Emergent Functions of Bacterial Multicellularity
Welcome to Priority Program SPP2389, an interdisciplinary initiative founded by DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgesellchaft) to unveil the intricated paths, regulation systems and structures shown by bacterial multicellularity. The program focused on evaluating, observing, and learning bacterial multicellularity expressed in traits and emergent functions.
Thus it focuses on two main principles, "the Form and the Functions," associated with this bacteria cycle life part.
What's more, it is looking forward to changing the paradigm that bacteria are unicellular organisms; because bacteria are multicellular organisms, at least at some point in their life!
Emergent Functions of Bacterial Multicellularity
This Priority Programme aims to establish the concept of bacteria as multicellular microorganisms as it lives, at least temporarily, in stable and highly organised structures as tissue-like populations. Making evident the need for future research and understanding. These microbial tissues exhibit properties and physiological characteristics beyond individual cell levels.
Consequently, the study of bacterial multicellularity rests on two pillars: (i) FORM is the spatiotemporal positioning of phenotypically specialised cells in stable filaments or tissue-like aggregates that provides the cellular framework for (ii) the emergence of unique and distinctively multicellular FUNCTIONS that only occur in the multicellular context and/or are exclusively physiologically meaningful there. Such a challenging endeavour requires establishing a tight and highly interactive network that brings together and coordinates a group of multidisciplinary experts who share a passion for the concept of bacterial multicellularity.
This unprecedented initiative gathers a high-level scientific network that will study and develop the concept in an internationally competitive manner working together to unveil the secrets of bacteria multicellularity. Thus, 31 leading research groups in the field of bacterial multicellularity will collaborate over the next few years and focus on either form or emergent function to headway the field of bacterial multicellularity.
Without a doubt, this collective strategy creates the proper framework to drive new research ideas and knowledge, leading them to develop the bacteria multicellularity concept successfully. Furthermore, the initiative opens a dynamic and diverse communication strategy to disseminate concepts and expertise to a broader audience.