Ground-breaking Ceremony for New Office and Laboratory Building at TU Dresden

l.t.r.: Prof. Ursula M. Staudinger, Dr. Andreas Handschuh, Dr. Volkhard Gürtler.
The TU Dresden has started construction work for a new office and laboratory building on Stadtgutstraße, close to the campus. For the first time, the university is also taking over the construction management under its own direction. By August next year, 1,200 square meters of office and lab space will be built. The Chair for Molecular Functional Materials, which is integrated in the Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed), as well as the Cluster of Excellence Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter (ct.qmat) will move in.
"The project is an important step for the further development of our university. Prof. Feng's research group on Molecular Functional Materials and Prof. Ruck's group from the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat will find optimal conditions for their excellent work here", explains the Rector of TU Dresden, Prof. Ursula M. Staudinger. "The fact that they are moving into a new home together also offers opportunities for even stronger interdisciplinary cooperation in the future," she adds.