Dune Meeting 2023
We invite all Dune users to participate in the 7th Dune User meeting, to be held at the Technische Universität Dresden from Sep 18, 2023 to Sep 19, 2023.
This meeting offers a chance to showcase how you're using Dune, foster collaborations between the users and provide input to the future development of Dune. The meeting also welcomes contributions from other frameworks such as DuMuX, AMDiS and OPM that are using Dune.
We keep the format rather informal. Participants are encouraged to give a presentation. In addition, we will reserve plenty of time for general discussions on Dune.
Directly after the user meeting a meeting of the Dune developers will be held in the same location. We encourage all interested participants of the user meeting to participate in the developer meeting as well.
An online registration can be found at the registration webpage. There will be no registration fee. Coffee and snacks are provided. Lunch is available in the nearby local mensa of the university. Deadline for the registration is Sep 10, 2023.
Z21 Rotunde und Bürogebäude
Zellescher Weg 25
01217 Dresden
Room Z21/250
Further information
Please visit the conference webpage for further information and the conference program.