Seminar Geometric Methods in Mathematics
This is the website of the research seminar of Uli (Prof. Dr. Ulrich Krähmer) and his group. The talks usually cover topics such as homological algebra and category theory, noncommutative algebra and geometry, or Hopf algebras and their generalisations. The target audience consists of PhD and MSc students who write their thesis in one of these areas. Of course everyone is welcome, please contact us to be added to the email list if you want to join.
There will be a blend of external and internal speakers giving formal and informal talks, or we just read and discuss as a group, sometimes focussing for a few weeks on one topic. The only rule is that we meet each week in term time.
Unless otherwise indicated, the seminar takes place every Monday at 3:00 PM (CEST/CET). It is streamed on BigBlueButton: We will try to stream even the offline talks, so that people outside of Dresden will not miss out on anything.
In person talks will most likely happen in the room WIL C103.
Please register for the Mailing-List via:
The speakers for the winter term 2024/25 are:
Monday |
Guy Boyde, Utrecht University |
Monday 28.10.2024 |
Sarah Brauner, Brown University |
Thursday 07.11.2024 |
Réamonn Ó Buachalla, Charles University in Prague |
Monday 11.11.2024 |
Hans-Christian Herbig, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro |
Wednesday 13.11.2024 | Jonathan Lindell, Uppsala University
On the first relative Hochschild cohomology and contracted fundamental group |
Monday 18.11.2024 |
Jonas Nehme, Universität Bonn |
Monday 25.11.2024 | Patricia Commins, University of Minnesota Invariant theory for the face algebra of the braid arrangement Abstract: The hyperplanes of the braid arrangement subdivide n-dimensional Euclidean space into faces. The faces turn out to carry a monoid structure, and the associated monoid algebra -- the face algebra -- is well-studied, especially in relation to card shuffling and other Markov chains. In this talk, we explore the action of the symmetric group on the face algebra. Bidigare proved the invariant subalgebra of the face algebra is (anti)isomorphic to a well-known subalgebra of the symmetric group algebra called Solomon's descent algebra. We answer the more general question: what is the structure of the face algebra as a simultaneous representation of the symmetric group and Solomon's descent algebra? |
Monday 02.12.2024 | Ivan Bartulović, TU Dresden
Duplicial functors, entwined coalgebras and Hopf modules |
Friday, 13.12.2024 | Severin Barmeier, University of Cologne
From Fukaya categories of orbifold surfaces to representation theory of associative algebras |
Monday 16.12.2024 |
Johannes Flake, Universität Bonn
Monoidal adjunctions and Drinfeld centers |
Monday, 06.01.2025 |
Ulrich Krähmer, TU Dresden As there is still |
Monday, 13.01.2025 | Sylvie Paycha, Universität Potsdam A transformation group in the locality framework and renormalisation In the locality framework, sets are enhanced to locality sets, namely to sets endowed with a symmetric binary relation-called locality relation- which captures essential features of locality in quantum field theory. Accordingly, monoids generalise to locality monoids, the product being replaced by a partial product defined on the graph of the locality relation. Locality maps between locality sets should be compatible with the locality relations and locality morphisms of locality monoids are locality maps that preserve the unit and factorise on products of pairs in the graph of such locality relations. This factorisation is a key property in the context of renormalisation, which served as a motivation for us to introduce the notion of locality in the first place. There, locality plays an essential role in evaluating meromorphic functions in several variables at their poles by means of generalised evaluators. In the locality framework, one can build a "minimal subtraction scheme* in several variables which consists in "projecting out the polar part" and then evaluating the remaining holomorphic function in several variables. We show that an appropriate locality group we call a Galois locality group, acts transitively on a space of generalised evaluators, which includes "minimal subtraction schemes". This is based on joint work with Li Guo (Rutgers U., Newark) and Bin Zhang (Sichuan U., Chengdu). |
Monday, 20.01.2025 |
Kelly Maggs, MPI-CBG Dresden In this talk I will give a broad overview of the historical motivation and main results of persistent homology. This ill consist of:
I will also talk about open questions and challenges in the fields, such as generalisations to multi-parameter persistence. To end, I will briefly discuss applications in both pure mathematics and other fields of science. |
The speakers for the summer term 2024 are:
Monday |
Christian Lomp, University of Porto |
Monday 15.04.2024 online |
Ayelet Lindenstrauss, Indiana University |
Monday 22.04.2024 |
Zbigniew Wojciechowski, TU Dresden |
Monday 29.04.2024 online |
Boris Shoikhet, Euler International Mathematical Institute |
Monday 06.05.2024 |
Adam Rennie, University of Wollongong |
27.05.2024 |
