoring bei der Feststoff-Fermentation von Holz. GVC-DECHEMA-Tagung "Prozessmesstechnik in der Biotechnologie", Bamberg
Publications in books and journals
Bohn M, Leppchen K, Katzberg M, Steingroewer J, Weber J, Bley Th, Bertau M (2007) Effects of caffeine on stereoselectivities of high cell density biotransformations of cyclic ß-keto esters with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 5, 3456 - 3463
Boschke E, Böhmer U, Lange J, Constapel M, Schellenträger M, Bley Th (2007) The use of respirometric measurements to determine the toxicity of textile dyes in aqueous solution and after oxidative decolourisation processes. Chemospere 67, 2163-2168
Georgiev MI, Pavlov AI, Bley Th (2007) Hairy root type plant in vitro systems as sources of bioactive substances. Applied Microbial Biotechnology 74, 1175-1185
Löser C, Zehnsdorf A, Hoffman P, Seidel H (2007) Remediation of heavy metal polluted sediment by suspension and solid-bed leaching: estimate of metal removal efficiency. Chemosphere 66, 1699-1705
Moeller L, Strehlitz B, Aurich A, Zehnsdorf A, Bley Th (2007) Optimization of citric acid production from glucose by Yarrowia lipolytica. Engineering in Life Sciences 7, 504-511
Pavlov AI, Georgiev MI, Bley Th (2007) Batch and Fed-batch Production of Betalains by Red Beet (Beta vulgaris) Hairy Roots in a Bubble Column Reactor. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 62c, 439-446
Seidel H, Görsch K, Schümichen A, Löser C (2007) Effect of oxygen supply on bioleaching sediments contaminated by heavy metals. In: Foote EA, Durell GS (Eds.) Remediation of Contaminated Sediments 2007. Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio, D-107/1-9. ISBN: 978-1-57477-159-6
Starruß J, Bley Th, Sogaard-Andersen L, Deutsch A (2007) A new mechanism for collective migration in Myxococcus xanthus. Journal of Statistical Physics 128, 269-286
Steingroewer J, Bley Th, Bergemann C, Boschke E (2007) Biomagnetic Separation of Salmonella Typhimurium with high affine and specific ligand peptides isolated by Phage Display Technique. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 311, 295-299
Böhmer U, Suhardi SH, Bley T (2006) Decolorizing reactive textile dyes by white-rot fungi using temporary lift up immersion cultivation. Eng. Life Sci. 6, 417-420
Georgiev M, Heinrich M, Kerns G, Bley T, Pavlov A (2006) Production of iridoids and phenolics by transformed Harpagophytum procumbens root cultures. Engineering in Life Science 6, 593-596
Groeger G, Geyer W, Bley T, Ondruschka J (2006) Fermentative Herstellung von Chitosan aus Pilzmycelien. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 78, 479-483
Löser C, Zehnsdorf A, Hoffmann P, Seidel H (2006) Bioleaching of heavy metal polluted sediment: influence of sediment properties (Part 2). Engineering in Life Sciences 6, 364-371
Löser C, Zehnsdorf A, Görsch K, Seidel H (2006) Bioleaching of heavy metal polluted sediment: influence of temperature and oxygen (Part 1). Engineering in Life Sciences 6, 355-363
Löser C, Zehnsdorf A, Görsch K, Seidel H (2006) Remediation of heavy metal polluted sediment in the solid bed: comparison of abiotic and microbial leaching. Chemosphere 65, 9-16
Onyango C, Bley T, Jacob A, Henle T, Rohm H (2006) Influence of incubation temperature and time on resistant starch type III formation from autoclaved and acid-hydrolysed cassava starch. Carbohydrate Polymers 66, 494-499
Seidel H, Wennrich R, Hoffmann P, Löser C (2006) Effect of different types of elemental sulfur on bioleaching of heavy metals from contaminated sediments. Chemosphere 62, 1444-1453
Steingroewer J, Bley T, Boschke E (2006) Schnellnachweis von Mikroorganismen, Biomagnetische Separation in einem neuen Testverfahren. LVT Lebensmittel-Industrie 51(1), 54-56
Weber J, Bühner J., Bley T, Göhde R (2006) Populationen überwachen - Durchflußzytometrisches Online-Monitoring zur Prozesssteuerung. BioTec (5-6), 32-33
Bühner J, Weber J, Göhde W, Bley T (2005) Monitoring of Biotechnological Processes via online flow cytometry. BioPerspectives, Wiesbaden (Poster)
Boschke E, Steingroewer J, Bley T (2005) Einsatz der Biomagnetischen Separation zur mikrobiologischen Qualitätskontrolle von Lebensmitteln. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 77, 912-919
Häfeli UO, Lobedann MA, Steingroewer J, Moore LR, Riffle J (2005) Optical method for measurement of magnetophoretic mobility of individual magnetic microspheres in defined magnetic field. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 293, 224-239
Löser C, Schröder A, Deponte S, Bley T (2005) Balancing the ethanol formation in continuous bioreactors with ethanol stripping. Eng. Life Sci. 5, 325-332
Onyango C, Noetzold H, Ziems A, Hofmann T, Bley T, Henle T (2005) Digestibility and antinutrient properties of acidified and extruded maize-finger millet blend in the production of Uji. Food Science and Technology 38, 697-707
Onyango C, Noetzold H, Ziems A, Hofmann T, Bley T, Henle T (2005) Digestibility and antinutrient properties of acidified and extruded maize-finger millet blend in the production of Uji. Food Science and Technology 38, 697-707
Pavlov A, Kovatcheva P, Tuneva D, Ilieva M, Bley T (2005) Radical Scavenging Activity and Stability of Betalains from Beta vulgaris hairy root culture in Simulated Conditions of Human Gastrointestinal Tract. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 60, 43-47
Pavlov A, Werner S, Ilieva M, Bley T (2005) Characteristic of Helianthus annus plant cell culture as a producer of immunologically active exopopolysaccharides. Engineering in Life Sciences 5, 280-283
Seidel H, Zehnsdorf A, Löser C, Schmerold R (2005) Verfahren zur kontrollierten mikrobiellen Laugung von Feststoffen, die mit Schwermetallen kontaminiert sind. Patentschrift DE10154904 B4, 1-8.
Steingroewer J, Knaus H, Bley T, Boschke E (2005) Rapid Method for Pre-Enrichment and Detection of Salmonella typhimurium. Eng. Life Sci. 5, 267-272
Steingroewer J, Knaus H, Bley T, Boschke E (2005) Rapid Method for Pre-Enrichment and Detection of Salmonella typhimurium. Engineering in Life Sciences 5, 267-272
Walther T, Reinsch H, Ostermann K, Deutsch A, Bley T (2005) Coordinated development of yeast colonies. A) Experimental analysis of the adaptation to different nutrient concentrations. Engineering in Life Sciences 5, 115-124
Walther T, Reinsch H, Ostermann K, Deutsch A, Bley T (2005) Coordinated development of yeast colonies. B) Quantitative modeling of diffusion-limited growth. Engineering in Life Sciences 5, 125-133
Presentations and Poster
Bley Th (2007) Synchrone Populationen in Bioprozessen: Kultivierung, Flow Cytometry und Modellierung. Symposium zum 80. Geburtstag für Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Karl Schügerl, Hannover
Eschenhagen U, Mauermann M, Majschak JP, Bley Th (2007) Hygienic properties of alternative surfaces. Sächsischer Biotechnologietag 2007, Dresden (Poster)
Georgiev MI, Ludwig-Müller J, Bley T (2007) Hairy root cultures of Devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens): from shake-flasks to bioreactor and temporary immersion systems. European BioPerspectives, Cologne (Poster)
Georgiev MI, Ludwig-Müller J, Bley, Th (2007) Hairy roots from Harpagophytum procumbens (Devil’s claw): potential source of bioactive metabolites.Future Trends in Phytochemistry, Gargano
Georgiev MI, Weber J, Pavlov AI, Ilieva M, Bley Th. (2007) Flow cytometry investigations of Beta vulgaris cv. Egypt and in vitro systems obtained from it. Scientific conference “Food science, engineering and technologies 2007”, Plovdiv (Poster)
Haas C, Weber J, Georgiev M, Ludwig-Müller J, Bley Th (2007) Flowcytometric and phytochemical investigations with plant cell suspensions of sunflower (Helianthus annuus). Sächsischer Biotechnologietag 2007, Dresden (Poster)
Haas C., Georgiev MI, Weber J, Ludwig-Müller J, Bley Th (2007) Flow cytometric and phytochemical investigations with plant cell suspension cultures of sunflower (Helianthus annuus).
17th Annual DGfZ meeting, Regensburg (Poster)
Keck D, Roos S, Hofinger J, Schreiber N, Pompe W, Hüttl R, Ullrich F, Bley Th, Berndt M (2007) Reduktion des Edelmetallbedarfs γ-Al2O3-geträgerter heterogener Katalysatoren durch biomolekulare Fängerstrukturen. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar (Poster)
Mauermann M, Eschenhagen U, Majschak JP, Bley Th (2007) Soiling tendency and cleaning behaviour of modified stainless steel – application potential for food processing industry. EFFoSt / EHEDG Joint conference 2007 Lissabon (Poster)
Ondruschka J, Bley T (2007) Aufarbeitung von Chitosan aus Pilzmycelien. Tagung Aufarbeitung biotechnischer Produkte. DBU / DECHEMA, Osnabrück
Seidel H, Görsch K, Schümichen A, Löser C (2007) Effect of oxygen supply on bioleaching sediments contaminated by heavy metals. 4th International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, Savannah, Georgia (Poster)
Steinhorn G., Weber J, Kottmeier K, Büchs J (2007) Monitoring plasmid loss in a continuous operated shaken bioreactor by means of flow cytometry. 3rd European Conference on Prokaryotic Genomics, Göttingen
Trutnau M, Ondruschka J, Bley T (2007) Immobilization of chitosan from molds onto glass beads for the use in biosorption colums. European BioPerspectives, Cologne (Poster)
Trutnau M, Ondruschka J, Bley T (2007) Immobilization of chitosan from molds onto glass beads for the use in biosorption colums. Sächsischer Biotechnologietag 2007, Dresden (Poster)
Weber J, CyTecs GmbH Görlitz, Buehner J, Trutnau M, Kunze M, Bley T (2007) Monitoring of bioprocesses by on-line flow cytometry. European BioPerspectives, Cologne
Weber, J., Georgiev MI, Pavlov AI, Ilieva, M., Bley, Th. (2007) Flow cytometry investigations of Datura innoxia. Scientific conference “Food science, engineering and technologies 2007”, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Weber, J., Georgiev MI, Pavlov AI, Ilieva, M., Bley, Th. (2007) Investigations of Plant in vitro cultures by Flow cytometry. 17th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Cytometry (DGfZ), Regensburg
Werner A, Baumann I, Peupelmann J, Bley Th (2007) Schnelle Milchfettanalytik mit Lipas200. Milk Analysis World 2007, München (Poster)
Werner A, Baumann I, Peupelmann J, Bley Th (2007) Sensorsystem zur Lipase und Triglyceridanalytik. Biotechnica 2007, Hannover (Poster)
Werner A, Baumann I, Bley Th (2007) Sensorsystem zur schnellen Quantifizierung von Triglyceriden in Milch. GLP Praxis 2007, Oranienburg
Werner A, Baumann I, Bley Th (2007) Fluoreszenzoptisches Sensorsystem zur Triglycerid- oder Lipaseanalytik. DECHEMA/ GEFOST Tagung Lipid und Lipoide 2007, Frankfurt (Poster)
Werner A, Baumann I, Bley Th (2007) Fluoreszenzoptischer Test zur Milchfettanalytik. DECHEMA Tagung 8. Dresdner Sensorsymposium, Dresden (Poster)
Werner A, Baumann I, Bley Th (2007) Sensorsystem zur Lipase- oder Triglyceridanalytik.8. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, Dresden (Poster)
Werner A, Baumann I, Bley Th (2007) Fluoreszenzoptischer Test zur Triglycerid- und Lipaseanalytik. DECHEMA/GEFOST Tagung Lebensmittelwissenschaften im Fokus, Frankfurt (Poster)
Wetzel S, Mondschein A, Matura A, Böhmer U, Bley Th, van Pée (2007) KH Use of free and immobilised novel laccases in bleaching processes. European BioPerspectives, Cologne (Poster)
Bley T (2006) Monitoring von Bioprozessen - Flow Cytometry. 1. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Prozeßanalytik, Berlin-Adlershof
Bley T (2006) Synchronisation von Bakterienpopulationen: Phasenkultivierung, flow cytometrisches Monitoring und Modellierung mit Delay-Differentialgleichungen. 24.DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Wiesbaden
Böhmer U, Suhardi S, Bley T (2006) Decolorization of a reactive textile dye by a white – rot fungus using temporary lift up immersion cultivation and two immobilisation materials. ISEB 2006, International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology, Leipzig (Poster)
Bühner J, Weber J, Stöber H, Göhde W, Bley T (2006) Online-Monitoring biotechnologischer Prozesse mittels Online-Flow-Cytometry. 13. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium "Technische Systeme für Biotechnologie und Umwelt" Heilbad Heiligenstadt
Eschenhagen U, Reinsch H, Opitz L, Bley T (2006) Biomonitoring of bacterial contamination on different surfaces of food processing machines. Biofilms II, Leipzig
Eschenhagen U, Eschenhagen M, Ludwig F, Boschke E, Bley T (2006) Schnellnachweis von lebensmittelrelevanten Bakterien mittels in situ Hybridisierung von Mikrokolonien. Deutscher Lebensmittelchemikertag, Dresden (Poster)
Georgiev M, Pavlov A, Bley T (2006) Betalains by transformed Beta vulgaris roots in stirred tank bioreactor: batch and fed-batch processes. FinMed 2006 - 2nd International Conference on Bioreactor Technology in Cell, Tissue Culture and Biomedical Applications. Saariselkä, Finland
Georgiev M, Pavlov A, Bley T (2006) Scale-up production of betalains from hairy roots of Beta vulgaris in a bubble column bioreactor: batch and fed-batch processes. 24. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Wiesbaden (Poster)
Löser C, Seidel H, Zehnsdorf A (2006) Modelling the remediation of heavy metal polluted sediment by solid-bed leaching.ISEB 2006 - International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology 2006, Leipzig (Presentation)
Opitz T, Zosel J, Trommer J, Bley T (2006) Monitoring gasförmiger Metabolite in Feststoffreaktoren. 1. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Prozeßanalytik, Berlin-Adlershof (Poster)
Pavlov A, Berkov S, Weber J, Ilieva M, Bley T (2006). Tropane alkaloid biosynthesis in diploid (2n) and tetraploid (4n) Datura stramonium hairy root cultures. International Symposium "Chemistry, Pharmacology and Biosynthesis of Alkaloids" , Belek, Antalya, Turkey (Poster)
Seidel H, Görsch K, Schümichen A, Löser C (2006) Influence of oxygen supply on bioleaching of heavy metal polluted sediments. ISEB 2006 - International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology 2006, Leipzig (Poster)
Steingroewer J, Boschke E, Lemke K, Gastrock G, Metze J, Bley T (2006) Schnellnachweis von Mikroorganismen auf Basis von Biomagnetischer Separation und Nanotechnologie. 13. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium "Technische Systeme für Biotechnologie und Umwelt" Heilbad Heiligenstadt
Steingroewer J, Bley T, Boschke E (2006) New Approaches in the Diagnostics of Contaminants from Complex Samples by Biomagnetic Separation. 16th Annual DGfZ Meeting, Leipzig
Steingroewer J, Bley T, Bergemann C, Boschke E (2006) Biomagnetic Separation of Salmonella spp. with high affine and specific ligands isolated by Phage Display. 6th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, Krems (Poster)
Weber J, Trutnau M, Bley T, Rödel G, Ostermann K (2006) Flow Cytometric monitoring of heterologous gene expression in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. 16th Annual DGfZ meeting, Leipzig
Weber J (2006) Flow Cytometric monitoring of biotechnological processes. In-process analyse in food, farma, chemie en energie, Het Instrument, Utrecht, (Seminar)
Werner S, Rothe S, Grimmecke D, Bley T, Eibl D (2006) Nährmediendesign zur biotechnologischen Herstellung des kommensalen Escherichia coli L2000. Biotech 2006 "Bioanalytik", Wädenswil
Bley T (2005) Microbial population dynamics in bioreactors: measuring, modeling and control. European conference on mathematical and theoretical biology (ECMTB), Dresden
Boschke E, Steingroewer J, Eschenhagen U, Bley T (2005) Schnelles Biomonitoring zur Qualitätssicherung von Lebensmitteln - Neue Lösungsansätze. GDL-Kongress "Lebensmitteltechnologie 2005", Dresden
Deponte S, Löser C, Ostermann K, Rödel G, Bley T (2005) Metabolic Engineering von Hefen: Gentechnische Modifizierung, Untersuchung des Metabolismus im Bioreaktor und Metabolic Modeling. 3. Innovationskongress Chemie und Biotechnologie, Dresden (Vortrag)
Deponte S, Löser C, Ostermann K, Bley T, Rödel G (2005) Metabolic engineering of yeasts for improved xylitol production with xylose-glucose mixed substrates. BioPerspectives 2005, Wiesbaden (Poster)
Eschenhagen U, Reinsch H, Bley T (2005) Biomonitoring auf Oberflächen. Symposium "Hygienic-Design", Dresden
Kühn J, Deponte S, Löser C, Bley T (2005) Metabolic Flux Analysis - Ein Werkzeug zum besseren Verständnis von Stoffwechselprozessen in Hefen. 3. Innovationskongress Chemie und Biotechnologie, Dresden (Poster)
Onyango C, Nötzold H, Henle T, Jacob A, Hofmann T, Bley T (2005) Digestibility, micronutrient availability and antinutrient degradation of backslop fermented and extruded uji, a thin East African porridge (Poster). GDL-Kongress "Lebensmitteltechnologie 2005", Dresden
Prasser K, Werner A, Bley Th (2005) Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung eines Biosensors für Triglyceride. Analytica Conference 2005, München
Schröder A, Löser C, Deponte S, Bley T (2005) Berücksichtigung des Stripping-Effektes bei der Bilanzierung der mikrobiellen Ethanol-Bildung im Chemostat. 3. Innovationskongress Chemie und Biotechnologie, Dresden (Poster)
Steingroewer J, Boschke E, Bley T (2005) Schnelles Biomonitoring von Kontaminanten in Stoffsystemen aus dem Bereich des Ernährungsgewerbes. BioMeT vor Ort, Dresden
Weber J (2005) Cytometric monitoring of biotechnological processes. 15th Annual DGfZ meeting, Leipzig (Tutorial)
Publications in books and journals
Eschenhagen U, Eschenhagen M, Ludwig F, Kiessling F, Symank S, Boschke E, Röske I, Bley T (2008). In situ hybridization of microcolonies using catalyzed reporter deposition with Tetramethylbenzidine - a method for detecting low numbers of bacterial cells in drinking water. European Food Research and Technology 227, 995-999
Georgiev M, Georgiev V, Weber J, Bley T, Ilieva M, Pavlov A (2008) Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated genetic transformations: A powerful tool for the production of metabolites, Genetically Modiefied Plants. 978-1-60456-696-3 ed. Hauppauge, NY, USA: Nova Sciece Publishers: 99-126
Haas C, Weber J, Ludwig-Müller J, Deponte S., Bley T, Georgiev M (2008) Flow Cytometry and Phytochemical Analysis of a Sunflower Cell Suspension Culture in a 5-L Bioreactor. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 63C, 699-705
Leonhardt S, Ondruschka B, Ondruschka J (2008) Comment to Aspects of Chitosan Preparation. Chemical Engineering Technology 31(6), 917-921
Ludwig-Müller J, Georgiev MI, Bley T (2008) Metabolite and hormonal status of two types of in vitro hairy root cultures of Devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens). Process Biochemistry 43, 15-23
Mattusch J, Elizalde-Gonzalez M, Perez-Druz M, Ondruschka J, Wennrich R (2008) Transformation of arsenobetaine and growth of bacteria on zeolitic tuffs. Engineering in Life Science, in press
Ondruschka J, Trutnau M, Bley T (2008) Gewinnung und Potentiale des Biopolymers Chitosan. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 80, 811-818
Pavlov A, Berkov S, Weber J, Bley T (2008) Hyosciamine biosynthesis in Datura stramonium hairy root in vitro systems obtained from diploid and tetraploid intact plants. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, doi:10.1007/s12010-008-8264-6
Weber J, Georgiev V, Pavlov A, Bley T (2008) Flow cytometric investigations of diploid and tetraploid plants and in vitro cultures of Datura stramonium and Hyoscyamus niger. Cytometry A 73A, 931-939
Presentations and Poster
Bley T, Noack S (2008) Delay-Differentialgleichungen als Sprache für populationsdynamische Modelle: Theoretischer Exkurs oder nützlich für die Bioverfahrenstechnik? GVC-DECHEMA-Tagung: Modellierung: "Von der Zelle zum Prozess"
Boschke E, Weber P, Steingroewer J, Bley T (2008) A new approach in biomonitoring of single microbial cells by use of novel ligands. 4th International Conference "Analysis of Microbial Cells at the Single Cell Level", Bad Schandau (Poster)
Böhmer U, Weber D, Weber D, Bley T (2008) The use of flow cytometry for the measurement of biomass in a solid state fermentation process with white rot fungi. 4th European meeting in Oxizymes, Helsinki, Finland (Poster)
Böhmer U, Kirsten C, Bley T (2008) Textile wastewater treatment by combination of adsorption and enzymatic degradation with two white rot fungi immobilized on lignite granules and lignitic xylite. 4th European meeting in Oxizymes, Helsinki, Finland
Katzberg M, Bohn M, Leppchen K, Lang A, Steingroewer J, Weber J, Bley T, Bertau, M (2008) Analysis of caffeine induced improvement of diastereoselectivity in whole-cell-biotransformations of cyclic beta-keto-esters with Saccharomyces cerevisiae by means of flow-vytometry. 4th International Conference "Analysis of Microbial Cells at the Single Cell Level" , Bad Schandau
Kottmeier K, Weber J, Müller K, Bley T, Büchs J (2008) The phenomenon of decaying light scatter of Hansenula polymorpha measured in MTP batch cultures elucidated by flow cytometry. 4th International Conference "Analysis of Microbial Cells at the Single Cell Level", Bad Schandau
Kurz S, Kottmeier K, Weber J, Bley T, Ostermann K, Rödel G (2008) Flow cytometry as a tool to monitor and optimize the production of recombinant hydrophobin in Schizosaccaromyces pombe. 4th International Conference "Analysis of Microbial Cells at the Single Cell Level", Bad Schandau (Poster)
Mattusch J, Elizalde-Gonzalez M, Perez-Cruz M, Ondruschka J, Wennrich R (2008) Transformation of arsenobetaine and growth of bacteria on zeolitic tuffs. International congress As2008, Valencia, Spain
Moeller L, Strehlitz B, Aurich A, Zehnsdorf A, Bley T (2008) Modellierung der Citronensäuresynthese mit der Hefe Yarrowia lipolytica. GVC-DECHEMA-Tagung: Modellierung: "Von der Zelle zum Prozess" (Poster)
Steingroewer J, Löser C, Deponte S, Bley T, Boschke E (2008) Cell-bead-interaction in biomagnetic separation: Experimental analysis and mathematical modelling. 4th International Conference "Analysis of Microbial Cells at the Single Cell Level", Bad Schandau (Poster)
