Büşra Sert

Photo by Antoine Leudière
I am a PhD fellow in real algebraic geometry group. My advisor is Mario Kummer.
I am interested in combinatorial aspects of spectrahedral representability. I like having geometry and programming components in my research.
I was a mentor in the directed reading program DRP Turkey. My mentee was Deniz Naz Demirel.
I gave a Kinder Science Slam talk on 08.07.2022. The title was: Lasst uns die Extrempunkte der Polytope Bestimmen!
Matroids on Eight Elements with the Half-plane Property and Related Concepts (Joint work with Mario Kummer) ArXiv Zenodo
Combinatorial Methods for Minkowski Tensors of Polytopes (Joint work with Amy Wiebe and Niklas Livchitz) ArXiv
Additional Materials:
- Data Base of Matroids on Eight and Nine Elements with the Half-plane Property and SOS-Rayleigh (Joint work with Mario Kummer) Zenodo
- Code files for testing the HPP of matroids Github
- Code files for an algorihm for the chamber complex Github
Recent Talks:
- The Half-Plane Property of Matroids, Related Concepts, and an Algorithm. 13.07.2022. TU Berlin, Berlin.
- Matroids on 8 (and 9) Elements with the Half-Plane Property and Related Concepts. 21.06.2022. MEGA 2022, Krakow.
- An Algorithm for Testing the Half-Plane Property of Matroids.03.03.2022. CIRM, Marseille. Slides
- Introductory talks on hyperbolic polynomials and related concepts. 9.11.2021 and 16.11.2021. TU Dresden.
- Spectrahedral Representability and Matroids. 30.07.2021. MPI MIS, Leipzig.
- Some Concepts from Real Algebraic Geometry. 26.03.2021. Balikesir University. (Online)
- Combinatorial Methods for Minkowski Tensors of Polytopes. 24.03.2021. UCGEN Seminars. (Online)Video
- Matroid Polytopes, the Half-Plane Property and More. 1-3.12.2020. BYMAT 2020. (Online Poster Presentation)
- A Study on the Chamber Complex. 13.05.2020. FU Berlin. (Online)
Travel (Mostly Online):
- Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry (MEGA) 2022. 20-24.06.2022. Krakow, Poland.
- Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel. 28.02-04.03. 2022. CIRM, Marseille, France.
BIRS-CMO Workshop, "Real Polynomials: Counting and Stability". 17-22.10.2021. (Online)
- SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry. 16-20.08.2021. (Online)
- International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation-ISSAC. 18-23.07.2021. (Online)
- Minicourse on Convex Geometry. 5-16.07.2021. MPI MIS, Leipzig.
- Effective methods in Algebraic Geometry-MEGA. 7-11.06.2021. (Online)
- Bringing Young Mathematicians Together- BYMAT. 1-3.12.2020. (Online)
- International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation-ISSAC. 20-23.07.2020. (Online)
- Research Retreat of Thematic Einstein Semester “Algebraic Geometry - Varieties, Polyhedra, Computation”. 18-20.12.2019. Brandenburg.
Turkish(mother tongue), English(advanced), German(intermediate), French(intermediate), Greek(beginner)
Office 246, Zellescher Weg 23, 01069 Dresden