W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, L.S. Toth, R. Chulist, B. Joni, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter and
R. Pippan
On the role of grain boundary sliding in nanoplasticity
Kolloquiumsvortrag 14.10.2024, Unviversity Leoben, Austria
R. Chulist, A. Wójcik, A. Szewczyk, W. Maziarz, A. Sozinov, N. Schell, W. Skrotzki
and T. Tokarski
Intermartensitic transformation of NiMnGa-based single crystals
13th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT 2024), 26.-30.08.2024, Lecco, Italy
W. Skrotzki, L.S. Tóth, L. Lienshöft, P. Frint and M. F.-X. Wagner
Effect of texture on shear banding in ECAP
20th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 20), 30.06.-05.07.2024, Metz, France
D. Zöllner and W. Skrotzki
3D modeling of grain growth in accumulative roll bonded aluminum of dissimilar layers
SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science (MS24), 19.-23.05.2024, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
R. Chulist, A. Pukenas, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan and W. Skrotzki
Martensitic phase transformation in CrCoNi medium- and CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
3rd Materials Science Colloquium, 15.-18.04.2024, Lech am Arlberg, Austria
R. Chulist, A. Wojcik, N. Schell, W. Maziarz and W. Skrotzki
Martensitic transformation and phase stability in high and medium entropy alloys
Int. Conference on Plasticity, Damage & Fracture, 03.-09.01.2024, Panama City, Panama
- R. Chulist, A. Wójcik, A Sozinov, M. Faryna, N. Schell, W. Skrotzki, T. Tokarski and W. Maziarz
Periodic shuffling of atomic layers in NiMnGa shape memory and high entropy alloys
Int. Conference on Plasticity, Fracture and Damage 2023, 03.-08.01.2023, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic - W. Skrotzki
Nanoplasticity in metal alloys
8th Intl. Conference on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation (NanoSPD 8), 26.02.-03.03.2023, Bangalore, India - G.D. Sathiaraj, R. Schaarschuch, C.-G. Oertel, P. Chekhonin, R. Chulist, C. Gadelmeier, U. Glatzel, E.P. George and W. Skrotzki
Low temperature deformation mechanisms of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy polycrystals
TMS 2023, 152nd Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 19-23.03.2023, San Diego, CA, USA - W. Skrotzki, A.-K. Herrmann, B.E. Marré, J. Jaschinski, Z. Horita
Evolution of microstructure, texture and mechanical properties during high pressure sliding of aluminium sheets
Annual Texture Symposium of DGM-SF2M, Université de Lorraine, 02.06.2023, Metz, France - G.D. Sathiaraj, R. Schaarschuch, C.-G. Oertel, P. Chekhonin, R. Chulist, C. Gadelmeier, U. Glatzel and W. Skrotzki,
Low temperature deformation of the <100> oriented single crystalline CrMnFeCrNi high-entropy alloy
4th Int. Conference on High-Entropy Materials (ICHEM 2023), 18.-22.06.2023, Knoxville, TN, USA - W. Skrotzki
Mechanisms of nanoplasticity
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Universität Wien, 30.06.2023, Wien, Austria - G.D. Sathiaraj, R. Schaarschuch, C.-G. Oertel, P. Chekhonin, R. Chulist, C. Gadelmeier,
U. Glatzel and W. Skrotzki
Low temperature deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy <100> single crystals
THERMEC 2023 Intl. Conference, 02.-07.07.2023, Wien, Austria - R. Chulist, A. Wojcik, A. Sozinov, A. Szewczyk, W. Skrotzki, T. Tokarski and W. Maziarz
Crystallographic and physical aspects of twinning and phase transformation in HEA and SMAs
Kolloquiumsvortrag, IIT Indore, 23.11.2023, Indore, India
D.G. Sathiaraj, R. Schaarschuch, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, R. Chulist, P. Chekhonin, E.P. George
Low temperature deformation mechanisms of polycrystalline CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Université de Lorraine, 31.10.2022, Metz, France
R. Chulist, A. Wojcik, A. Sozinov, M. Faryna, N. Schell, W. Skrotzki, T. Tokarski and W. Mariarz
Adaptive phase or variant formation in modulated Ni-Mn-Ga martensite?
