About the institute
The institute participates in the excellence cluster "Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden", the graduate school DIGS-BB, the young researchers group CoSiMa, the Collaborative Research Centres Transregio 79 "Mathematical modelling and simulation of bone and implant remodelling in the healthy and diseased bone" and Transregio 96 "High resolution thermoelastic simulation on massive parallel computer architectures" and the International Max Planck Research School "Dynamical processes in atoms, molecules and solids".

The Institute
The institute participates in the excellence cluster "Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden", the graduate school DIGS-BB, the young researchers group CoSiMa, the Collaborative Research Centres Transregio 79 "Mathematical modelling and simulation of bone and implant remodelling in the healthy and diseased bone" and Transregio 96 "High resolution thermoelastic simulation on massive parallel computer architectures" and the International Max Planck Research School "Dynamical processes in atoms, molecules and solids".
We offer attractive lectures with a high practical relevance and a research-based working environment to our students of the master degree programmes Techno-Mathematics, Mathematics and Computational Science and Engineering.