Steinhorn G, Weber J, Kottmeier K, Büchs J (2008) Combining Flow Cytometry and Continuous Culture Fermentation for the Detection of Plasmid Loss In Biotechnology. Analysis of Microbial Cells at the single Cell Level, Bad Schandau
Steinhorn G, Müller C, Weber J, Anderlei T, Büchs J (2008) The continuously operated shaken bioreactor system COSBIOS as a novel tool for testing plasmid stability. European BioPerspectives, Hannover
Trutnau M, , Bley T, Ondruschka J (2008) Use of immobilized chitosan from molds for the soprtion of 17beta-Estradiol from aqueous soltions. European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Science, Faro (Portugal) (Poster)
Publications in books and journals
Georgiev V, Weber J, Bley T, Pavlov A (2009) Improved procedure for nucleus extraction for DNA measurements by flow cytometry of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) hairy roots. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 107(4), 439-441
Georgiev M, Weber J, Maciuk A (2009) Bioprocessing of plant cell cultures for mass production of targeted compounds. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology, doi: 10.1007/s00253-009-2049-x
Stottmeister U, Bley Th (2009) Forschung zur Technikbewertung und -gestaltung in der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Denkströme. Journal der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Heft 2), 219-226
Socher MS, Löser C, Bley T (2009) Synchronisation der Hefe Candida utilis durch Phasenkultivierung. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 81, 1285
Presentations and Poster
Bley Th (2009) Welchen Beitrag kann die Biotechnologie zur Energieversorgung in der Zukunft leisten. Plenarsitzung der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Leipzig
Bley Th (2009) Bioverfahrenstechnik - Stroh zu Sprit? Acatech Akademietag "Energieversorgung - ein kritischer Blick in die Zukunft", Berlin
Böhmer U, Frömmel S, Bley Th, Müller M, Frankenfeld K, Miethe P (2009) Solid state fermentation of filamentous fungi in a novel bioreactor with modular design. DECHEMA Jahrestagung, Mannheim (Poster)
Böhmer U, Matthes S, Weber D, Weber J, Bley Th (2009) Biomass measurement in a solid state fermentation process with white rot fungi by flow cytometry. 17th Annual DGfZ meeting, Leipzig (Poster)
Haas Ch, Weber J, Georgiev V, Bley Th, Pavlov A (2009) Flow Cytometric DNA Measurements of Red Beet Intact Plants and In Vitro Cultures. 17th Annual DGfZ meeting, Leipzig (Poster)
Juthong T, Bley Th, Boschke E, Sonntag F, Schmieder S, Henseleit A, Geifman S (2009) Detection of Staphylococcus aureus by surface plasmon resonance. DECHEMA Jahrestagung, Mannheim (Poster)
Matura A, Schachschal S, Wetzel S, Mondschein A, Böhmer U, Sallat M, Pich A, Bley Th, Adler HJ, van Pée KH (2009) Immobilisierung der Laccase aus Trametes versicolor an verschiedene Träger für den Einsatz in der Textilindustrie. GVC-DECHEMA-Tagung: Biokatalyse: Neue Verfahren, neue Produkte, Bad Schandau
Moeller L, Strehlitz B, Aurich A, Zehnsdorf A, Bley Th (2009) Optimierung der Citronensäureherstellung mit der Hefe Yarrowia lipolytica unter Verwendung einer Biosensor-online-Regelung. 27. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Mannheim
Sallat M, Böhmer U, Bley Th (2009) Application of particle-bound enzymes for the finishing treatment of textiles printed or dyed with reactive dyes. GVC-DECHEMA-Tagung: Biokatalyse: Neue Verfahren, neue Produkte, Bad Schandau (Poster)
Schwarzer A, Herrmann M, Wilhelm C, Bley Th, Müller S (2009) Growth patterns of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Microcystis aeruginosa analysed with the PAS III and the CytoSense. 17th Annual DGfZ meeting, Leipzig
Socher M L, Löser L, Bley Th (2009) Synchronisation der Hefe Candida utilis durch Phasenkultivierung. Dechema-Jahrestagung, Mannheim (Poster)
Trutnau M, Petzold M, Mehlig L, Eschenhagen M, Günther S, Müller S, Bley Th, Röske I (2009) Modeling EBPR-Process with a TOC based ASM3 EAWAG Bio-P. Dechema Jahrestagung, Mannheim (Poster)
Urit T, Löser C, Wunderlich M, Bley Th (2009) The production of ethyl acetate by Kluyveromyces marxianus. GVC-DECHEMA-Tagung: Biokatalyse: Neue Verfahren, neue Produkte, Bad Schandau (Poster)
Urit T, Löser C, Wunderlich M, Bley Th (2009) Ethyl acetate production from whey by Kluyveromyces marxianus. The 3rd International Conference on Fermentation Technology for Value Added Agriculture Products, Khon Kaen,Thailand, Presentation
Urit T, Löser C, Wunderlich M, Bley T (2009) Studies in the ethyl acetate production from whey by Kluyveromyces marxianus. 3rd International Conference on Fermentation Technology for Value Added Agricultural Products, Khon Kaen University, Thailand (Poster)
Weber J, Pöschel T, Geipel K, Kurtz S, Bley Th, Rödel G, Ostermann K (2009) Expression of recombinant hydrophobins in Schizosaccharomyces pombe in high cell density fermentation. GVC-DECHEMA-Tagung: Biokatalyse: Neue Verfahren, neue Produkte, Bad Schandau
Weber J, Pöschel Th, Geipel K, Kurz S, Bley Th, Rödel G, Ostermann K (2009) Expression of recombinant Hydrophobins in Schizosaccharomyces pombe in high cell density fermentation. 17th Annual DGfZ meeting, Leipzig
Publications in books and journals
Presentations and Poster
Benke A, Gerth K, Gutmann E, Mehner E, Trutnau M, Krause-Buchholz U, Meyer DC, Pompe W (2010) Pyroelectric Water Disinfection. AquaLife 2010, Kiel (Poster)
Benke A, Gerth K, Trutnau M, Krause-Buchholz U, Gutmann E, Meyer DC, Pompe W (2010) Pyroelektrische Stimulation von biologischen Systemen und deren Anwendungsperspektiven für die Desinfektionstechnik und in der Bioverfahrenstechnik. 7. Max-Bergmann-Symposium 2010, Dresden
Böhmer U, Frömmel S, Bley Th, Müller M, Frankenfeld K, Miethe P (2010) Production of technical enzyme by solid state fermentation of white-rot fungi in a bioreactor with modular design. Symposium – Biotransformation by Fungal Cells or Fungal Enzymes, Senftenberg
Böhmer U, Weber D, Matthes S, Weber J, Bley Th (2010) Flow cytometric measurement of biomass in a solid state fermentation process with filamentous fungi. International Mycological Congress 9 (IMC9), Edinburgh (UK) (Poster)
Frömmel S, Böhmer U, Bley Th, Müller M, Frankenfeld K, Miethe P (2010) Feststofffermentation von Weißfäulepilze in einem Bioreaktor mit modularem Design zur Gewinnung technischer Enzyme. ProcessNet-Tagung: Industrielle Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe – Chemie, Biotechnologie, Verfahrenstechnik. Frankfurt am Main (Poster)
Frömmel S, Böhmer U, Bley Th, Müller M, Frankenfeld K, Miethe P (2010) Production of technical enzyme by solid state fermentation of white-rot fungi in a bioreactor with modular design. International Mycological Congress 9 (IMC9), Edinburgh (UK) (Poster)
Geipel K, Haas Ch, Steingroewer J, Bley Th (2010) Cultivation of Sunflower suspension cultures in shaking flasks with an online monitoring system. New trends in green chemistry, Dortmund, Germany (Poster)
Gutmann E, Mehner E, Benke A, Krause-Buchholz U, Gerth K, Klein C, Trutnau M, Pompe W, Meyer DC (2010) Redox behavior and bactericidal activity of thermally excited pyroelectric LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 in aqueous environments. Material Research Society, Boston (USA) (Poster)
Haas C, Georgiev V, Schulz S, Scheller M-C, Ulber R, Neuhaus E, Bley T, Pavlov A, Steingroewer J (2010) Induction and screening of in vitro cultures from Salvia and Ginseng species for the production of the triterpenes oleanolic acid and ursolic acid. International PSE Symposium on Terpenes, Istanbul, Türkei 26. - 29. September 2010 (Poster)
Helbig K, Haas C, Steingroewer J, Bley T, Weber J (2010) Influence of phytohormones on the ploidy levels of Salvia officinalis callus cultures. 20th Annual Conference of the German Society for Cytometry (DGfZ), Leipzig 13.- 15. Oktober 2010 (Poster)
Krause-Buchholz U, Decker V, Trutnau M, Gutmann E, Mehner E, Benke A, Gerth K, Pompe W, Meyer DC, Rödel G (2010) Regeneration of nicotinamide cofactors by thermally excited pyroelectric LiNbO3, BIOCAT, Hamburg (Poster)
Löser C, Urit T, Bley T (2010) Ethylacetat-Bildung durch Kluyveromyces marxianus. Flüchtigkeit des Esters: Problem und Chance zugleich. Bioprozessorientiertes Anlagendesign, Nürnberg (Vortrag)
Müller M, Frankenfeld K, Miethe P, Böhmer U, Frömmel S, Bley Th (2010) Solid State Fermentation filamentöser Pilze in einem neuartigen Bioreaktor mit modularem Design. GVC/DECHEMA Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung: Bioprozessorientiertes Anlagendesign, Nürnberg
Müller S, Günther S, Trutnau M, Kleinsteuber S, Hause G, Bley Th, Harms H, Röske I (2010) Dynamics of polyphosphate accumulating bacteria in waste water treatment plant communities detected via DAPI and tetracycline labelling. CYTO 2010, Washington, USA (Poster)
Schulz S, Haas C, Leipold D, Muffler K, Ulber R, Pavlov AI, Bley Th, Steingroewer J (2010) Analysis of oleanolic and ursolic acid in Salvia species and plant cell cultures. International PSE Symposium on: Terpenes - Applicationen, Activity and Analysis, Istanbul (Poster)
Socher ML, Haas C, Geipel K, Ackermann JU, Bley Th (2010) Gewinnung von Sekundärmetaboliten mit pflanzlichen Zellkulturen. Forschungstag HTW Dresden (Poster)
Trutnau M, Gutmann E, Mehner E, Schmid R, Pombe W, Cuniberti G, Benke A, Gerth K, Worch H, Bergmann U, Spitzner D, Rödel G, Krause-Buchholz U, Meyer DC, Bley Th (2010) BIOMINT - Biomimetische Mineralisation für die Technik. Biotechnica 2010 Halle 9, Stand F12
Urit T, Löser C, Stukert A, Bley Th (2010) Bildung von Ethylacetat durch Kluyveromyces marxianus aus Molke bei aeroer batch-Kultivierung unter Spurenelementelimitation. ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2010 und 28. Dechema-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Aachen (Poster)
Urit T, Löser C, Stukert A, Bley Th (2010) Formation of ethyl acetate by Kluyveromyces marxianus from whey during aerobic batch cultivation at trace element limitation. Alumni Symposium Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand(Poster)
Urit T, Löser C, Wunderlich M, Bley Th (2009) Ethyl acetate production from whey by Kluyveromyces marxianus. International Conference on Fermentation Technology for Value Added Agricultural Products, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Urit T, Löser C, Wunderlich M, Bley Th (2009) The production of ethyl acetate by Kluyveromyces marxianus. Biokatalyse: Neue Verfahren, Neue Produkte, Bad Schandau(Poster)
Publications in books and journals
Lenk F, Haas C, Steingroewer J (2011) Verfahren zur quantitativen Bestimmung der Konzentration von in einem geschlossenen Bioreaktor durch Kultivierung gebildeter Biomasse. Patent DE 10 2011 120 268.8
Schmieder S, Henseleit A, Malik S, Danz N et. al. (2012) Lab-on-a-Chip Biosensor mit Aptameren als Rezeptoren. 7. Deutsches BioSensor Symposium, vol. 34, ISBN 978-3-00-034073-4.