Intl. Conference on Martensitic Transformations (ICOMAT 2022), 13.-18.03.2022, Korea
R. Chulist, A. Pukenas, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan and W. Skrotzki
Martensitic phase transformation in CrCoNi medium- and CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
MRS Spring Meeting, 08.-13.05.2022, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA -
R. Chulist, A. Pukenas, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan, W. Skrotzki
Microstructure, texture and strength development during high pressure torsion of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Annual Texture Symposium of DGM-SF2M, Gent University, 13.05.2022, Gent, Belgium -
D.G. Sathiaraj, R. Schaarschuch, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, R. Chulist, E.P. George
Low temperature deformation mechanisms of polycrystalline CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Universität Wien, 27.05.2022, Wien, Austria -
R. Chulist, A. Pukenas, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan and W. Skrotzki
Phase transformation in CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy induced by high pressure torsion
Intl. Conference on Strength of Materials (ICSMA-19), 26.06.-01.07.2022, Metz, FranceD. -
G. Sathiaraj, R. Schaarschuch, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, P. Chekhonin, C. Gadelmeier, U. Glatzel
Low temperature deformation mechanisms of CrMnFeCrNi high-entropy <100> single crystals
Meeting SPP CCA – HEA, 13.07.2022, Bayreuth
W. Skrotzki, R. Schaarschuch, C.-G. Oertel, A. Aurimas, G. Cao, J. Freudenberger, W. Gan, E. Maawad and R. Chulist
Low temperature deformation mechanisms of CoZr and Co39Ni11Zr50 intermetallic compounds
Intermetallics 2021, 04.-08.10.2021, Kloster Banz
G.D. Sathiaraj, R. Schaarschuch, C-G. Oertel, R. Chulist, E.P. George and W. Skrotzki
The deformation behavior of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy at low temperatures
THERMEC 2021, 10.-14.05.2021, Vienna, Austria
R. Chulist, A. Pukenas, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan and W. Skrotzki
Phase transformation in CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy induced by high pressure torsion
THERMEC 2021, 10.-14.05.2021, Vienna, Austria
R. Chulist, A.Sozinov, M. Faryna, A. Winkelmann, L. Straka, N. Schell and W. Skrotzki
Adaptive phase or variant formation in modulated Ni-Mn-Ga martensite?
19th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 19), 01.-04.03.2021, Osaka, Japan
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, E. Odor, B. Joni, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan,
E. P. George and R. Chulist
Texture evolution in CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy during high pressure torsion
19th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 19), 01.-04.03.2021, Osaka, Japan
S. Schmidt, G.D. Sathiaraj, S.S. Kumar, B. Sulkowski, S. Suwas, J. Jaschinski, A. Pukenas, B. Gu and W. Skrotzki
Effect of rolling and annealing temperature on the mechanical properties of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
3rd Int. Conference on High-Entropy Materials (ICHEM 2020), 27.09.-01.10.2020, Berlin
R. Chulist, P. Czaja, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan and W. Skrotzki
Characteristics of the FCC to HCP phase transformation in CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
3rd Int. Conference on High-Entropy Materials (ICHEM 2020), 27.09.-01.10.2020, Berlin
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan and
R. Chulist
HPT-induced phase transformation in CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
SPD/ Texture Workshop, 27.-28.08.2020, Labex DAMAS, Univ. de Lorraine, Metz, France
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan and
R. Chulist
HCP-induced phase transformation in CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Virtual seminar talk, University of Vienna, 05.06.2020, Vienna, Germany
