Contributors to AIX 2021
- Organizers
- Institutions
- Scientists
- Artists
- Additional moderator and additional supporter
- Participants
The workshop is organized by the TU Dresden team of the Erasmus+ project STEAM INC. (STEAM Innovation and Curriculum, for further information: see below). The team is:
Daniel Lordick, Prof. Dr.-Ing., Head of GMV
Daniel Lordick studied architecture at the TU Berlin and the Carleton University in Ottawa. He holds a doctoral degree from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology for a dissertation in the field of line geometry and is professor at the TU Dresden, leading the research group Geometric Modelling and Visualization. He is involved in several interdisciplinary research projects in the fields of architecture, civil engineering and additive manufacturing.
Henriette Greulich, head of the Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching (ZiLL)
The academic background of Henriette Greulich lies in Higher Education Didactics and religious science which she studied at Leipzig, Jerusalem and Buenos Aires. After being involved in an international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work in Cameroun she is currently heading the Centre for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching (ZiLL) at the TU Dresden. ZiLL centrally coordinates and promotes interdisciplinary and/or research-oriented teaching and learning in order to strengthen an interdisciplinary mind-set of students and teaching staff. For this, it promotes innovative, active teaching/learning processes as well as the development of interdisciplinary “Landmark teaching projects”.
Robert Fischer, Dr. des., M. A., Senior Research Associate at the Chair of Industrial Design Engineering
Robert Fischer started working as a research associate at the Chair of Industrial Design Engineering in 2019. After studying history, English language and literature as well as political and social sciences in Erfurt and Mexico City, he received his doctorate in 2016 at the University of Erfurt on an urban history at the US-Mexico border. Parallel to his doctorate he worked in various DFG-projects and was a founding member of the interdisciplinary research group Erfurt SpaceTime Research. Since 2017 Robert has been working in research management at the TU Dresden - especially in the areas of project initiation, interdisciplinary cooperation, process and project management as well as strategic thinking. In doing so, he made intensive use of the Design Thinking method box.
Lisa Nickolaus
Lisa Nickolaus studied mathematics, art and high school teaching at the TU Dresden. Since 2019 she works as a research assistant at the Faculty of Mathematics to develop and realize interdisciplinary workshops and talent programs for pupils and to connect STEM and Art to STEAM – an interdisciplinary approach for higher education on a European level. In addition, she studies computer science and works at the Deutsches Hygiene Museum as curatorial research assistant for the upcoming exhibition Artificial Intelligence.
The following organizations are supporting AIX 2021.
Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden
With the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden, TU Dresden and THE SCHAUFLER FOUNDATION have established a lively forum for a forward-looking dialogue between science, art and society. In this project, young researchers and artists come together across disciplinary boundaries to question current technologies, their origins, and their impacts on our modern world.
The 1st project phase of the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden, starting in 2020, addresses the question of how artificial intelligence changes cultural and societal structures and how, on the other hand, AI itself is produced and changed by these structures.
STEAM Innovation and Curriculum, STEAM INC.
STEAM INC. provides the methodological background for the workshop. STEAM thinking is a process which promotes collaboration between the Arts and the Sciences. Its direct relation, STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering and Mathematics) thinking, has typically been promoted as a way of delivering the skills required for the high-tech, high value jobs of the future, and so seen as critical to economic prosperity.
STEAM thinking and disciplines are becoming more common and relevant to the higher education sector, in order to ensure that students are prepared for the inter-disciplinary nature of jobs of the future. In the STEAM INC. partnership 6 higher educational institutions currently elaborate STEAM approaches, Birmingham City University leads the partnership with the following partners:
- Central St Martins College, University of Arts London
- Trinity College - Science Gallery Dublin
- Aalto University, Helsinki
- Amsterdam University
- Dresden Technical University
The seventh partner is Ars Electronica, which is a unique world renowned platform for art, technology and society hosting an annual festival in September each year, where the work of STEAM INC. will be showcased, tested and demonstrated.
The European Union is funding the project within the Erasmus+ program. Further information can be found at the link below.
Simon Meier-Vieracker, Prof. Dr., Chair of Applied Linguistics

