May 11, 2022
CAMINO recruits Advanced Clinician Scientists - application deadline 31.05.2022
CAMINO is one of eight BMBF-funded Advanced Clinician Scientist programs in Germany. The "Career Advancement in MultIdimeNsional tumOr targeting" program, aims to support Advanced Clinician Scientists (ACS) at the interface between clinic and research. Flexible career support measures and dedicated time for research are designed to enable CAMINO ACS to link their research with interdisciplinary and innovative patient care. Research is aligned along oncological research pipelines and This allows CAMINO fellows to form research alliances with experts from the biomedical campus Dresden. Clinical career development and the option for target positions will be ensured by the integration of clinical mentors and long-term agreements. The target group of the CAMINO program are senior physicians who would like to establish themselves in the field of translational oncological research in the long term.
Find a program overview on
CAMINOS Webpage , as well as the first
CAMINO Call 2022 for Advanced Clinician Scientists.
FUNDING includes a Clinician Scientist position for up to 6 years with flexible time for research (25-100%) plus additional money for personnel, consumables, etc (up to 130.000€ per year).
A RECRUITMENT SYMPOSIUM will take place on 01.07.2022 hybrid.
If you have any questions regarding the call get in touch with the CAMINO team: Contact information