Jan 16, 2025
Study place via the preliminary quota according to the Saxon Rural Physicians Act
Since the winter semester 2022/23, 6.5 percent of places in the Free State of Saxony in medicine and the model degree course in human medicine have been allocated to prospective GPs who want to work in rural areas in particular. The next application period begins on January 15. Those interested can apply for a place to study medicine via the preliminary quota in accordance with the Saxon Rural Doctors Act for the winter semester 2025/2026 until February 28. A web-based information event will take place on Wednesday, January 22.
In rural areas in particular, but also in the city of Chemnitz, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Saxony (KVS) to fill the vacancies for contract doctors and ensure that care is provided in line with demand. The Free State of Saxony wants to counteract this. As part of the preliminary quota in accordance with the Saxon Rural Doctors Act, study places are awarded to applicants who would like to work in rural areas and are very interested in working as a GP. These study places are therefore available outside of the regular numerus clausus regime. This was made possible by the resolution of the Saxon Rural Doctors Act.
The State Directorate of Saxony carries out its own selection procedure for this purpose. This takes into account aspects that are important for working as a GP in rural or underserved areas and from which the motivation to work as a GP in rural areas can be inferred.
In return, students are expected to complete further training after graduation that entitles them to become a GP. The further training must be completed in the Free State of Saxony. The young doctors must then work for at least ten years as a contract doctor in an area for which a special need has been identified by the KVS. This is set out in a public law contract with the Free State of Saxony, which defines these and other obligations. This should be taken into account when deciding on an application.
Chemnitz, Dresden or Leipzig are possible study locations. One or more preferred locations can be specified. The better the overall result in the selection process, the higher the chance that the first choice will be considered.
Program and application procedure: https://www.lds.sachsen.de/soziales/?art_param=978
Information event:
On Wednesday, January 22, 2025 between 4 and 5:30 p.m. a web-based information event on the application, admission and selection procedure of the Saxon Rural Physicians Act will take place. A ticket for participation can be purchased at the following link: https://mitdenken.sachsen.de/1047828.