Apr 04, 2023
lectures and elective course
In the summer semester there will be 3 event series on the topic of gender-sensitive medicine:
- the GenderLectures of the GenderConceptGroup of the TU Dresden
- the lecture series "Gender-sensitive medicine" of the MEDiC
- the elective course "Gender-sensitive medicine" in the regular course of studies in human medicine.
Information is available here: https://tu-dresden.de/gsw/forschung/projekte/weitere-forschungsprojekte-an-den-fakultaeten/genderconceptgroup/projekte/genderlectures or via the ePortal (-> Study programs/ Interdisciplinary courses/ Gender-sensitive medicine) or in Selma. Enrollment in lecture series and elective with access to further information and course materials will start at the end of March.