Simon Meier-Vieracker
Simon Meier-Vieracker is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the TU Dresden. His research focuses on corpus linguistics, discourse linguistics and media linguistics. He investigates communication in digital, especially social media, using digital methods from corpus linguistics and text mining. Areas of application are the relationship between language and politics and between language and sports.
Sunna Torge, Dr., senior researcher at ScaDS.AI
Sunna Torge is a senior researcher in the national AI and Big Data competence center ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig (ZIH, TU Dresden). She obtained a diploma degree in Mathematics (University of Freiburg) and a PhD in Computer Science (LMU München). Before joining ScaDS.AI, she was a member of the research group "man-machine-interface" at Sony International (Europe) and held a full professorship for Theoretical Computer Science at the University of Applied Science Furtwangen. Her main research topics include Natural Language Processing with a focus on domain-specific text analysis and topic detection.
Karsten Wendt, Dr.-Ing., Researcher at the Chair of Software Technology

Karsten Wendt
Karsten Wendt's main research topics are:
- Model-based machine learning
- Data-driven software engineering
- Multi-objective optimization
- Software product lines (for digital health systems)
- Adaptive & emergent software systems
Christian Kosmas Mayer

Christian Kosmas Mayer
Since summer 2020, the Viennese artist Christian Kosmas Mayer is the first Artist in Residence at the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden. Together with early-career researchers at the Schaufler Kolleg@TU Dresden and through exchange with various university departments, Christian Kosmas Mayer conducts artistic research on the lab’s first main research topic: 'Artificial intelligence as factor and consequence of societal and cultural change'.
His cross-media art objects and installations are based on detailed research into history and contemporary society as a means of critically re-evaluating past and present. He achieves this by placing evolutionary and natural phenomena into the framework of cultural history and science. Mayer’s artistic work focuses on the critical exploration of archiving and conserving as deliberate acts that create history, shape the present, and point to the future.
Anton Ginzburg

Anton Ginzburg
From January to June 2021, the New York artist Anton Ginzburg is the second Artist in Residence at the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden. Anton Ginzburg‘s art encompasses a range of media: video, installation, sculpture, painting, and printmaking. The focus of his project at TU Dresden is an investigation of concepts of creativity and cultural labor in a historical context. Taking early modern methods of artistic practice and the legacy of 20th century modernist artistic vocabulary as a starting point, Ginzburg reflects on the current strategies of the technological mechanization of work, such as machine learning, and their influence on contemporary artistic practices.
Additional moderator and additional supporter
The interdisciplinary working groups will be moderated by members of the organizing team. We are pleased to announce one additional moderator:
Felix Schmitt, Dipl.-Ing., Junior Research Associate at the Chair of Industrial Design Engineering
Felix Schmitt studied mechanical engineering at TU Dresden with focus on industrial design engineering. After graduating in 2019 he joined the chair as a research associate mainly focusing on future concepts of (swarm-) intelligent agricultural and construction machinery. Besides he is involved in a project that uses gamification to increase motivation for compliant driving among bicycle commuters.
Technical support
We are happy to be technically supported by Lalith Manjunath, a student assistent at the TU Dresden.
Gruppe I: Language and text mining
Qi Chen, Aalto University, Helsinki
Haiwen Han, Technische Universität Dresden
Miriam Herdt, University Leipzig / ScaDS.AI
Rita Jordan, Technische Universität Dresden
Robin Koetzle, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden (HfBK)
Jeongki Lim, Aalto University, Helsinki
Shivani Mathur, University of Art London (UAL)
Juan Esteban Suarez, CASUS-HZDR (Dresden)
Gruppe II: Language and text mining
Sophia Cakova, Central Saint Martins, London
Sheena Calvert, University of the Arts, London
Otso Havanto, Aalto University, Helsinki
Erik Marx, Technische Universität Dresden
Sandra Mooshammer, Technische Universität Dresden
Karolin Randhahn, Porzellansammlung, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (SKD)
Sonja Thiel, Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe
Kay-Michael Würzner, Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB)
Gruppe III: Image processing and music generation
Elena Bevilacqua, Central Saint Martins, London
Thomas Efer, Universität Leipzig / Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Svenja Lammers, Technische Universität Dresden
Jana Lütkewitte, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden (HfBK)
Eduardo Jacobo Miranda Ackerman, MPI-CBG, Dresden
Gergely Pogany, University Leipzig / ScaDS.AI
M Wingren, Aalto University, Helsinki
Moris Zahtila, Technische Universität Dresden
Gruppe IV: Image processing and music generation
Jesus Gabriel Diaz, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden (HfBK)
Lucy Dukes, University of Art London (UAL)
Niels-Christian Fritsche, Technische Universität Dresden
Raphael Hildebrand, University Leipzig / ScaDS.AI
Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss, Technische Universität Dresden
Debra Pollarini, University of Art London (UAL)
Nico Scherf, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig
Marija Tosic, Metropolitan University Belgrade / Nissatech Innovation Centre