Stancheva N, Weber J, Schulze J, Alipieva K, Ludwig-Müller J, Haas C, Georgiev V, Bley Th, Georgiev M (2011) Phytochemical and flow cytometric analyses of Devil´s claw cell cultures Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 105, 79-84
Trutnau M, Petzold M, Mehlig L, Eschenhagen M, Geipel K, Müller S, Bley Th, Röske I (2011) Using a carbon based ASM3 EAWAG Bio-P for modelling the enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) in anaerobic/aerobic activated sludge systems. Bioproc. Biosyst. Engin. 34, 287-295
Walther Th, Reinsch H, Weber Ph, Ostermann K, Deutsch A, Bley Th (2011) Applying Dimorphic Yeasts as Model Organisms to Study Mycelial Growth: Part 1: Experimental Investigation of the Spatio-temporal Development of Filamentous Yeast Colonies. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 34, 13-20
Walther Th, Reinsch H, Ostermann K, Deutsch A, Bley Th (2011) Applying Dimorphic Yeasts as Model Organisms to Study Mycelial Growth: Part 2: Application of Mathematical Models to Identify Different Construction Principles in Yeast Colonies. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 34, 21-31
Presentations and Poster
Frömmel S, Günthel J, Bley T (2011) Feststofffermentation von Weißfäulepilzen – Untersuchungen zur Biomassebestimmung. Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung: Bioverfahrenstechnik an Grenzflächen, Potsdam (Poster)
Frömmel S, Günthel J, Bley T (2011) Studies on Biomass Determination in Solid State Fermentation of White-Rot Fungi. 1st European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, Berlin (Poster)
Frömmel S, Böhmer U, Günthel J, Bley T (2011) Biomass measurement in Solid State Fermentation of White-Rot Fungi by Flow Cytometry. 5th International Conference on Analysis of Microbial Cells at the Single Cell Level, Carry-le Rouet, France (Poster)
Geipel K, Haas Ch, Lenk F, Bley Th, Steingroewer J (2011) Process monitoring of plant suspension cultures. Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung: Bioverfahrenstechnik an Grenzflächen, Potsdam (Poster)
Geipel K, Kühne M, Püschel J, Ludwig-Müller J, Bley Th, Steingroewer J (2011) Cultivation of Sunflower suspension cultures in systems with online monitoring system. 1st European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, Berlin (Poster)
Geipel K, Püschel J, Ludwig-Müller J, Bley Th (2011) Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Sunflower cells - Techniques & Experimental Setup. Plant Transformation Technologies II, Wien, Austria (Poster)
Haas C, Hengelhaupt KC, Schulz S, Muffler K, Möhlmann T, Ulber R, Neuhaus E, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2011) Production of pharmaceutical relevant triterpenoids with plant in vitro cultures. 1st European Congress of Applied Biotechnology together with 29th DECHEMA's Biotechnology Annual Meeting, Berlin (Poster)
Haas C, Schulz S, Hengelhaupt KC, Geipel K, Weber J, Pavlov A, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2011) Screening of sage suspension cultures for triterpenic acids and other metabolites. GA 2011 - 59th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, Antalya, Turkey (Poster)
Henseleit A, Schmieder S, Boschke E, Marx U, Hofmann S, Klapsing R, Sonntag F (2011) Immunosensoren - Universelles Immobilisierungsprotokoll von Antikörpern zur spezifischen Antigen-Detektion. 10. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, Dresden (Poster)
Löser C, Urit T, Li M, Bley T (2011) Formation of ethyl acetate by Kluyveromyces marxianus from whey-borne lactose at a high temperature. 1st European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, Berlin (Poster)
Löser C, Urit T (2011) Formation of ethyl acetate by K. marxianus on whey-borne medium. Vortragsreihe Trends in der Biotechnologie, Fachhochschule Anhalt, Köthen/Anh. (Vortrag)
Löser C, Urit T, Bley T (2011) Formation of ethyl acetate as a bulk product from whey by Kluyveromyces marxianus. Kolloquium Prof. Th. Scheper, Institut für Technische Chemie an der Leibnitz Universität Hannover, Hannover (Vortrag)
Püschel J, Geipel K, Bley Th, Ludwig-Müller J (2011) Alpha-Tocopherol Production in Sunflower Callus Cells and Hairy Roots: A Genetic Approach. Plant Transformation Technologies II, Wien, Austria (Poster)
Püschel J, Geipel K, Bley Th, Ludwig-Müller J (2011) Alpha-Tocopherol Production in Sunflower Callus Cells and Hairy Roots: A Genetic Approach. Deutsche Botanikertagung, Berlin (Poster)
Quenzel P, Nalwala M, Opitz M, Bley T, Boschke E (2011) Aptamers for virus detection. 1st European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, Berlin (Vortrag)
Socher ML, Schmieder F, Weber J, Bley T (2011) Continuous phasing technique for synchronization of recombinant yeast Pichia pastoris. 1st European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, Berlin (Poster)
Socher ML, Krujatz F, Schmieder F, Greulich J, Weber J, Bley T (2011) Continuous phasing - a synchronization technique for recombinant yeast Pichia pastoris. 21st Annual Conference of the German Society for Cytometry, Bonn (Poster)
Urit T, Löser C, Stukert A, Bley T (2011) Formation of ethyl acetate by Kluyveromyces marxianus from whey-borne lactose requires Fe or Cu limitation. 1st European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, Berlin (Poster)
Werner A, Böhmer U, Stasch J, Dorn J, Otto S, Bley T (2011) Aufschluss heterogener Substrate in der Biogasproduktion: mechanische und enzymatische Vorbehandlung. GVC/DECHEMA Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung, Bioverfahrenstechnik an Grenzflächen, Potsdam (Vortrag)
Publications in books and journals
Geipel K, Lenk F, Bley T, Steingroewer J, Püschel J, Ludwig-Müller J (2012) Die Sonnenblume im Bioreaktor - Herstellung von α-Tocopherol mittels pflanzlicher Zell- und Gewebekulturen. Lebensmitteltechnik 44:55–56
Gözke G, Kirschhöfer F, Heissler S, Trutnau M, Brenner-Weiss G, Ondruschka J, Obst U, Posten C (2012) Filtration kinetics of chitosan separation by electrofiltration. Biotechnology Journal 7, 262-274
Gözke G, Prechtl C, Kirschhöfer F, Mothes G, Ondruschka J, Brenner-Weiß G, Obst U, Posten C (2012) Electrofiltration as a purification strategy for microbial poly-(3-hydroxybutyrate). Bioresource Technology 123, 272-278
Günther S, Koch C, Hübschmann Th, Röske I, Müller R, Bley Th, Harms H, Müller S (2012) Correlation of community dynamics and process parameters as a tool for the prediction of the stability of wastewater treatment Environmental Science & Technology 46, 84-92
Kottmeier K, Günther T, Weber J, Kurtz S, Ostermann K, Rödel G, Bley Th (2012) Surface active hydrophobin HFB1 from Trichoderma reesei expressed in Pichia pastoris pre-purified using foam separation during cultivation. Eng. Life Sci. 12, 162-170
Lenk F (2012) Innovative Zusatzstoffe aus dem Bioreaktor - Hairy roots als Produktionssysteme: Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen vom Screening bis zur Produktionsumgebung. FOOD-Lab 5-6/12, 26-28
Löser C, Urit T, Stukert A, Bley T (2012) Formation of ethyl acetate from whey by Kluyveromyces marxianus on a pilot scale. Journal of Biotechnology 163, 17-23
Löser C, Urit T, Förster S, Stukert A, Bley T (2012) Formation of ethyl acetate by Kluyveromyces marxianus on whey during aerobic batch and chemostat cultivation at iron limitation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 96, 685-696
Mauermann M, Bellmann C, Calvimontes A, Caspari A, Bley T, Majschak JP (2012) Reinigbarkeit von Oberflächen in der Lebensmittelindustrie durch Flüssigkeitsstrahlen. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 84, 1568-1574
Möller L, Zehnsdorf A, Aurich A, Bley Th, Strehlitz B (2012) Substrate utilization by recombinant Yarrowia lipolytica growing on sucrose. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 93, 1695-1702
Presentations and Poster
Friedrich S, Lenk F, Bley Th, Schilling N, Boschke E (2012) Novel Microfluidic System to Investigate Adhesion and Biofilm Formation of Microorganisms on ta-C Coated surfaces. 1st Biotechnology World Congress 2012, Dubai, UAE (Poster)
Frömmel S, Günthel J, Bechter B, Bley Th (2012) Biomassebestimmung im Feststoffreaktor beim Scale-up. 30. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Karlsruhe (Poster)
Geipel K, Mahler N, Bley Th, Steingroewer J (2012) Pflanzenzellbiotechnologie: Kultivierung in Schüttelkolben mit online Monitoring System und Erzeugung von Einzelzellen. DECHEMA Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung: Biopharmazeutische Produktion, Freiburg (Vortrag)
Gorzki L, Kleinschmidt T, Rohm H (2012) Supplementierungsfreie fermentative Gewinnung von Milchsäure aus Lactose in Thermoquarkmolke bzw. -Permeat. Transfertagung "Biotechnologie mit der wir leben", Technische Universität Dresden (Poster)
Haas C, Schulz S, Hengelhaupt KC, Möhlmann T, Ludwig B, Muffler K, Neuhaus E, Ulber R, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2012) Oleanolic acid and ursolic acid production by in vitro cultures of Salvia species. DECHEMA Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung: Biopharmazeutische Produktion, Freiburg (Poster)
Lenk F, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2012) Hairy roots as a new production system for plant cell derived active agents – Current challenges and solutions. Dechema Tagung Neue Produktionssysteme , Hamburg (Poster)
Lenk F, Vogel M, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2012) Optimization of Hairy Root Tissue Growth using Structured Growth Model Simulations and a Customized Image Recognition Solution for Data Acquisition. Dubai. 1st Biotechnology World Congress (Invited lecture)
Lenk F, Vogel M, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2012) A Structured Growth Model for Hairy Root Tissue with a Customized Image Recognition Solution for Parameter Acquisition. Dechema Himmelfahrtstagung, Freiburg (Poster)
Löser C, Urit T, Bley T (2012) Formation of ethyl acetate as a bulk product from whey by Kluyveromyces marxianus. Kolloquium Prof. Th. Scheper, Institut für Technische Chemie an der Leibnitz Universität Hannover, Hannover (Vortrag)
Löser C, Urit T (2012) Formation of ethyl acetate as a bulk product by K. marxianus in whey-borne media – reaction kinetics and bio-process engineering. Vortragsreihe Trends in der Biotechnologie, Fachhochschule Anhalt, Köthen/Anh. (Vortrag)
Löser C, Zehnsdorf A, Hoffmann P, Seidel H (2012) Bioleaching schwermetallbelasteter Gewässersedimente. Innovationsforum Geobiotechnologie – Mikrobiologische Verfahren für Bergbau und Umweltschutz, Freiberg/Sa.(Vortrag)
Lerchner J, Schulz A, Poeschel T, Wolf A, Hartmann T, Mertens F and Boschke E (2012) Chip calorimetry and biomagnetic separation: Fast detection of bacterial contamination at low cell titers. Eng. Life Sci., 12(6):615-620.
Schneider M, Lenk F, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2012) Optimization of Hairy root tissue growth – a structured growth model approach. BIOTEC-Forum 2012, Dresden (Poster)
Schulz S, Kroll P, Haas C, Ulber R, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2012) Purification of Triterpenes from Salvia callus by sorption. DECHEMA Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung: Biopharmazeutische Produktion, Freiburg (Poster)
Socher M L, Grasse C, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2012) Cryopreservation with non-toxic cryoprotective agents of the cyanobacterial species Arthrospira (Spirulina), DECHEMA Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung: Biopharmazeutische Produktion, Freiburg (Poster)
Urit T, Manthey R, Bley T, Löser C (2012) Formation of ethyl acetate by Kluyveromyces marxianus on whey: influence of aeration, 30. Dechema-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Karlsruhe (Poster)
Zehnsdorf A, Löser C, Seidel H, Hoffman P, Schlenker U (2012) Bioleaching nur damit´s „Bio“ ist? GeoHannover 2012 - Georohstoffe für das 21. Jahrhundert, Hannover (Poster)
Publications in books and journals
Presentations and Poster
Boschke, E (2013) Innovative antiadhäsive Ausrüstung von Edelstahl – Erfahrungsbericht. Farbe und Lack Konferenz Neue Funktionalbeschichtungen, Stuttgart (Vortrag)
Boschke E, Mulansky S, Stoye H, Arnold G, Schuldt S, Schneider Y, Friedrichs J (2013) Funktionalität von ta-C-Oberflächenmodifikationen. 9. ThGOT, Zeulenroda (Vortrag)
Greulich J, Werner S, Geipel K, Eibl D, Bley T (2013) Comparative Studies on the Proliferation of Sunflower Suspension Cells in Disposable Bioreactors. Single-Use Technology in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing, Wädenswil, Schweiz (Poster, Poster Award Winner)
Haas C, Schulz S, Ludwig B, Muffler K, Ulber R, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2013) Production of oleanolic and ursolic acid with a Salvia fruticosa suspension culture and their following biotransformation. International Conference on Natural Products Utilization, Bansko, Bulgaria (Poster)
Haas C, Schulz S, Ludwig B, Muffler K, Ulber R, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2013) Salvia sp. in vitro cultures as source of oleanolic and ursolic acid. Trends in natural production research: a young scientist meeting of PSE and ÖPhG, Obergurgl, Austria (Vortrag)
Haas C, Hegner R, Bley T, Steingroewer J, Weber J (2013) An easy-to-use protocol for two-parametric cell cycle analysis of plant cell suspension cultures applied to Harpagophytum procumbens. 23rd Annual Conference of the German Society for Cytometry, Dresden, Germany (Poster)
Henseleit A, Stürmer J, Tomita A, Pohl C, Bley T, Boschke E (2013) Kontinuierliche Überwachung von Fermentations- und Kultivierungsprozessen mittels Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Spectroscopy. 11. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium 2013, Dresden, 134 – 136, ISBN 978-3-9813484-5-3 (Poster)
