Hello and welcome!
Functional semiconductor materials are the main focus of the Chair of Organic Semiconductors in both teaching and research. To the largest extend, organic material systems are the central elements of our studies, however it is often the interplay of these systems with other material classes (nanocrystals, polymers, hierarchic structures, 2D materials etc.) We invite you to get an overview of our research interests and key methodologies.

What research does the LEXOS group do?
One focus of the LEXOS group is the investigation of excitonic and luminescent systems covering organic and other related emerging materials. The group has strong expertise in the optical spectroscopy of such systems. One current example is the investigation of organic biluminescence, where luminophores show both fluorescence and phosphorescence at room temperature. Further, the LEXOS group has long-standing expertise in the research and development of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). The current OLED research comprises stack and concept development, devices optics, charge transport and recombination studies, long-term stability investigations, material development (dopant and emitter materials), and device integration.
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