Justus Grumbach
Research on magnetic systems with thermodynamic methods
...magnetic systems: I am mainly researching magnetically frustrated materials of different symmetries.
- Delafossites consisting of ideal triangular magnetic planes
- Spinels, where frustration is caused by dominant second nearest neighbour exchanges in the diamond substructure.
...thermodynamic methods: My main method is dilatometry, which can be performed in the whole temperature range 50mK...300K. In addition, I can investigate specific heat (pulse and AC), magnetization and susceptibility with the Cryogen-Free system in lab D08.
M.Sc Justus Grumbach
PhD Student since Januar 2023
Member of SFB 1143 - C01
Email: Justus.Grumbach@tu-dresden.de
Office: D202
Phone: 37833