Henseleit A, Haustein N, Lehnert S, Bley T, Boschke E (2013) Bioaktive Sensorschichten für die klinische Diagnostik. 9. ThGOT, Zeulenroda, Germany (Poster)
Krujatz F, Becher N, Haufe N, Illing R, Thierfelder S, Herrmann J, Bienert G, Grünzner S, Hilpmann G, Bley T, Weber J (2013) Mikroorgansimen zur Erzeugung von regenerativem Biowasserstoff. Transferveranstaltung Biotechnologie mit der wir leben / Naturstoffe-Energie-Umwelt, Dresden (Poster)
Krujatz F, Bechter B, Bley T, Weber J (2013) Photofermentative Produktion von Biowasserstoff mittels Rhodobacter sphaeroides DSM 158. Effiziente Verfahren und Anlagen in der Bioverfahrenstechnik und Lebensmittelbiotechnologie, Bad Wildungen (Posterpreis)
Kümmritz S, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2013) Production of plant-based active agents by in vitro plant cell and tissue culture. Kooperationsforum Funktionelle Inhaltststoffe, Bayreuth (Poster)
Lenk F, Bley T (2013) Hairy roots as a smart alternative for the plant in vitro production of active agents. International Conference on Fermentation Technology, Bioprocess & Cell culture 2013, Kansas City, United States (Vortrag)
Lenk F, Steingroewer J, Bley T (2013) Optimization of Hairy root tissue growth - A systems biology approach together with an automatic image recognition solution for experimental data acquisition. 2nd European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, The Hague, Netherlands (Vortrag)
Lenk F, Steingroewer J, Bley T (2013) Hairy roots als innovatives Bioproduktionssystem für pflanzliche Wirk-und Inhaltsstoffe. INPOK Innovationsbörse, Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic (Poster)
Lenk F, Steingroewer J, Bley T (2013) Hairy roots as an innovative production system for plant cell derived active agents – current challenges and solutions. 2nd Biotechnology World Congress, Dubai, UAE (Vortrag)
Lenk F, Steingroewer J, Bley T (2013) Current solutions and challenges towards a new bioproduction system with Hairy roots. Forum Life Science 2013, München (Poster und Kurzvortrag)
Lenk F, Stange R, Boschke E (2013) Fast Biomagnetic Separation of selected microorganisms - A new method for increased attachment rates in shorter time. 2nd InterLabTec, München (Vortrag)
Pahlke C, Römhildt L, Boschke E, Opitz J, Baraban L and Cuniberti G (2013) Phage-based Microarray Development for Biosensing. 3rd International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology, Sitges (Poster)
Pahlke C, Römhildt L, Boschke E, Baraban L, Opitz J and Cuniberti G (2013) Phages as a tool in receptor development for biosensing. 8. Deutsches Biosensor Symposium, Wildau (Poster)
Ruhnow M, Kohser J, Bulst M, Wegner S, Bley T, Boschke E (2013) Industrietaugliches Biofilmbildung-Monitoring mit robustem, multiparametrischem Sensorsystem. 11. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium 2013, Dresden, 410 – 413, ISBN 978-3-9813484-5-3, DOI 10.5162/11dss2013/L1 (Poster)
Schulz S, Haas C, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2013) Enabling a stable production of triterpenes by cryogenic preservation of Salvia cell cultures. 2nd European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, The Hague, Netherlands (Poster)
Schulz S, Haas Ch, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2013) Characterization of bioactive compounds in sage cell cultures. Trends in natural production research: a young scientist meeting of PSE and ÖPhG, Obergurgl, Austria (Vortrag)
Schulz S, Haas C, Oehmichen F, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2013) Cryopreservation of triterpene-producing Salvia officinalis cell suspension. IIR Workshop on Cryoprocessing of Biopharmaceuticals and Biomaterials, Dresden (Poster)
Socher M L, Görner R, Grasse C, Franke-Jordan S (2013) Kultivierung von Cyanobakterien der Gattung Arthrospira in einem Photobioreaktor und Evaluierung einer Aufschlussmethode für die gewonnene Feuchtbiomasse. Transferkonferenz "Biotechnologie mit der wir leben", Dresden (Poster)
Socher ML, Haas C, Geipel K, Ackermann JU, Bley Th (2010) Gewinnung von Sekundärmetaboliten mit pflanzlichen Zellkulturen. Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, TU DResden (Poster)
Socher M L, Schott C, Löser C, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2013) Untersuchungen zum Wachstum und Phycocyaningehalt des Cyanobakteriums Arthrospira platensis unter verschiedenen Lichtregimen. GVC/Dechema Diskussionstagung Effiziente Verfahren und Anlagen in der Bioverfahrenstechnik und Lebensmittelbiotechnologie, Bad Wildungen (Poster)
Socher ML, Schott C, Löser C, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2013) Effect of various light regimes at growth and phycocyanin formation in Arthrospira cyanobacteria using an innovative photobioreactor system. 7th Algae Biomass Summit, Orlando, Florida (Poster)
Steudler S, Bley Th (2013) Biomassebilanzierung von Trametes hirsuta im heterogenen Festphasen-System. GVC/Dechema Diskussionstagung, Bad Wildungen (Vortrag)
Steudler S, Böhmer U, Bley Th (2013) Biomassebilanzierung von Basidiomyceten im Feststoffreaktor mittels Durchflusszytometrie. Frühjahrstagung der Biotechnologen 2013, Frankfurt/Main (Poster)
Steudler S, Gündel A, Berger R G, Bley Th (2013) Aromastoffproduktion aus ligninhaltigen Reststoffen mittels des Weißfäulepilzes Trametes hirsuta. GVC/Dechema Diskussionstagung, Bad Wildungen (Poster)
Steudler S, Lambrecht J, Bley Th (2013) Modeling and measurement of the biomass growth of T. hirsuta in heterogeneous solid-state systems. 2nd European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, The Hague, Netherlands (Poster)
Weber J, Lenk F, Krujatz F, Socher ML, Stange R, Geipel K, Hilpmann G, Illing R, Bley T (2013) Cultivation systems for phototropic organisms. DECHEMA Meeting New Bioproduction Systems: Electrically and Light-Driven Biosyntheses, Frankfurt am Main (Poster)
Weber J, Haas C, Hegner R, Bley T (2013) A simple protocol for 2 parametric cell cycle analysis of plant cell suspension cultures. International Conference on Natural Products Utilization, Bansko, Bulgaria (Vortrag)
Publications in books and journals
Georgiev MI, Weber J (2014) Bioreactors for plant cells: hardware configuration and internal environment optimization as tools for wider commercialization. Biotechnol Letters 36(7), 1359-1367
Haas C, Pavlov A, Geib D, Ulber R, Bley Th, Steingroewer J (2014) Determination of triterpenic acids and screening for valuable secondary metabolites in Salvia sp. suspension cultures. Natural Product Communications 9, 17-20
Marchev, A., Haas, C., Schulz, S., Georgiev, V., Steingroewer, J., Bley, Th., Pavlov, A. (2014) Biotechnology of Sage: a promising tool for production of bioactive terpenes and phenolic substances. Biotechnology Letters, 36, 211-221
Lenk F (2014) PetriJet - Automatisches Handling von Kulturschalen. FOOD-Lab 01/2014, 7-9
Lenk F, Oberthür P, Bley T (2014) Approximation der Wirklichkeit – Hairy root Wachstumssimulation mit 3D-Visualisierung, in: Stelzer, R. (Ed.), Beiträge Zur Virtuellen Produktentwicklung Und Konstruktionstechnik, TUDpress Verlag der Wissenschaften, Dresden 2014, 485–496
Weber J, Krujatz F, Hilpmann G, Grützner S, Herrmann J, Thierfelder S, Bienert G, Illing R, Helbig K, Hurtado A, Cuniberti G, Mertig M, Lange R, Günther E, Opitz J, Lippmann W, Bley T, Haufe N (2014) Biotechnological hydrogen production by photosynthesis. Eng Life Sci 14(6) pp. 592–606
Presentations and Poster
Eisold A, Jacob S, Pohl C, Boschke E, Labudde D (2014) Development of a novel aptamer-based filter system for endocrine disruptors and pharmaceutical drugs in drinking water. Saxon Biotechnology Symposium 2014, Dresden (Poster)
Geipel K, Steingroewer J, Bley T (2014) Pflanzenzellbiotechnologie: Innovative Kultivierungsmethoden zur Wertstoffgewinnung am Beispiel von alpha-Tocopherol. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik und Phytoextrakte, Freising (Poster)
Geipel K, Schott C, Socher ML, Krujatz F, Lenk F, Stange R, Weber J, Steingroewer J, Bley T (2014) Photobiotechnologie: Produktgewinnung in wirtschaftlich relevanten, biotechnologischen Prozessen. 3. Biotech meets Politics, Dresden (Poster)
Geipel K, Maschke R, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2014) Plant biotechnology: Modeling and simulation of growth and product formation for liquid cultures using the example of sunflower. Dechema Himmelfahrtstagung: Biomaterials - Made in Bioreactors, Radebeul (Poster)
Henseleit A, Stürmer J, Pohl C, Haustein N, Tomita A, Bley Th, Boschke E (2014) Biosensing of cell culture and fermentation processes. Dechema Himmelfahrtstagung: Biomaterials - Made in Bioreactors, Radebeul (Poster)
Henseleit A, Stürmer J, Pohl C, Haustein N, Tomita A, Bley Th, Boschke E (2014) Monitoring of cell culture processes using Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) spectroscopy, 17. ITG / GMA-Fachtagung „Sensoren und Messsysteme“, Nürnberg (Poster)
Henseleit A, Stürmer J, Pohl C, Haustein N, Sonntag F, Bley Th, Boschke E (2014) Surface plasmon resonance based detection of human serum albumin as a marker for hepatocytes activity. IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP) Symposium on Intelligent Sensors, Singapur (Vortrag)
Krujatz F, Fehse K, Jahnel M, Bley T, Weber J (2014) Organic semiconductors as lighting tool for phototrophic microorganisms. Biomaterials - Made in Bioreators, Radebeul (Vortrag)
Krujatz F, Fehse K, Jahnel M, Bley T, Weber J (2014) Rapid Prototyping meets Organic Light - Phototrophe Kultivierung im Screeningmaßstab. 7.Bundesalgenstammtisch, Köthen (Poster)
Krujatz F, Fehse K, Jahnel M, Bley T, Weber J (2014) Organic Light for Organic Production - A novel small-scale OLED-based photobioreactor. BioTech 2014 and 6th Czech–Swiss Symposium with Exhibition, Prag (Poster und Vortrag)
Krujatz F, Fehse K, Jahnel M, Bley T, Weber J (2014) Rapid Prototyping meets Bioreactor - a novel small-scale organic light emitting diode based photobioreactor with integrated sensor systems. 16th European Congress on Biotechnology, Edinburgh (Poster)
Krujatz F, Bley T, Weber J (2014) Enhanced viability of microalgal populations by photoperiodic cycles. 24th Annual Conference of the German Society for Cytometry (DGFZ), Dresden (Poster)
Kümmritz S, Haas C, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2014) Isolierung von Triterpensäuren aus pflanzlichen Zellkulturen. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik und Phytoextrakte, Freising (Vortrag)
Kümmritz S (2014) Bestimmung und Gewinnung bioaktiver Pflanzenwirkstoffe aus in vitro Kulturen der Lippenblütler mittels HPLC. 7. HPLC-Workshop "Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der HPLC in den Lebenswissenschaften", Dresden-Rossendorf (Vortrag)
Kümmritz S, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2014) Production of bioactive substances using plant in vitro cultures. Dechema Himmelfahrtstagung: Biomaterials - Made in Bioreactors, Radebeul (Poster)
Lauterbach T, Werner A, Bley Th (2014) Immobilization of estrogen sensitive yeast on novel support matrices, Dechema Himmelfahrtstagung „Biomaterials - Made in Bioreactors“, Radebeul (Poster)
Lenk F, Oberthür P, Bley T (2014) Approximation der Wirklichkeit – Hairy root Wachstumssimulation mit 3D-Visualisierung. EEE-Tagung 2014 , Dresden (Poster)
Lenk F, Vogel M, Bley T, Boschke E (2014) PetriJet - Innovative lab-automation solution for culture dish handling, imaging and automatic image analysis. BioProcess International 2014, Boston, USA (Poster)
Lenk F, Vogel M, Bley T, Boschke E (2014) The PetriJet platform technology - Innovative lab automation solutions for culture dish handling and associated processes. Bionection 2014, Dresden (Poster & Vortrag)
Lenk F, Vogel M, Bley T, Boschke E (2014) Innovative lab-automation solution for culture dish processes using the PetriJet platform. ProcessNet Jahrestagung 2014, Aachen (Poster)
Lenk F, Vogel M, Bley T, Boschke E (2014) The PetriJet platform technology - An innovative device for automated culture dish handling and associated processes. SLAS 2014, San Diego, USA (Poster)
Lenk F, Vogel M, Bley T, Boschke E (2014) The PetriJet platform technology - An innovative device for automated culture dish handling and associated processes. Analytica 2014, München (Poster)
Lenk F, Vogel M, Bley T, Boschke E (2014) Lab-automation Solutions - PetriJet Platform Technology - Automated culture dish handling. Elevator Pitch at Analytica 2014, München (Vortrag)
Lenk F, Vogel M, Bley T, Boschke E (2014) The PetriJet platform technology - An innovative device for automated culture dish handling and associated processes. World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology 2014, Philadelphia, United States (Poster)
Lenk F, Oberthür P, Schneider M, Bley T, Boschke E (2014) An agent-based, structured model for Hairy root growth optimization. Dechema Himmelfahrtstagung: Biomaterials - Made in Bioreactors, Radebeul (Poster)
Lode A, Krujatz F, Brüggemeier S, Quade M, Schütz K, Knaack S, Bley T, Weber J, Gelinsky M (2014) Microalgae immobilization and growth in 3D-plotted hydrogels. Biomaterials – Made in Bioreators, Radebeul (Poster)
Mulansky S, Bley T, Boschke E (2014) Continuous investigation of biofilm formation on micro structured surfaces. Biofilm 6, Wien (Poster)
Mulansky S, Bley T, Boschke E (2014) Continuous investigation of biofilm formation on artificial surfaces. Biomaterials – Made in Bioreactors, Radebeul (Poster)
Mulansky S, Rasche A, Stang C, Bley T, Boschke E (2014) Innovative Durchflusskammer zur fluoreszenzmikroskopischen Analyse von Biofilmen. 17. ITG / GMA Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2014, Nürnberg (Vortrag).