Andre Henriques, Oxford University Bicommutant categories Bicommutant categories, initially invented for the purposes of 3d TQFT and 2d CFT, seem to also appear in other domains of math with examples related to group theory, and dynamical systems. In this talk, I will explain why the category Rep(G) of unitary representations of a discrete infinite group G is a bicommutant category, and what this teaches us about Rep(G). |
Monday |
Niels Kowalzig, University of Rome Tor Vergata |
Monday 10.06.2024 |
Liao Wang, University of Bonn |
Monday 17.06.2024 |
Jean-Simon Pacaud Lemay, Macquarie University |
Monday |
Justin Barthite, University of Colorado Boulder |
Monday |
Sean Sanford, Ohio State University |
Monday |
Mateusz Stroinski, Uppsala University |
Tuesday 16.07.2024 |
Ken Brown, University of Glasgow Twisted unipotent groups I will review the twisting procedure of Drinfeld as applied in particular to the Hopf algebra O(G) of regular functions on a unipotent algebraic group G. This uses a Hopf 2-cocycle J to produce a new Hopf algebra which we denote by J_O(G)_J, with the same coalgebra structure as O(G) but a different multiplication. I'll discuss the structure and representation theory of J_O(G)_J, illustrated by a specific example. All necessary terminology will de defined in the talk. This is joint work with Shlomo Gelaki. |
Tuesday 27.08.2024 |
Julius Benner, TU Dresden (master's viva) |
The speakers for the winter term 2023/24 are:
Monday |
Benjamin Haïoun, Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse III) |
Wednesday |
John Boiquaye, University of Ghana |
Monday 06.11.2023 |
Oliver Sander, TU Dresden |
Monday 13.11.2023 |
Pedro Tamaroff, Humboldt University of Berlin |
Monday 20.11.2023 online |
Marco De Renzi, University of Montpellier |
Monday |
Cole Comfort, University of Lorraine |
Monday 18.12.2023 |
Ehud Meir, University of Aberdeen Geometric methods in braided vector spaces and their Nichols algebras The Nichols algebra of a braided vector space is a generalization of both the symmetric algebra and the exterior algebra. It can be realized as a Hopf algebra in some braided monoidal category. By the process of bosonization, Nichols algebras provide an abundance of examples of finite-dimensional non-semisimple Hopf algebras. This raises the question of the finite-dimensionality of Nichols algebras. In this talk, I will explain how to prove that certain Nichols algebras are infinite dimensional by using geometric methods, in particular, reductive-group actions. This is based on a joint work with István Heckenberger and Leandro Vendramin. |
Monday |
Adriana Balan, University Politehnica of Bucharest |
Monday 15.01.2024 |
Daniel Gromada, Czech Technical University in Prague |
Monday |
Anna Rodriguez Rasmussen, Uppsala University |
Monday |
Manuel Bodirsky, TU Dresden |
The speakers for the summer term 2023 were:
Date | Speaker |
31.08.2023 |
Josefin Bernhard |
10.07.2023 |
Mateusz Stroinski |
03.07.2023 |
Daniel Graves |
26.06.2023 |
Anna-Katharina Hirmer |
19.06.2023 |
Eamon Quinlan-Gallego |
12.06.2023 |
Ján Pulmann |
05.06.2023 |
Nima Rasekh |
15.05.2023 | Estanislao Herscovich |
08.05.2023 |
Ben Elias |
24.04.2023 |
Andrew Baker |
17.04.2023 | Friedrich Wagemann |
The speakers for the winter term 2023 were:
Date | Speaker |
17.10.2022 |
Daniel Tubbenhauer |
24.10.2022 |
Richard Garner |
07.11.2022 |
John Bourke |
14.11.2022 | Julian Holstein |
15.11.2022 |
Chris Heunen |
21.11.2022 |
Misha Feigin |
28.11.2022 | Joanna Meinel |
05.12.2022 |
Andrea Gagna |
12.12.2022 | Vanessa Miemietz |
19.12.2022 |
George Balla |
16.01.2023 |
Tony Zorman |
23.01.2023 |
Zbigniew Wojciechowski |
30.01.2023 | Ulrich Krähmer |
The speakers for the summer term 2022 were:
Date |
Speaker |
04.04.2022 11.04.2022 25.04.2022 02.05.2022 09.05.2022 16.05.2022 23.05.2022 30.05.2022 02.06.2022 13.06.2022 20.06.2022 27.06.2022 04.07.2022 11.07.2022 08.08.2022 22.08.2022 |
Robert Laugwitz Gregory Ginot Janez Mrcun Catherine Meussburger Ben Ward Michael Batanin Muriel Livernet Pierre-Louis Curien Ivan Bartulović Bojana Femic Natalia Iyudu Ralph Kaufmann Fosco Loregian Ieke Moerdijk Noemi Combe Hans-Christian Herbig |
The speakers for the winter term 2021/22 were:
Date |
Speaker |
04.10.2021 11.10.2021 18.10.2021 25.10.2021 01.11.2021 08.11.2021 15.11.2021 22.11.2021 29.11.2021 06.12.2021 13.12.2021 20.12.2021 10.01.2022 24.01.2022 31.01.2022 |
Martin Markl Lukas Woike Sebastian Halbig Myriam Mahaman Aryan Ghobadi Laiachi El-Kaoutit Jeff Giansiracusa Jens Kaad Bruce Bartlett Chelsea Walton Michael Cuntz Shahn Majid Tony Zorman Stephanie Feilitzsch (Viva) Myriam Mahaman |
The speakers for the summer term 2021 were:
Date |
Speaker |
19.04.2021 26.04.2021 03.05.2021 10.05.2021 17.05.2021 31.05.2021 07.06.2021 14.06.2021 21.06.2021 28.06.2021 05.07.2021 12.07.2021 26.07.2021 |
Christian Korff Cigdem Yirtici internal presentations Manuel Martins Nicolas Garrel Ingo Runkel Azat Gainutdinov Yorck Sommerhäuser Claudia Scheimbauer Paolo Saracco Tom Leinster Martin Hyland Tony Zorman |
The speakers for the winter term 2020/21 were:
Date |
Speaker |
26.10.2020 02.11.2020 09.11.2020 16.11.2020 23.11.2020 30.11.2020 07.12.2020 14.12.2020 11.01.2021 18.01.2021 25.01.2021 01.02.2021 08.02.2021 15.02.2021 |
Atabey Kaygun Lucia Rotheray Sebastian Halbig Matthias Valvekens Friedrich Wagemann Stephanie Feilitzsch David Jordan Tomasz Brzezinski Anna Kula Ilya Shaprio Yuri Berest Blessing Oni John Boiquaye Ivan Angiono |