Welcome to the website of our Research Administration!
Here you can find information on research projects and research foci of the Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus and its external partners, administrative assistance for preparing research proposals, current job advertisements and information about our resources for research. Pre-doctoral research students and those seeking a post-doctoral qualification (Habilitation) will find relevant documents and other information under “Postgraduates”.

Science Support and International Collaborations
The Department of Science Support and International Collaborations is in particular responsible for the technical and formal counselling of the project managers with regards to research proposals in the field of basic research. Furthermore, it is responsible for academic graduations and the collection and analysis of research-related data. Moreover, the department is responsible for the research and evaluation of vacancies and funding measures of public funders, the promotion of junior scientific staff, mentoring programmes, project initiations, and supports the transfer of knowledge and technologies.
Are you looking for a contact person for a specific request? Get in touch with us. You can find the contact persons and their contact details on our contact page.