Rope Technology
- Bending fatigue tests (CBOS-Test)
- Testing the rotational behavior of rotation resistant rope constructions
- Efficiency determination of the system rope-sheaves
- Testing of the lateral force stability
- Friction determination system rope-traction sheave
- Individual friction tests
- Individual lateral force tests
- Rope inspections/failure evaluations
- Lifetime estimation of running wire ropes with method "Leipzig”
- Rope drive analysis - design and service life in applications
- Bending fatigue test benches for rope diameters 8 mm to 42 mm
- Elevator test rigs for traction sheaves and winches
- Friction test rig according to DIN 21258
- Testing devices for the load and rotational behaviour of wire ropes - elongation, rotation angle and torque
- Universal testing machine for tensile, compression and torque loads
Wire rope testing and research
Friction test rig for wire ropes
wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
NameMr Dr.-Ing. Martin Anders
Leiter AG Materialflusstechnik
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