Die Professur stellt sich vor
Die Professur für Verarbeitungsmaschinen/Verarbeitungstechnik ist Teil des Instituts für Naturstofftechnik und beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung innovativer Automatisierungssysteme. Durch die interdisziplinäre Integration verschiedener Fachkompetenzen werden maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für die Konsumgüterindustrie entwickelt, mit besonderem Fokus auf die Modularisierung und Flexibilisierung von Prozessen entlang der Wertschöpfungskette.

Chair of Processing Machines/ Processing Technology
The Chair of Processing Machines/ Processing Technology at TU Dresden looks back on a 60-year tradition of research and teaching. Since its foundation, it has been dedicated to the development and design of machines and systems for the production of mass consumer goods, particularly in the field of packaged food. It combines classic mechanical engineering principles with the specific requirements of the consumer goods industry to create innovative solutions for modern and efficient manufacturing processes.
A particular focus is on the modularization and flexibilization of production processes in order to enable the efficient and sustainable production of consumer goods. Interdisciplinary research approaches are used to harmonize mechanical engineering possibilities with the complex challenges of industrial processing. The Chair sees itself as a competent partner to industry and develops pioneering technologies for a wide range of applications.
Students benefit from a practice-oriented education with close links to industry. They acquire sound knowledge in the analysis, development and optimization of processing machines and are prepared in a targeted manner for the requirements of the modern manufacturing industry. Internships and industry-related projects enable them to apply theoretical knowledge directly in practice.
The Chair's current core research areas include the investigation of processing properties and process modeling for polymer and natural fibre-based packaging materials as well as the analysis and optimization of industrial cleaning processes in the food industry. The use of state-of-the-art simulation and modeling methods sets new standards in processing and packaging technology.
More on the topic: Research fields