Mulansky S, Schneider M, Bley Th, Boschke E (2014) Flexible, modular aufgebaute Durchflusskammer zur Untersuchung von Biofilmen, ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 31. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Aachen (Poster)
Pohl C, Eisold A, Jacob S, Bley Th, Labudde D, Boschke E (2014) Development of an aptamer-based procedure to remove estradiol from water supplies. Dechema Himmelfahrtstagung: Biomaterials - Made in Bioreactors, Radebeul (Poster)
Ruhnow M, Kohser J, Bley Th, Boschke E, Bulst M, Wegner S (2014) Robust multi-parametric sensor system for the online detection of microbial biofilms in industrial applications – preliminary examinations –. IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP) Symposium on Intelligent Sensors, Singapur (Vortrag)
Ruhnow M, Kohser J, Bulst M, Wegner S, Bley Th, Boschke E (2014) Robust, multi-parametric sensor system to monitor biofouling. 17. ITG / GMA-Fachtagung „Sensoren und Messsysteme“, Nürnberg (Poster)
Ruhnow M, Kohser J, Bulst M, Wegner S, Bley Th, Boschke E (2014) Monitoring of biofilms with a multi-parametric sensor system. Dechema Himmelfahrtstagung: Biomaterials - Made in Bioreactors, Radebeul (Poster)
Ruhnow M, Kohser J, Bulst M, Wegner S, Bley Th, Boschke E (2014) Multi-parametric sensor set-up for biofilm monitoring. Bioprocess Analytics and Sensor Technology – BioTech 2014 –, Wädenswil/Zürich (Poster)
Schneider M, Lenk F, Vogel M, Bley T, Boschke E (2014) Hairy roots for the plant in vitro production of active agents – a customized image recognition solution to determine root network morphology. Dechema Himmelfahrtstagung: Biomaterials - Made in Bioreactors, Radebeul (Poster)
Schneider M, Lenk F, Vogel M, Bley Th, Boschke E (2014) Solutions for morphological characterization of Hairy root networks by automatic image analysis and agent-based modeling, ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 31. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Aachen (Vortrag), doi: 10.1002/cite.201450553
Schott C, Socher ML, Geipel K, Lenk F, Krujatz F, Stange R, Weber J, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2014) Cultivation systems and phototrophic organisms to obtain products via economic-relevant biotechnological processes – a selection. Bionection: Business meets Research, Dresden, Germany (Poster)
Socher ML, Geipel K, Schott C, Lenk F, Krujatz F, Stange R, Weber J, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2014) Cultivation systems and phototrophic organisms for products made by economic-relevant biotechnological processes. Saxon Biotechnology Symposium 2014, Dresden (Poster)
Socher ML, Schott C, Löser C, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2014) Growth and active component production of phototrophic organisms under different light regimes in an innovative flat panel photobioreactor. ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2014 und 31. Dechema-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Aachen (Poster)
Socher ML, Schott C, Löser C, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2014) Untersuchung von Arthrospira platensis in einem innovativen Flachbett-Photobioreaktor zum Einfluss verschiedener Lichtregime. 7. Bundesalgenstammtisch - Konvergenz von Algenbiotechnologie und Ingenieurwissenschaften, Köthen/Anh. (Poster)
Stange R, Lenk F, Bley T, Eckert K, Boschke E (2014) Electromagnetic Sample-Mixer – Biomagnetic Separation with variable magnetic fields, International conference on the scientific and clinical applications of magnetic carriers, Dresden (Poster)
Stange R, Lenk F, Bley T, Eckert K, Boschke E (2014) Variable magnetic fields for a new Biomagnetic Separation device, Dechema Himmelfahrtstagung: Biomaterials - Made in Bioreactors, Radebeul (Poster)
Stange R, Lenk F, Bley Th, Eckert K, Boschke E (2014) Variable magnetische Felder zur Optimierung der Biomagnetischen Separation. ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 31. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Aachen (Poster)
Stange R, Lenk F, Eckert K, Bley Th, Boschke E (2014) Innovative Methode zur Anreicherung von Keimen mittels variabler magnetischer Felder. 17. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, Heilbad Heiligenstadt (Poster)
Steudler S, Hilpmann G, Werner A, Lange R, Bley Th (2014) Hemicellulose disintegration and hydrogenation via chemical and enzymatic catalysts. Biomaterials – Made in Bioreactors, Radebeul(Vortrag)
Steudler S, Hilpmann G, Lange R, Bley Th (2014) Enzymes for hydrolysis of hemicelluloses – commercial versus self-produced enzymes. Biocat2014 – 7th International Congress on Biocatalysis, Hamburg (Poster)
Steudler S, Böhmer U, Weber J, Bley Th (2014) New Approaches to Biomass Measurement by Flow Cytometry during Solid-State Fermentation of Filamentous Fungi. 24th Annual Conference of the German Society for Cytometry, Dresden (Poster)
Vogel M, Lenk F, Bley T, Boschke E (2014) Introduction of PetriJet – an innovative device for automated culture dish handling and imaging. Dechema Himmelfahrtstagung: Biomaterials - Made in Bioreactors, Radebeul (Poster)
Vogel M, Lenk F, Bley T, Boschke E (2014) Vogel M, Lenk F, Bley T, Boschke E (2014) Die PetriJet Plattformtechnologie -Eine neuartige Lösung zur vollautomatischen Bildaufnahme von Kulturschalen und anschließender Bildanalyse. 17. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, Heilbad Heiligenstadt (Poster)
Vogel M, Labudde P, Lenk F, Bley T, Boschke E (2014) The NutriJet platform technology - An innovative solution for automated preparation of liquid nutrition media. ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 31. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Aachen (Poster)
Publications in books and journals
Krujatz F, Härtel P, Helbig K, Haufe N, Thierfelder S, Bley T, Weber J (2015) Hydrogen production by Rhodobacter sphaeroides DSM 158 under intense irradiatio. Bioresource Technology 175, 82–90
Löser C, Urit T, Keil P, Bley T (2015) Studies on the mechanism of synthesis of ethyl acetate in Kluyveromyces marxianus DSM 5422. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 99, 1131-1144
Boschke E, Lenk F, Bley T, Filtervorrichtung und Verfahren zum gezielten Konzentrieren von Analyten in einer inhomogenen Probe, Patent DE 10 2015 210 394.3.
Presentations and Poster
Henseleit A, Malik S, Wiehler K, Bley Th, Boschke E (2015) SPR-based overall system for continuous in-process control of active antibody concentrations . Bayern Innovativ, 9. Internationaler Kongress Forum Life Science 2015, München (Poster)
Kümmritz S, Louis M, Gantz S, Delenk H, Haas C, Wagenführ A, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2015) Natural elicitors enhancing triterpene production. Dechema Himmelfahrtstagung: Scale-up and scale-down of bioprocesses, Hamburg (Poster)
Kümmritz S, Haas C, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2015) A simple solution for cryopreservation of Salvia suspensions. 2nd International Conference on Natural Products Utilization: From Plants to Pharmacy Shelf, Plovdiv (Vortrag)
Lauterbach T, Lenk F, Bley T, Boschke E (2015) Sens-o-Spheres | A concept for location-independent acquisition of process measurement signals. Bayern Innovativ, 9. Internationaler Kongress Forum Life Science 2015, München (Poster)
Lenk F, Vogel M, Oberthür P, Bley T, Boschke E (2015) Bench-top lab automation solutions - Innovative approaches to improve productivity in small and medium-sized lab - The PetriJet and NutriJet technology. SLAS 2015, Washington DC, USA (Poster)
Lenk F, Vogel M, Otto C, Labudde P, Bley T, Hoedl V, Ferlein U, Kronberger K, Boschke E (2015) Bench-top Lab Automation – Innovative solutions for automated culture dish handling and automated nutrition medium production.Bayern Innovativ, 9. Internationaler Kongress Forum Life Science 2015, München (Poster)
Ruhnow M, Kohser J, Bulst M, Wegner S, Bley Th, Boschke E (2015) Online, multi-parametric sensor set-up to observe biofilms in pipeline systems. Bayern Innovativ, 9. Internationaler Kongress Forum Life Science 2015, München (Poster)
Publications in books and journals
Schott C, Steingroewer J, Cikallova U, Bendjus B, Reichelt M, Werner Th, Eigner J, Sensorsystem zur Charakterisierung des Zustandes von in einem Kultivierungsgefäß enthaltenen Proben einer heterogenen Biomassestruktur, Patent DE 10 2016 215 500.8
Schneider M, Angermann E, Boschke E, Lenk F, Filtrationsvorrichtung und Verfahren zur Anreicherung von Targets und der nachfolgenden Freisetzung biogener Agenzien, Patent DE 10 2016 123 658.6
Presentations and Poster
Haas C, Scherhag P, Bley T, Ackermann J-U (2016) Relevant parameters for scale up of plant cell cultures. Mini-Symposium: From Nature to Bioreactor, Wädenswil, Schweiz (Poster).
Hauser R, Werner A, Bley T, Andersen O, Kieback B (2016) Porous Ceramic Coatings on Cellular Metal Structures for Application in Biotechnology, CellMat, Dresden (Vortrag).
Hauser R, Werner A, Helbig K, Bley T, Andersen 0, Kieback B (2016) ZMWBioKat - Innovative Applikationen metallischer Schäume als Trägermaterialien für Biosensorik und Biokatalyse, Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, Statusseminar Biotechnologie 2020+, Bad Heiligenstadt (Vortrag).
Helbig K, Hauser R, Bley T, Werner A (2016) Characterisation of Immobilised Enzymes on Cellular Metallic Materials with Microfluidic Systems, BioCat, Hamburg (Poster).
Helbig K, Bley T, Werner A (2016) Continuous-Flow Microfluidic System for Characterization of Enzyme Kinetics, DECHEMA Himmelfahrtstagung, Koblenz (Poster).
Krujatz F (2016) Photo-organic sensors in biotechnology - chances and challenges. 4th Industry Partners Day, Dresden (Vortrag).
Krujatz F, Lode A, Gelinsky M, Fehse K, Jahnel M, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2016) Individual Biotech: Chances, challenges and recent examples of using additive technologies in bioprocess engineering. New Frontiers for Biotech Processes – DECHEMA Himmelfahrtstagung, Koblenz (Vortrag).
Krujatz F, Seidel J, Lode A, Gelinsky M, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2016) Immobilization of eukaryotic cells in structured hydrogels by 3D Bioprinting, New Frontiers for Biotech Processes – DECHEMA Himmelfahrtstagung, Koblenz (Poster).
Krujatz F, Lode A, Gelinsky M, Fehse K, Jahnel M, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2016) Exploiting the potential of additive technologies for advanced micro-cultivation solutions. 17th European Congress of Biotechnology, Krakau (Vortrag).
Lenk F, et al. (2016) Automatisierte visuelle Inspektion von Kulturschalen im Hochdurchsatz für die Routineanalytik mit der PetriJet-Plattformtechnologie. Kolloquium Prozessanalytik 2016, Berlin (Votrag).
Lenk F, et al. (2016) Sens-o-Spheres | A concept for location-independent acquisition of process measurement signals. Deutsche Biotechnologietage 2016, Leipzig (Vortrag).
Lenk F, Oberthür P, Otto C (2016) The Internet of Things and Bench-top Lab Automation bring you into the SmartLab of the Future - A case study of ongoing process developments. SLAS 2016, San Diego, USA (Vortrag).
Maschke RW, Winkler K, Werner S, Bley T, Eibl D (2016) A modular modelling system for the simulation of growth and product formation of cell cultures using the example of /Helianthus annuus/. BioTech 2016 Mini-Symposium: From Nature to Bioreactor, Wädenswil, Schweiz (Poster).
Mulansky S, Goering P, Bley T, Boschke E (2016) Analysis of antifouling properties of bioinspired artificial surfaces. New Frontiers for Biotech Processes – DECHEMA Himmelfahrtstagung, Koblenz (Poster).
Mulansky S, Goering P, Bley T, Boschke E (2016) Bioinspired nanostructured aluminium oxide surfaces with antiadhesive properties. Biofilm 7, Porto (Poster).
Oberthür P, et al. (2016) An Open Embedded Live Image-Analysis Prototyping Platform, Bio-IT World Conference 2016, Boston, USA (Vortrag).
Otto C, et al. (2016) SmartLab Systems - Previous Work and Future Plans -, 7th SiLA Conference, Basel, Schweiz (Vortrag).
Scherhag Ph, Haas Ch, Lenk F, Bley Th, Ackermann J-U (2016) Online biomass monitoring of plant cell suspension cultures based on conductivity measurement, Annual Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM)/ Jahrestagung 2016 der Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie (VAAM), Jena (Poster).
Schneider M, Möller M, Bley T, Boschke E (2016) Development of a new filter device to capture free Chlamydia trachomatis and Chlamydia infected human cells from urine. 14. Deutscher Chlamydienworkshop, Freiburg (Poster).
Schott C, Bley T, Steingroewer J, Bendjus B, Cikalova U , Werner T, Eigner J , Reichelt M (2016)Characterization of heterogeneous biomass structures by an innovative, noninvasive sensor based on the Laser Speckle Photometry (BioSpeckle), New Frontiers for Biotech Processes – DECHEMA Himmelfahrtstagung, Koblenz (Poster).
Schott C, Steingroewer J, Bendjus B, Cikalova U, Werner T, Bley T (2016) BioSpeckle - An innovative, non-invasive, photonic technology to characterize heterogeneous biomass-structures. BioTech 2016 Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing and Single-Use Technologies, Wädenswil, Schweiz (Poster).
Seidel J (2016) Green bioprinting - A promising method for embedding plant cells in a structured hydrogel matrix. BioTech 2016 Mini-Symposium: From Nature to Bioreactor, Wädenswil, Schweiz (Vortrag).
Seidel J, Winkler K, Werner A, Ludwig-Müller J, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2016) A novel production system for secondary metabolites based on extracellular biocatalysis in a modular hairy-root-reactor. New Frontiers for Biotech Processes – DECHEMA Himmelfahrtstagung, Koblenz (Poster).
Werner A, Hauser R, Bley Th (2016) XENOKAT- Biofilter für die Ressource Wasser, eee2014 (Entwickeln Entwerfen Erleben), Dresden (Poster).
Winkler K, Seidel J, Werner A, Bley T, Steingroewer J (2016) Pflanzenbiotechnologie trifft Metallwerkstoff: Innovative Immobilisierung von Hairy roots. 18. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium: Technische Systeme für die Lebenswissenschaften, Heilbad Heiligenstadt (Poster).
Zschätzsch M., Eisold A., Ruhnow M., Pohl C., Bley T., Labudde D., Boschke E. (2016) Development of an aptamer-based magnetic bead assay to remove 17β-estradiol from water supplies Aptamers 2016, Oxford, UK (Poster).
Zschätzsch M, Eisold A, Bley T, Walther T, Labudde D, Boschke E (2017) Development of an aptamer-based assay to remove 17β-estradiol from water supplies. 5th International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology, Riva del Garda, Italy (Poster).