W. Skrotzki, A.-K. Herrmann, B.E. Marré, J. Jaschinski and Z. Horita
Evolution of microstructure, texture and mechanical properties during high pressure sliding of aluminium sheets
Int. Conf. on Plasticity, Fracture and Damage 2020, 03.-09.01.2020, Riviera Maya, Mexico
G.D. Sathiaraj, M.Z. Ahmed, S.S. Kumar, J. Freudenberger and W. Skrotzki
Grain boundary engineering of an equiatomic CrCoNi medium entropy alloy
PING 2019 – Modern Trends in Material Engineering, 10.-13.09.2019, Pilsen, Czech Republic
S. Richter, S. Aswartham, M. Brandt, V. Grinenko, K. Pervakov, A. Pukenas, W. Skrotzki, B. Büchner, K. Nielsch and R. Hühne
Influence of the substrate on the electronic phase diagram of epitaxial Ni doped BaFe2As2 thin films
14th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS), 01.-05.09.2019, Glasgow, Great Britain
P. Chekhonin, D. Zöllner, E. Zimmer, J. Scharnweber, J. Romberg and W. Skrotzki
Microstructure of accumulative roll bonded high purity aluminium laminates
7th Int. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain Growth (REX & GG 2019), 04.-09.08.2019, Ghent, Belgium
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan, R. Chulist and E.P. George
Microstructure, texture and strength evolution during severe plastic deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, 22.07.2019, Shenyang, China
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan, R. Chulist and E.P. George
Microstructure, texture and strength evolution during severe plastic deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research, 17.07.2019, Shanghai, China
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan, R. Chulist and E.P. George
Microstructure, texture and strength evolution during severe plastic deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Shanghai University, 15.07.2019, Shanghai, China
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan, R. Chulist and E.P. George
Microstructure, texture and strength evolution during severe plastic deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
26th Int. Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM), 08.-12.07.2019, Chennai, India
W. Skrotzki, A.-K. Herrmann, B. Marré, B. Jaschinski and Z. Horita
Evolution of microstructure, texture and mechanical properties during high pressure sliding of aluminium sheets
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Indian Institute of Science, Dept. of Materials Engineering, 05.07.2019, Bangalore, India
W. Skrotzki
Textures of Materials
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Indian Institute of Science, Dept. of Materials Engineering, 01.07.2019, Bangalore, India
G.D. Sathiaraj, R. Kalsar, S.S.S. Kumar, S. Suwas and W. Skrotzki
Evolution of texture during cold-rolling of a CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy
Int. Conf. on Materials and Manufacturing Methods, 05.-07.07.2019, NIT Trichy, India
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan, R. Chulist and E.P. George
Microstructure, texture and strength evolution during severe plastic deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Seminarvortrag, 18.06.2019, TU Chemnitz
W. Skrotzki, A.-K. Herrmann, B. Marré, B. Jaschinski and Z. Horita
Evolution of microstructure, texture and mechanical properties during high pressure sliding of aluminium sheets
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences, 14.06.2019, Cracow, Poland
B. Gu, P. Chekhonin, R. Schaarschuch, W. Skrotzki, S.W. Xin, C.L. Ma and L. Zhou
Microstructure and texture characteristics of a new metastable b titanium alloy
14th World Conference on Titanium, 10.-14.06.2019, Nantes, France
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan and
E.P. George
Microstructure, texture and strength evolution during severe plastic deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Seminarvortrag, 23.05.2019, Georg-August Universität Göttingen
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas and G.D. Sathiaraj
