Oct 28, 2024
Science Days 2024
Following last year's success, the SCIENCE DAYS took place again this year, this time organized under the umbrella of the Dresden School of Clinical Science and with the participation of several junior research programmes. The overarching theme was “Team Science”.
The first day began with an inspiring talk by Valentin Slepukhin (Leipzig) on the topic of Mentorship in Science. In a varied panel discussion on team science, Tilman Rachner & Andy Göbel (MSNZ group leaders, Dresden), Jan-Niklas Eckhard (Cancilico, Dresden), Jennifer von Schlichting & Russell Hodge (science x media Tandem, Berlin) and Charlotte Steenblock & Rocio Sancho (transCampus, Dresden/London) then discussed the advantages and challenges of working in a team. After a well-deserved lunch, Helena Jambor (Chur) continued with a workshop on Visualization in Team Science. In the evening, the young scientists had the opportunity to present their research projects in a poster session. The poster prize was won by the young scientist tandem Paul Warnke and Johannes Achberger. - Congratulations!
Day two started with a presentation by Caspar van Lissa, who had traveled all the way from Tilburg (NL) to give insights into his work with and about Team Science. The young scientists were then able to find their “perfect match” in a speed networking session. Finally, there was the opportunity to pitch their own project with a flash talk. The prize for the best presentation went to Ielizaveta Gorodetzka, who was able to convince the audience the most. - Congratulations to her!
With more than 70 participants, the Science Days were once again a complete success this year!