Prof. Jan J. Weigand

Prof. Dr. Jan J. Weigand
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Jan J. Weigand obtained his diploma in chemistry in 2002 and his Dr. rer nat. in 2005 from the LMU in Munich. He was awarded in 2005 with the Bavarian culture prize and obtained a Lynen Scholarship from the AvH foundation for postdoctoral research at Dalhousie University in Halifax (Canada). He returned to Germany with a “Lynen Return Fellwopship” and started his habilitation at the WWU Münster end of 2007 under the supervision of Prof. Hahn. He was awarded shortly after with the Liebig scholarship of the FCI which allowed him in 2008 to start his independent career. In April 2010 he became fellow of the very prestigious Emmy Noether research program awarded by the DFG and obtained recently the Wöhler research award for young scientist. Very recently, in July 2012, he also obtained from the EC (European council) an “ERC starting grant”. In the beginning of 2013 he became Professor at the TU Dresden and took over the Industrial Chemistry in 2015 and thus, combines the research areas of inorganic molecular chemistry, recycling and extraction chemistry as well as industrial chemistry. Jan J. Weigand is active in several community services such as Chairman of the GDCh (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker) in Dresden (since 2015), Vice Dean of International Affairs of the School of Science (since 2018) and Dean of Studies of Chemistry and Food Chemistry (since 2019). His group is interested in multiply charged and neutral main group element compounds, their reactivities in synthesis and sustainable applications. In addition the group actively focuses on the recovery and recycling of rare earth metals and value-added chemicals and elements (recovery of Lithium, recycling of FCC catalysts).