Publications in books and journals
Hettwer, K., Jähne, M., Frost, K., Giersberg, M., Kunze, G., Trimborn, M., Reif, M., Türk, J., Gehrmann, L., Dardenne, F., De Croock, F., Abraham, M., Schoop, A., Waniek, J.J., Bucher, T., Simon, E., Vermeirssen, E., Werner, A., Hellauer, K., Wallentits, U., Drewes, J.E., Dietzmann, D., Routledge, E., Beresford, N., Zietek, T., Siebler, M., Simon, A., Bielak, H., Hollert, H., Müller, Y., Harff, M., Schiwy, S., Simon, K., Uhlig, S., 2017. Validation of Arxula Yeast Estrogen Screen assay for detection of estrogenic activity in water samples: Results of an international interlaboratory study. Sci. Total Environ. 621, 612–625.
Lüke T, Büker MJ, Hedayat C, Lenk F, et al. (2017) Sens-o-Spheres | A concept for location independent acquisition of process measurement signals, Proceedings Smart Systems Integration, ISBN 978-3-95735-057-2, 86-93
Lauterbach T, Lenk F, et al., Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Überführen mindestens eines Sensorsystems aus einer sterilen Umgebung in ein zu untersuchendes Medium, Patent DE 10 2017 206 107.3.
Presentations and Poster
Brodowsky H, Werner A (2017) Laccase treatment of natural fibres for enhanced fibre matrix adhesion in NF-Reinforced composites, ICNF 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Natural Fibers, Braga Portugal (Vortrag).
Haas C, Hoffmann A, Hennig S, Löser C, Bley T, Rödel G, Ostermann K (2017) Pheromone-based cell-cell communication as novel control element for multicellular consortia in biotechnology. Dechema Himmelsfahrtstagung: Models for Developing and Optimising Biotech Production, Neu-Ulm (Poster).
Hauser R, Andersen O, Werner A, Bley Th, Kieback B (2017) Functionalized Cellular Metals for Biotechnological Applications, 41st International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, Fl, USA (Vortrag).
Kilian D, Duin S, Hodder E, Seidel J, Schütz K, Ahlfeld T, Gelinsky M, Lode A (2017) Characterization of methylcellulose as internally stabilizing component for bioprinted hydrogels. Biofabrication, Peking (Vortrag).
Krujatz F (2017) Algenbiotechnologie - Forschen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft. KreuzX, Kreuzgymnasium Dresden (Vortrag).
Krujatz F (2017) Light supply for photobioprocesses. 3rd MIKAT workshop, Dresden (Vortrag).
Krujatz F, Walther T, Steingroewer J (2017) Additive Manufacturing meets Biotechnology - Neue biotechnologische Konzepte durch additive Fertigungsverfahren. 3D-Druck in der Anwendung: 4. Mitteldeutsches Forum 3D-Druck in der Anwendung, Mittweida (Vortrag).
Krujatz F, Bley T, Walther T, Steingroewer J (2017) Individualisierbare Photobioreaktorkonzepte mittels additive Fertigungsverfahren. 10. DECHEMA Bundesalgenstammtisch, Merseburg (Poster).
Kümmritz S, Rabe K, Hecht P, Stachel I, Walther T, Meyer M, Steingroewer J (2017) Plant in vitro cultures as source of collagen-linking substances. 3rd International Conference on Natural Products Utilization, Bansko, Bulgaria (Poster).
Lenk F, et al. (2017) Industrie 4.0 für das Labor der Zukunft. Fachkonferenz Labor- & Reinraum 2017, Hannover (Keynote).
Lenk F, et al. (2017) Sens-o-Spheres – A concept for location independent measurement in bioreaction chambers. BMBF annual meeting 2017, Berlin (Vortrag).
Lenk F, et al. (2017) Automation, Industrie 4.0 und Digitalisierung im Labor der Zukunft. Future Technologies Science Match 2017, Dresden (Vortrag).
Oberthür P, et al. (2017) Smart devices in the era of stupid labs labs. 8th SiLA Conference, Basel, Schweiz (Vortrag).
Otto C, et al. (2017) The PetriJet Lab Automation platform - one device to rule them all -. 6th SLAS Conference and Exhibition, Washington DC, USA (Vortrag).
Schneider M (2017). Anreicherung von Zellmaterial aus Körperflüssigkeiten zum Bereitstellen für diagnostische Zwecke. 20. ZINT Doktorandenforum, Dresden (Vortrag).
Schott C, Bley T, Steingroewer J, Bendjus B, Cikalova U , Werner T, Eigner J , Reichelt M (2017) Monitoring and characterization of plant cell and tissue cultures, DECHEMA Himmelfahrtstagung: Models for Developing and Optimising Biotech Production, Neu-Ulm (Poster).
Werner A, Cordes A, Ternes Th (2017) IBÖM2 XenoKat - Entwicklung eines biokatalytisch arbeitenden Biofilters auf Basis zellularer metallischer Werkstoffe für den gezielten Abbau von Xenobiotik, BMBF Jahrestreffen, Berlin (Poster).
Publications in books and journals
Bierbaum, S., Mulansky, S., Bognar, E., Kientzl, I., et al., Osteogenic nanostructured titanium surfaces with antibacterial properties under conditions that mimic the dynamic situation in the oral cavity. Biomat. Sci (2018) 10.1039/C8BM00177D.
Frazao, C.; Maton, V.; François, J.M.; Walther, T.: Development of a metabolite sensor for high-throughput detection of aldehydes in Escherichia coli. Front. Bioeng. 6 (2018)
Frazao, C.; Topham, C.; Malbert, Y.; François, J. M; Walther, T.: Rational engineering of a malate dehydrogenase for microbial production of 2,4-dihydroxybutyric acid via homoserine pathway. Biochem. J. (2018),
Hilpmann, G.; Steudler, S.; Ayubi, M. M.; Pospiech, A.; Walther, T.; Bley, T.; Lange, R.: Combining Chemical and Biological Catalysis for the Conversion of Hemicelluloses: Hydrolytic Hydrogenation of Xylan to Xylitol. Catalysis Lett. (2018),
Hoffmann, A.; Haas, C.; Hennig, S.; Ostermann, K.; Bley, T.; Löser, C.; Walther, T.: Modeling population dynamics in a microbial consortium under control of a synthetic pheromone-mediated communication system. Eng. Life Sci. (2018),
Löser, C., Haas, C., Liu, W., Grahl, S., Bley, Th. (2018) Uptake of iron by Kluyveromyces marxianus DSM 5422 cultivated in a whey-based medium. Eng. Life Sci. 18 (7), 459-474.
Irague, R.; Topham, C.M.; Martineau, N.; Baylac, A.; Auriol, C.; Walther, T.; Francois, J.M.; André, I.; Remaud-Siméon, M.: A generic HTS assay for kinase screening: Validation for the isolation of an engineered malate kinase. Plos One 13 (2018)
Mohammed, I., Werner, A., Schubert, M., Hampel, U., 2018. Enzymatic decolourization of water using loofa sponge as cellular carrier: Immobilization and dye degradation performance. Can. J. Chem. Eng. 96, 2321–2333.
Stange, S.; Steudler, S.; Delenk, H.; Stange, R.; Werner, A.; Walther, T.; Bley, T.; Wagenführ, A.: Optimierung der Pigmentbildung vom holzverfärbenden Pilz Chlorociboria aeruginascens - Teil 2: Pigmentbildung im Holzsubstrat. Holztechnologie 59 (2018) 47-54.
Stange, S.; Steudler, S.; Delenk, H.; Werner, A.; Walther, T.; Bley, T.; Wagenführ, A.: Optimierung der Pigmentbildung vom holzverfärbenden Pilz Chlorociboria aeruginascens - Teil 1: Biomasse- und Pigmentbildung auf Agar und in Flüssigmedien. Holztechnologie 59 (2018) 62-60
Tranpe E, Koren K, Akkineni AR, Sennwitz C. Krujatz F, Lode A, gelinsky M, Kühl M (2018): Functionalized Bioink with Optical Sensor Nanoparticles for O2 Imaging in 3D‐Bioprinted Constructs. Advanced Functional Materials. 1804411.
Trichez D.; Auriol C.; Baylac A.; Irague R.; Dressaire C.; Carnicer-Heras M.; Heux S.; François J.M.; Walther, T.: Engineering of Escherichia coli for Krebs cycle-dependent production of malic acid. Microb. Cell Fact. 2018, 17(1), 113
Publications in books and journals
eudler, S., Werner, A., Cheng, J.J. (Eds.), 2019. Solid State Fermentation: Research and Industrial Applications, Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology. Springer International Publishing.
Wolf, M.; Juhrig, A.; Rath, K.; Krujatz, F.; Kühnicke, E.: Nichtinvasive Temperaturüber-wachung in Gewebephantomen durch ortsaufgelöste Messung der Longitudina-lwellengeschwindigkeit mittels Ultraschall-Annular-Arrays. tm - Technisches Messen, 86(2), pp. 82-92., https://doi.10.1515/teme-2018-0069
Hoffmann, A.; Haas, C.; Hennig, S.; Ostermann, K.; Bley, T.; Löser, C.; Walther, T.: Modeling population dynamics in a microbial consortium under control of a synthetic pheromone-mediated communication system. Eng. Life Sci. (2018),
J. Žítt, C. Löser, O. Nekvasilová, L. Hradecká, L. Švábenická (2019) Předboj and Hoher Stein: Two sites of mass roveacrinid occurrence (Crinoidea, Cenomanian, Bohemian-Saxonian Cretaceous Basin). Cret. Res. 94, 80-107.
J. Žítt, C. Löser, O. Nekvasilová, L. Hradecká, L. Švábenická (2019) Předboj and Hoher Stein: Two sites of mass roveacrinid occurrence (Crinoidea, Cenomanian, Bohemian-Saxonian Cretaceous Basin). Cret. Res. 94, 80-107.
Matho, C.; Schwarzenberger, K.; Eckert, K.; Keshavarzi, B.; Walther, T.; Steingroewer, J.; Krujatz, F. Bio-Compatible Flotation of Chlorella Vulgaris: Study of Zeta Potential and Flotation Efficiency. Algal Research 2019, 44, 101705.
Lachaux, C.; Frazao, C. J. R.; Krauβer, F.; Morin, N.; Walther, T.; François, J. M. A New Synthetic Pathway for the Bioproduction of Glycolic Acid From Lignocellulosic Sugars Aimed at Maximal Carbon Conservation. Front Bioeng Biotechnol 2019, 7, 359.
Lauterbach, T.; Ziebart, N.; Bley, T.; Walther, T.; Lenk, F. Mobile Sensoren für die Biotechnologie – Ortsunabhängige, miniaturisierte Prozessmessung. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 2019, 91 (12), 1827–1832.
Wollmann, F.; Dietze, S.; Ackermann, J.-U.; Bley, T.; Walther, T.; Steingroewer, J.; Krujatz, F. Microalgae Wastewater Treatment: Biological and Technological Approaches. Engineering in Life Sciences 2019, 19 (12), 860–871.
Zschätzsch, M.; Ritter, P.; Henseleit, A.; Wiehler, K.; Malik, S.; Bley, T.; Walther, T.; Boschke, E. Monitoring Bioactive and Total Antibody Concentrations for Continuous Process Control by Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy. Engineering in Life Sciences 2019, 19 (10), 681–690.
Pospiech, D.; Korwitz, A.; Eckstein, K.; Komber, H.; Jehnichen, D.; Suckow, M.; Lederer, A.; Arnhold, K.; Göbel, M.; Bremer, M.; et al. Fiber Formation and Properties of Polyester/Lignin Blends. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2019, 136 (46), 48257.
Stange, S.; Steudler, S.; Delenk, H.; Werner, A.; Walther, T.; Wagenführ, A. Influence of Environmental Growth Factors on the Biomass and Pigment Production of Chlorociboria Aeruginascens. J Fungi (Basel) 2019, 5 (2).
Steudler, S.; Werner, A.; Walther, T. It Is the Mix That Matters: Substrate-Specific Enzyme Production from Filamentous Fungi and Bacteria Through Solid-State Fermentation. Adv. Biochem. Eng. Biotechnol. 2019, 169, 51–81.
Frazão, C. J. R.; Trichez, D.; Serrano-Bataille, H.; Dagkesamanskaia, A.; Topham, C. M.; Walther, T.; François, J. M. Construction of a Synthetic Pathway for the Production of 1,3-Propanediol from Glucose. Sci Rep 2019, 9 (1), 11576.
Lauterbach, T., Lüke, T., Büker, M.-J., Hedayat, C., Gernandt, T., Moll, R., Grösel, M., Lenk, S., Seidel, F., Brunner, D., Bley, T., Walther, T., Lenk, F.: Measurements on the Fly - Introducing Mobile Micro-Sensors for Biotechnological Applications. Sens. Actuators Phys. (2019)
Stange, S., Steudler, S., Delenk, H.,Werner, A., Walther, T.,Wagenführ, A.: Influence of the Nutrients on the Biomass and Pigment Production of Chlorociboria aeruginascens. Journal of Fungi (2019)
E. Hodder, S.Duin, D. Kilian, T. Ahlfeld, J. Seidel, C. Nachtigall, P. Bush, D. Covill, M. Gelinsky, A. Lode: Investigating the effect of sterilisation methods on physical properties and cytocompatibility of methyl cellulose used in combination with alginate for 3D-bioplotting of chondrocytes.
J Mater Sci Mater Med 2019, 30, 10
Publications in books and journals
Ayubi, M.M., Werner, A., Steudler, S., Haase, S., Lange, R., Walther, T., Hilpmann, G., 2020. Enhanced xylan conversion to xylitol in a bio- and chemocatalytic one-pot process. Catalysis Today.
Steudler, S., Ayubi, M.M., Hilpmann, G., Lange, R., Werner, A., Walther, T., Bley, T., 2020. Immobilization of xylanases on metallic hollow spheres for biochemical catalysis. Catalysis Today.
Brodowsky, H.M., Hennig, A., Müller, M.T., Werner, A., Zhandarov, S., Gohs, U., 2020. Laccase-Enzyme Treated Flax Fibre for Use in Natural Fibre Epoxy Composites. Materials 13, 4529.
Zschätzsch, M., Steudler, S., Reinhardt, O., Bergmann, P., Ersoy, F., Stange, S., Wagenführ, A., Walther, T., Berger, R.G., Werner, A., n.d. Production of natural colorants by liquid fermentation with Chlorociboria aeruginascens and Laetiporus sulphureus and prospective applications. Engineering in Life Sciences n/a.
Reichelt, S., Boschke, E., Reinhardt, O., Walther, T., Lenk, F. (2020) Development of a Gold Nanoparticle-Based Colorimetric Sensor for Water for Injection At-Line Impurity Testing, DOI: 10.1177/2472630320978187
Schott, C., Steingroewer, J., Bley, T., Cikalova, U., Bendjus, B., 2020. Biospeckle‐characterization of hairy root cultures using laser speckle photometry. Eng. Life Sci. elsc.201900161.
Löser, C. Kupsch, C., Walther, T., Hoffmann, A. (2020) A new approach for balancing the microbial synthesis of ethyl acetate and other volatile metabolites during aerobic bioreactor cultivations. Eng. Life Sci. accepted. [DOI 10.1002/elsc.202000047]
Hoffmann, A., Kupsch, C., Walther, T., Löser, C. (2020) Synthesis of ethyl acetate from glucose by Kluyveromyces marxianus, Cyberlindnera jadinii and Wickerhamomyces anomalus depending on the induction mode. Eng. Life Sci. accepted. [10.1002/elsc.202000048]
Frazao C.J.R ,Walther, T., 2020, Syngas and Methanol-Based Biorefinery Concepts. Chem. Ing. Tech., 92, 1680-1699
DOI: 10.1002/cite.202000108
Emmermacher, J.,Spura, D., Cziommer, J., Kilian, D., Wollborn, T., Fritsching, U., Steingroewer, J., Walther, T., Gelinsky, M. and Lode, A.: Engineering considerations on extrusion-based bioprinting: Interactions of material behaviour, mechanical forces and cells in the printing needle. Biofabrication 2020, 12, 025022 (21 Seiten)https://
Ahlfeld, T., Guduric, V., Duin, S., Akkineni, A. R. , Schütz, K., Kilian, D., Emmermacher, J., Cubo-Mateo, N., Dani, S., v. Witzleben, M., Spangenberg, J., Abdelgaber, J., Richter, R. F., Lode, A., Gelinsky, M.: Methylcellulose – a versatile printing material that enables biofabrication of tissue equivalents with high shape fidelity. Biomater Sci 2020, 8, 2102 - 2110
Ibañez, M. V., Leonardi, R. J., Heinrich, j. M., Steingroewer, J., Walther, T., Krujatz, F.: A rapid assessment of the radiative properties from a suspension of Chromochloris zofingiensis. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, Volumes 3–4, 2020, 100007, ISSN 2666-4690, rapid assessment of the radiative properties from a suspension of Chromochloris zofingiensis - ScienceDirect
Schott, C., Steingroewer, J., Cikalova, U., Bendjus, B., Werner, T., Reichelt, M., Eigner, J., 2020. Sensorsystem zur Charakterisierung des Zustandes von in einem Kultivierungsgefäß enthaltenen Proben einer heterogenen Biomassestruktur. DE 10 2016 215 500 B4.
Publications in books and journals
Otto, C., Zirker, P., Walther, T., Lenk, F., 2021. A Flexible System for Stepwise Automation of Microbial Testing of Drinking and Process Water. Journal: SLAS TECHNOLOGY, Link:, DOI: 0.1177/24726303211017534
Pospiech, D., Choińska, R., Flugrat, D., Sahre, K., Jehnichen, D., Korwitz, A., Friedel, P., Werner, A., Voit, B., 2021. Enzymatic Synthesis of Poly(alkylene succinate)s: Influence of Reaction Conditions. Processes 9, 411.
C. Löser, C. Kupsch, T. Walther, A. Hoffmann (2021) A new approach for balancing the microbial synthesis of ethyl acetate and other volatile metabolites during aerobic bioreactor cultivations. Eng. Life Sci. 21 (3-4), 137-153. [DOI 10.1002/elsc.202000047]
A. Hoffmann, C. Kupsch, T. Walther, C. Löser (2021) Synthesis of ethyl acetate from glucose by Kluyveromyces marxianus, Cyberlindnera jadinii and Wickerhamomyces anomalus depending on the induction mode. Eng. Life Sci. 21 (3-4), 154-168. [10.1002/elsc.202000048]
A. Hoffmann, A. Franz, S. Nguyen, C. Löser, T. Walther (2021) Synthesis of ethyl acetate from delactosed whey permeate by Kluyveromyces marxianus. New Bioprocesses, New Bioproducts, Frankfurt/ Main: Dechema, p. 104 (online 10.-12.5.2021, Poster).
Krujatz (2021) Characterization of thermophilic microalgae for their application as natural oxygen producers in regenerative medicine, 13th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, Berlin.
Krujatz, F. & Mühlstädt, G. (2021) Algenbiotechnologie 4.0 - von der Kinetik zur Prozessautomation, AlgenSummit2021, Wien.
Krujatz (2021) Green Bioprinting - a tool for creating functional 3D-cell structures, BIOTECH2020, Prag
Publications in books and journals
Trautz, M., Saez, D. L., Grizmann, D., Werner, A. Myzelkomposit als vielseitig einsetzbarer, kreislaufgerechter Werkstoff für das Bauen. nbau, NACHALTIG BAUEN, 1 (2022) Heft 2
Saez, D.; Grizmann, D.; Trautz, M.; Werner, A. Exploring the Binding Capacity of Mycelium and Wood-Based Composites for Use in Construction. Biomimetics 2022, 7, 78. biomimetics7020078
Franke, S., Steingröwer, J., Walther, T., Krujatz, F., 2022. The Oxygen Paradigm—Quantitative Impact of High Concentrations of Dissolved Oxygen on Kinetics and Large-Scale Production of Arthrospira Platensis. ChemEngineering 6(1):14. doi: 10.3390/chemengineering6010014.
Krujatz, F., Dani, S., Windisch, J., Emmermacher, J., Hahn, F., Mosshammer, M., Murthy, S., Steingröwer, J., Walther, T., Kühl, M., Gelinsky, M., Lode, A., 2022. Think Outside the Box: 3D Bioprinting Concepts for Biotechnological Applications – Recent Developments and Future Perspectives. Biotechnology Advances 107930. doi: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2022.107930.
Nosratimovafagh, A., Fereidouni, A.E., Krujatz, F., 2022. Modeling and Optimizing the Effect of Light Color, Sodium Chloride and Glucose Concentration on Biomass Production and the Quality of Arthrospira Platensis Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Life 12(3):371. doi: 10.3390/life12030371.
Dani, S., Windisch, J., Guerrero, X. M. V., Bernhardt, A., Gelinsky, M., Krujatz, F., Lode, A. (2022): Selection of a suitable photosynthetically active microalgae strain for the co-cultivation with mammalian cells. Front Bioengin Biotechnol, 10, 994134
Bleisch, R., Freitag, L., Ihadjadene, Y., Sprenger, U., Steingröwer, J., Walther, T., Krujatz, F. (2022) Strain Development in Microalgal Biotechnology—Random Mutagenesis Techniques. Life, 12, 961.
Ibañez, M.V.; Leonardi, R.J.; Krujatz, F.; Heinrich, J.M. (2022) The Assessment of the Real-Time Radiative Properties and Productivity of Limnospira platensis in Tubular Photobioreactors. Life, 12, 1014.
Ihadjadene, Y.; Walther, T.; Krujatz, F. (2022) Optimized Protocol for Microalgae DNA Staining with SYTO9/SYBR Green I, Based on Flow Cytometry and RSM Methodology: Experimental Design, Impacts and Validation. Methods Protoc., 5, 76.
Talks and posters
Cämmerer, M.-P., Schott, C., Steingroewer, J. : 9. IMS-Anwendertreffen, Unna, März 2022, IMS-basiertes Monitoring-System zur Optimierung der Prozessführung für die Wirkstoffgewinnung mit Mikroalgen
N. Wagner, F. Bade, K. Rabe, T. Walther (2022). Engineering E. coli for the carbon-conserving conversion of ethylene glycol to acetyl-CoA and derived products. Future Bioprocesses for a Sustainable Industry, Himmelfahrtstagung, Mainz (23. – 25. Mai, Vortrag).
N. Wagner, F. Bade, K. Rabe, T. Walther (2022). Engineering E. coli for the carbon-conserving conversion of ethylene glycol to acetyl-CoA and derived products. (Bio)Process Engineering - a Key to Sustainable Development, Dechema, Aachen (12. – 15. September, Poster)
N. Wagner, C. Frazão, T. Walther (2022). Ethylene glycol is an interesting platform molecule for microbial CO2-based product syntheses. (Bio)Process Engineering - a Key to Sustainable Development, Dechema, Aachen (12. – 15. September, Poster)
Ihadjadene, Y., Walther, T., Krujatz, F. (2022) Optimization of microalgae DNA staining with SYTO9/SYBR Green I using Flow Cytometry and RSM methodology: experimental design, impacts and validation. Bundesalgenstammtisch, Frankfurt/Main.
Krujatz (2022) Green Bioprinting – Microalgae and their role in regenerative therapies, 40. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für klinische Mikrozirkulation und Hämorheologie e.V., Senftenberg
Boldt, A.; Walter, J.; Jaeger, C.; Walther, T. (2022). Cell-free synthesis of silver nanoparticles in spent media of different Aspergillus sp.
F. Kraußer, A. Hoff, M. Hobusch, E. Straube, K. Rabe, T. Walther (2022). Cell-free ATP regeneration from low-cost substrate pyruvate enables efficient sn-glycerol 3-phosphate synthesis. Future Bioprocesses for a Sustainable Industry, Himmelfahrtstagung, Mainz (23. – 25. Mai, Poster).
Nguyen T.A.S., Ihle N., Frazão C.J.R., Walther T. (2022). Metabolic pathway for biosynthesis of (L)-2,4-dihydroxybutyric acid (DHB) for the sustainable production of the methionine analogon HMTB. Future Bioprocesses for a Sustainable Industry, Himmelfahrtstagung, Mainz (23. – 25. Mai, Poster).
Frazao, C; Walther, T.: Verfahren zur Herstellung von 2,4-Dihydroxybutyrat oder L-Threonin unter Nutzung eines mikrobiellen Stoffwechselweges. DE 10 2021 101 004 B3
Publications in books and journals
Gießel, A.; Ziebart, N.; Lenk, F.; Walther, T., 2023. Reliable and inexpensive dissolved oxygen sensing materials. J. Appl. Electrochem., DOI: 10.1007/s10800-023-02001-y
Wagner, N., Wen, L., Frazão, C. J. R., and Walther, T., 2023. Next-generation feedstocks methanol and ethylene glycol and their potential in industrial biotechnology. Biotechnol. Adv., 108276. doi: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2023.108276
Wagner, N.; Bade, F.; Straube, E.; Rabe, K.; Frazão, C. J. R.; Walther, T., 2023. In vivo implementation of a synthetic metabolic pathway for the carbon-conserving conversion of glycolaldehyde to acetyl-CoA. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 11.
Frazão, C. J. R.; Wagner, N.; Rabe, K.; Walther, T. Construction of a Synthetic Metabolic Pathway for Biosynthesis of 2,4-Dihydroxybutyric Acid from Ethylene Glycol. Nat Commun 2023, 14 (1), 1931.
Hoffmann, A.; Franz, A.; Walther, T.; Löser, C. Utilization of Delactosed Whey Permeate for the Synthesis of Ethyl Acetate with Kluyveromyces Marxianus. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2023.
Boldt, A.; Walter, J.; Hofbauer, F.; Stetter, K.; Aubel, I.; Bertau, M.; Jäger, C. M.; Walther, T. Cell-Free Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles in Spent Media of Different Aspergillus Species. Eng Life Sci 2023, 23 (3), e202200052.
Talks and posters
N. Wagner, F. Kraußer, C. Frazão, T. Walther (2023). Ethylene glycol is an interesting platform molecule for microbial CO2-based product syntheses. Himmelfahrtstagung on Bioprocess Engineering 2023, Weimar (15. – 17. Mai, Poster)