06.05.2025; Vortrag
Women@DDc Webinar for Women in Science
Dr. Susanne Liermann
Stefanie Kohl
Women@DDc Webinar for Women in Science
How to apply for an ERC Starting Grant
Tuesday, 6 May 2025: 9:00 am to 11:00 am
Language: English
Format: Online
Open to female scientists from the Women@DDc Network and those who want to join the network.
Please register via LinkedIn or by email to by 30 April 2025. The Meeting-Link (MS Teams) will be provided by email before the event. Be sure to indicate a correct email address when registering on LinkedIn.
The Women@DDc Network is a joint initiative from the Diversity Management Unit of TU Dresden, the Barkhausen Institut, and the Head Office of DRESDEN-conceptresearch alliance to connect female researchers and scientists of all status groups as well as female science managers within the DRESDEN-concept research alliance and to make them more visible.
Your Women@DDc core team