Powder Diffraction System Panalytical X’Pert PRO
Routine measurements for phase analysis of flatbed samples and capillaries, high-resolution measurements for Rietveld refinement, heating and cooling measurements under vacuum and inert gas conditions.
Cu-Kα1 (λ = 0.15406 nm, LFF-Cu-X-ray tube, max. 1600 W (40 kV / 40 mA) alternatively with Ge(111)-Johansson-Monochromator, Ge(220)-Hybridmonochrmomator or Secondary monochromator
Goniometer und Detector:
Bragg-Brentano-Geometry with PIXcel-Detector, variable construction through PreFix-Modules
- 15-fold sample changer for flatbed samples with the possibility to use different measuring programs per sample
- Variable screens for constant irradiated sample surfaces
- Optional Construction for transmission measurement possible
Private Lecturer and Associated Professor
NameMr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Thomas Doert
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Chemie/Hydrowissenschaften, CHE 456 Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden