Anton Bleisch M.Sc.
NameAnton Bleisch M.Sc.
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Visiting address:
Professur Organische Chemie I
Neubau Chemische Institute, Raum 251
Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
Anton started his chemistry education at the TU Dresden, having first contact with synthetic organic chemistry in the group of Prof. Metz. During his following master studies in Dresden, with an intermediate stay at the NTNU in Trondheim/Norway, he synthesized novel deep blue phosphorescent emitters for the use in OLEDs in the group of Prof. Straßner. After an internship at Novaled, regarding the synthesis of highly advanced doping materials for OLEDs, he joined the Plietker group for his PhD thesis. Because of his continuous interests in medicinal chemistry, he is now working on the discovery and synthesis of new biologically active type-B PPAPs with an immediate focus on PPAP-metal-complexation and PPAP derivatization. Outside the lab, Anton likes to hike, play board games and is the right person to ask for some dance lessons.