Textures of high entropy alloy CrMnFeCoNi
Annual Texture Symposium of DGM-SF2M, 29.03.2019, Garching
G.D. Sathiaraj, R. Schaarschuch, C-G. Oertel, E.P. George and W. Skrotzki
Low temperature deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
TMS Annual Meeting 2019, 11.-14.03.2019, San Antonio, TX, USA
R. Schaarschuch, L. Hollang, C.-G. Oertel, I.J. Beyerlein, N.A. Mara and W. Skrotzki
Low temperature deformation of Cu/Nb nanolaminates
TMS Annual Meeting 2019, 11.-14.03.2019, San Antonio, TX, USA
- W. Skrotzki, R. Schaarschuch, C.-G. Oertel, G. Cao and J. Freudenberger
Origin of low temperature ductility of intermetallics
Intl. Conf. on Plasticity, Fracture and Damage 2019, 03.-09.01.2019, Panama City, Panama
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan and E.P. George
Martensitic transformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy during high-pressure torsion at liquid nitrogen temperature
2nd Int. Conference on High-Entropy Materials (ICHEM 2018), 09.-12.12.2018, Jeju Island, South Korea
G.D. Sathiaraj, R. Kalsar, S. Suwas and W. Skrotzki
Role of SFE on deformation texture evolution in non-equiatomic fcc CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloys
Subgroup Meeting SPP CCA HEA: HEA – Mechanical Properties, 08.-09.11.2018, Dresden
W. Skrotzki, L. Toth, L. Lienshöft, J. Huhn, P. Frint and M.F.-X. Wagner
Effect of texture on shear banding in ECAP
Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition 2018, 04.-07.11.2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P. Pahlke, M. Sieger, M. Lao, M. Eisterer, P. Chekhonin, W. Skrotzki, K Nielsch, L. Schultz and R. Hühne
Influence of granularity on the local electric current transport in YBCO films grown by pulsed laser deposition on technical templates
Applied Superconductivity Conference 2018 (ASC 2018), 28.10.-02.11.2018, Seattle, WA, USA
P. Pahlke, M. Sieger, M. Lao, M. Eisterer, P. Chekhonin, W. Skrotzki, A. Meledin,
G. Van Tendeloo, K. Nielsch, L. Schultz and R. Hühne
Effect of granularity on local transport properties in pure and doped YBCO films grown on technical templates
Coated Conductors for Applications (CCA 2018), 10.-13.09.2018, Vienna, Austria
A. Pukenas, G. Laplanche, E.P. George and W. Skrotzki
Local texture in a swaged CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Materials Science and Engineering Conference 2018 (MSE 2018), 26.-28.09.2018, Darmstadt
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan and
E.P. George
Microstructure, texture and strength evolution during severe plastic deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Materials Science and Engineering Conference 2018 (MSE 2018), 26.-28.09.2018, Darmstadt
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, G.D. Sathiaraj, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter,
R. Pippan and E.P. George
Textures of high-entropy alloy CrMnFeCoNi
Workshop, Petershof, 24.08.2018, Saint Petersburg, Russia
L.S. Toth, Y.J. Zhao and W. Skrotzki
Modeling the effects of grain boundary sliding on texture evolution of superplastic materials by a new viscoplastic self-consistent polycrystal approach
Int. Conference on Superplasticity in advanced Materials (ICSAM 2018),
19.-22.08.2018, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan and
E.P. George
Mechanisms of grain refinement and strengthening during HPT of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Int. Conference on Superplasticity in advanced Materials (ICSAM 2018), 19.-22.08.2018, Saint-Petersburg, Russia -
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan and
E.P. George
Microstructure, texture and strength evolution during severe plastic deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Kolloquiumsvortrag Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 23.07.2018, Knoxville, TN, USA
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan and
E.P. George
Microstructure, texture and strength evolution during severe plastic deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
ICSMA 2018, 15.-19.07.2018, Columbus, OH, USA -
G.D. Sathiaraj, R.J. Immanuel, P. Chekhonin, A. Pukenas, R. Schaarschuch, J.A. Chelvane, S.S.S. Kumar, S.K. Panigrahi and W. Skrotzki
Microstructure and texture of cold rolled and recrystallized CoCrNi medium-entropy alloy
Thermec 2018, 08.-13.07.2018, Paris, France -
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas and G.D. Sathiaraj
Textures of high entropy alloy CrMnFeCoNi
Thermec 2018, 08.-13.07.2018, Paris, France -
W. Skrotzki, R. Schaarschuch, C.-G. Oertel, G. Cao and J. Freudenberger
Origin of low temperature ductility of intermetallics
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences, 25.05.2018, Cracow, Poland
M. Bönisch, M. Calin, M. Stoica, A. Panigrahi, M. Zehetbauer, T. Waitz, W. Skrotzki and
J. Eckert
Phase transformations in Ti-Nb alloys
Department of Materials Engineering, KU Leuven, 17.4.2018, Leuven, Belgium
L. Lienshöft, J. Huhn, P. Frint, M.F.-X. Wagner and W. Skrotzki
Effect of texture on inhomogeneous shear in ECAP
Texture and Anisotropy Symposium 2018, 06.04.2018, Paris-Orsay, France
L. Lienshöft, J. Huhn, P. Frint, M.F.-X. Wagner and W. Skrotzki
Effect of texture on inhomogeneous shear in ECAP
TMS Annual Meeting 2018, 11.-15.03.2018, Phoenix, AZ, USA -
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan and E.P. George
Microstructure, texture and strength evolution during severe plastic deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
TMS Annual Meeting 2018, 11.-15.03.2018, Phoenix, AZ, USA -
M. Bönisch, M. Calin, M. Stoica, A. Panigrahi, M. Zehetbauer, T. Waitz, W. Skrotzki and
J. Eckert
Phase transformations in Ti-Nb alloys
German Aerospace Center, Institute of Materials Research, 15.2.2018, Köln
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan and E.P. George
Microstructure and texture evolution during severe plastic deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
SPP CCA HEA Meeting, 14.-15.02.2018, Hannover -
R. Chulist, T. Tokarski, W. Maziarz, G. Cios, N. Schell, Y.I. Chumlyakov, A. Sozinov,
L. Straka and W. Skrotzki
Superelasticity in FeNiCoAlTaB and NiMnGa single crystals
Plasticity 2018, 03.-09.01.2018, San Juan, Puerto Rico - W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan and E.P. George
Microstructure and texture evolution during severe plastic deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Plasticity 2018, 03.-09.01.2018, San Juan, Puerto Rico
W. Skrotzki
Texture formation in ionic crystals with rock salt structure18th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 18), 04.-10.11.2017, St. George, USA
J. Scharnweber, J. Romberg, C.-G. Oertel, J. Freudenberger, L. Schultz and W. Skrotzki
Influence of texture on layer stability in Ti/Al ARB composites18th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 18), 04.-10.11.2017, St. George, USA
P. Chekhonin, J. Engelmann, M. Langer, B. Holzapfel, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
Inhomogeneities in strained epitaxial BaFe2As2 thin films18th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 18), 04.-10.11.2017, St. George, USA
A. Pukenas, P. Chekhonin, M. Meißner, E. Hieckmann, S. Aswartham, J. Engelmann,
B. Holzapfel, S. Wurmehl, B. Büchner and W. Skrotzki
Low-temperature EBSD investigations on a BaFe2As2 single crystal18th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 18), 04.-10.11.2017, St. George, USA
W. Skrotzki
Textures of MaterialsLecture, 31.10.2017, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan,
E.P. George
Evolution of microstructure, texture and strength during severe plastic deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 30.10.2017, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
W. Skrotzki, R. Schaarschuch, C.-G. Oertel, G.H. Cao and J. Freudenberger
Low temperature ductility of B2 structured transition metal intermetallic compounds YCu and YAg
Intermetallics 2017, 02.-06.10.2017, Kloster Banz, Germany
E. Schafler, A. Podoskiy, E. Tabachnikova, T. Ungar, W. Skrotzki and M. Zehetbauer
Mechanische Eigenschaften und Mikrostruktur einer Hochentropielegierung (HEA) nach kryogener Ultrahochverformung
Werkstoffwoche 2017, 27.-29.09.2017, Dresden, Germany
P. Pahlke, M. Sieger, M. Lao, M. Eisterer, P. Chekhonin, W. Skrotzki, A. Meledin, G. Van Tendeloo, K. Nielsch, L. Schultz and R. Hühne
Influence of granularity on the local transport properties in pure and BaHfO3 particle containing YBCO films on technical templates
13th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 2017), 17.-21.09.2017, Geneva, Switzerland
J. Scharnweber, P. Chekhonin, C.-G. Oertel, J. Romberg, J. Freudenberger and W. Skrotzki
High strength multilayered metallic composites
European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2017), 17.-22.09.2017, Thessaloniki, Greece
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan,
E.P. George
Evolution of microstructure, texture and strength during severe plastic deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences, 24.08.2017, Krakow, Poland
R. Chulist, L. Straka, A. Sozinov, T. Tokarski and W. Skrotzki
EBSD study of the branched needle microstructure in Ni-Mn-Ga 10M martensite
Int. Conf. on Martensitic Transformations (ICOMAT 2017), 09.07.-14.07.2017, Chicago, USA
M. Bönisch, A. Panigrahi, M. Calin, M. Stoica, T. Waitz, M. Zehetbauer, W. Skrotzki and J. Eckert
Diffusive and diffusionless transformations of martensitic Ti-Nb alloys
Int. Conf. on Martensitic Transformations (ICOMAT 2017), 09.07.-14.07.2017, Chicago, USA
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan,
E.P. George
Evolution of microstructure, texture and strength during severe plastic deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Hongkong University, 17.07.2017, Hongkong, China
W. Skrotzki
Mechanisms of nanoplasticity
Kolloquiumsvortrag, RMIT University, 13.07.2017, Melbourne, Australia
Y.J. Zhao, L.S. Toth, R. Massion and W. Skrotzki
Role of grain boundary sliding in texture evolution of ultrafine-grained materials processed by severe plastic deformation
7th International Conference on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation (NanoSPD 7), 02.-07.07.2017, Sydney, Australia
D. Zöllner and W. Skrotzki
Influence of subgrain boundaries on coarsening of grain structures
7th International Conference on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation (NanoSPD 7), 02.-07.07.2017, Sydney, Australia
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan and
E.P. George
Microstructure and texture evolution during severe plastic deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
7th International Conference on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation (NanoSPD 7), 02.-07.07.2017, Sydney, Australia
W. Skrotzki
Mechanisms of nanoplasticity
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Shanghai University, 26.06.2017, Shanghai, China
Y.J. Zhao, L.S. Toth, R. Massion and W. Skrotzki
Role of grain boundary sliding in texture evolution for nanoplasticity
Texture and Anisotropy Symposium 2017, 31.03.2017, Delft, Belgium
D. Zöllner and W. Skrotzki
Influence of subgrain boundaries on coarsening of grain structures
Texture and Anisotropy Symposium 2017, 31.03.2017, Delft, Belgium
W. Skrotzki, A. Pukenas, B. Joni, E. Odor, T. Ungar, A. Hohenwarter, R. Pippan and
E.P. George
Microstructure and texture evolution during severe plastic deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
Texture and Anisotropy Symposium 2017, 31.03.2017, Delft, Belgium
A. Pukenas, P. Chekhonin, E. Hieckmann, M. Meißner, S. Aswartham, J. Engelmann,
B. Holzapfel and W. Skrotzki
Cryo-EBSD on BaFe2As2 single crystals
DPG Frühjahrstagung, 19.-24.03.2017, Dresden
P. Chekhonin, M. Mietschke, D. Pohl, F. Schmidt, S. Fähler, W. Skrotzki, K. Nielsch and R. Hühne
The effect of substrate miscut in epitaxial PMN-PT thin films
DPG Frühjahrstagung, 19.-24.03.2017, Dresden
H. Weber, M. Schumacher, P. Jovari, W. Skrotzki, R. Mazzarelli and I. Kaban
Dynamic viscosity of Ge-Sb-Te alloys in liquid and supercooled liquid state
DPG Frühjahrstagung, 19.-24.03.2017, Dresden, Germany
L. Li, T. Ungar, L. Toth, W. Skrotzki, Y. Ren, Z. Fogarassy, X.T. Zhou and P. Liaw
Shear-Coupled Grain Growth and Texture Development in a Nanocrystalline Ni-Fe Alloy during Cold Rolling
TMS 2017 Annual Meeting, 26.02.-02.03.2017, San Diego, USA
A. Pukenas, G. Laplanche, E.P. George and W. Skrotzki
Local texture in a swaged CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
TMS 2017 Annual Meeting, 26.02.-02.03.2017, San Diego, USA
L. Lienshoeft, P. Chekhonin, J. Scharnweber, T. Marr, T. Hausöl, H.W. Hoeppel and
W. Skrotzki
Static recrystallization and grain growth of accumulative roll bonded aluminium laminates
TMS 2017 Annual Meeting, 26.02.-02.03.2017, San Diego, USA
W. Skrotzki
Mechanisms of nanoplasticity
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Erich Schmid Institut für Materialwissenschaft, 19.01.2017, Leoben, Austria
W. Skrotzki, R. Schaarschuch, C.-G. Oertel, G.H. Cao and J. Freudenberger
On the ductility of B2 structured transition metal intermetallic compounds
MRS 2016Fall Meeting, 27.11.-02.12.206, Boston, USA
S. Suwas, A. Sharma, A. Pukenas, A. Panigrahi, M. Zehetbauer and W. Skrotzki
Evolution of microstructure and texture during high pressure torsion of nanocrystalline Ni-Co alloys
2016 EMI International Conference, 25.-27.10.2016, Metz, France
W. Skrotzki, P. Chekhonin, J. Huhn, B. Beausir, J. Scharnweber, C.-G. Oertel, J. Jaschinski, H. W. Höppel and H.-G. Brokmeier
Texture, microstructure and mechanical properties of ARB aluminium laminates
2016 EMI International Conference, 25.-27.10.2016, Metz, France
H. Weber, M. Schumacher, P. Jovari, Y. Tsuchiya, W. Skrotzki, R. Mazzarello and I. Kaban
Composition and temperature dependence of the dynamic viscosity of liquid Ge-Sb-Te alloys
11th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (ATPC), 02.-06.10.2016, Yokohama, Japan
S. Richter, S. Aswartham, A. Pukenas, V. Grinenko, K. Nielsch, W. Skrotzki and R. Hühne, Superconductivity in Ni doped Ba-Fe-As thin films prepared from single crystal targets using PLD
Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2016), 04.-09.09.2016, Denver, USA
C.-G. Oertel, A. Eschke, T. Marr, J. Freudenberger and W. Skrotzki
Local texture gradient in ultrafine-grained Ti/Al composite wires produced by ASB
XXV International Materials Research Congress, 14.-19.08.2016, Cancun, Mexico
W. Skrotzki, A. Eschke, A. Pukenas, T. Ungar, B. Jóni, L. Toth and J. Ivanisenko
Texture: The “fingerprint” of deformation mechanisms in nanomaterials
Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 01.08.2016, Shenyang, China
J. Scharnweber, A. Eschke, C.-G. Oertel, J. Romberg, T. Marr, I. Okulov, J. Freudenberger, U. Kühn, L. Schultz, J. Eckert and W. Skrotzki
High strength multi-layered metallic composites
Workshop on Microstructure, Property and Processing of Advanced Metallic Materials, State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 27.07.2016, Xian, China
W. Skrotzki, A. Eschke, A. Pukenas, T. Ungar, B. Jóni, L. Toth and J. Ivanisenko
Texture: The “fingerprint” of deformation mechanisms in nanomaterials
THERMEC 2016, 29.05.-03.06.2016, Graz, Austria -
W. Skrotzki, A. Eschke, T. Ungar, L. Toth and Y. Ivanisenko
Nanoplasticity of fcc metals
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 11.05.2016, Charles University Prag, Czech Republic
R. Schaarschuch, C.-G. Oertel, A. Eschke; A. Pukenas and W. Skrotzki
Local texture analysis by X-ray diffraction
DGM-SF2M Joint German-French Texture Meeting, 31.03.-01.04.2016, Dresden
P. Chekhonin, J. Engelmann, M. Langer, C.-G. Oertel, B. Holzapfel and W. Skrotzki
Strain inhomogeneities in epitaxial BaFe2As2 thin films
DGM-SF2M Joint German-French Texture Meeting, 31.03.-01.04.2016, Dresden
P. Pahlke, P. Chekhonin, W. Skrotzki, M. Sieger, J. Hänisch, A. Usoskin,
L. Schultz and R. Hühne
Local orientation variations in YBCO films on technical substrates - a combined SEM and EBSD study
DGM-SF2M Joint German-French Texture Meeting, 31.03.-01.04.2016, Dresden - M. Calin, M. Bönisch, A. Helth, S. Pilz, A. Gebert, W. Skrotzki, L. Giebeler and J. Eckert
Thermal stability and structural characteristics of metastable beta-type Ti-Nb alloys for implant applications
TMS 2016 Annual Meeting, 14.-18.02.2016, Nashville, USA - V.G. Arigela, J. Scharnweber, L. Lienshoeft, P. Chekhonin, R. Schaarschuch, S.K. Kolli, N.R. Palukuri, J. Rengaswamy and W. Skrotzki
Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of ARB processed aluminium laminates
TMS 2016 Annual Meeting, 14.-18.02.2016, Nashville, USA - W. Skrotzki
Texture: The “fingerprint” of deformation mechanisms in nanomaterials
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 02.02.2016, Universität des Saarlandes - W. Skrotzki, P. Chekhonin and J. Scharnweber
Microstructure and texture formation in laminated metallic sheets
Plasticity 2016, 03.-09.01.2016, Kona, Hawaii, USA
- L. Hollang, W. Skrotzki, I.J. Beyerlein and N.A. Mara
Deformation mechanisms in a Cu/Nb nanolamellar composite at low temperatures
2015 MRS Fall Meeting, 29.11.-04.12.2015, Boston, USA - W. Skrotzki
Different ways of measuring texture gradients by diffraction
Workshop Labex DAMAS, 22.11.2015, Metz, France - R. Chulist and W. Skrotzki
Twin Microstructure in 10M Ni-Mn-Ga Martensite
Intermetallics 2015, 28.09.-02.10.2015, Kloster Banz - W. Skrotzki
High strength multilayered metallic composites
Werkstoffwoche, 14.-17.09.2015, Dresden - M. Bönisch, M. Calin, T. Waitz, L. Giebeler, W. Skrotzki and J. Eckert
Bain strain, volume changes and atom shuffles of the martensitic transformations in Ti-Nb alloys
10th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT 2015), 14.-18.09.2015, Antwerpen, Belgium - A. Panigrahi, M. Bönisch, T. Waitz, M. Calin, J. Eckert, W. Skrotzki and M. Zehetbauer
Thermal stability of bulk nanocrystalline w-phase in Ti-16.1Nb alloy processed by high pressure torsion
17th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 17), 09.-14.08.2015, Brno, Czech Republic - L. Hollang, W. Skrotzki, I.J. Beyerlein and N.A. Mara
Deformation mechanisms in a Cu/Nb nanolamellar composite at low temperatures
17th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 17), 09.-14.08.2015, Brno, Czech Republic - W. Skrotzki, R. Schaarschuch, C.-G. Oertel, G.H. Cao and J. Freudenberger
Low temperature ductile B2 structured intermetallic compound YAg
17th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 17), 09.-14.08.2015, Brno, Czech Republic - A. Panigrahi, M. Bönisch, T. Waitz, M. Calin, W. Skrotzki, J. Eckert and M. Zehetbauer
Thermal stability of HPT-induced omega phase in biocompatible Ti-16.1Nb alloys
Int. Conf. on Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials (PTM 2015), 28.06.-03.07.2015, Whistler, Canada - W. Skrotzki
High strength light-metal composites
2nd Int. Conf. on Non-Ferrous Metals: Processing and New Materials (ICNFM 15), 22.-24.06.2015, Crakow, Poland - B. Sulkowski, A. Panigrahi, M. Zehetbauer, W. Skrotzki and B. Mikulowski
Effect of texture on mechanical properties of Ti-45Nb alloy: Experiment and Simulation
Easter Workshop of BioTiNet, 07.-09.04.2015, Vienna, Austria - A. Panigrahi, M. Zehetbauer, T. Waitz, M. Bönisch, M. Calin, J. Eckert and W. Skrotzki
Mechanical properties and structures of SPD processed Ti-Nb alloys
Easter Workshop of BioTiNet, 07.-09.04.2015, Vienna, Austria - M. Bönisch, A. Panigrahi, M. Calin, M. Stoica, J. van Humbeeck, M. Zehetbauer, T. Waitz, W. Skrotzki and J. Eckert
Selected aspects relating to the martensitic transformations in Ti-Nb alloys
Easter Workshop of BioTiNet, 07.-09.04.2015, Vienna, Austria - W. Skrotzki
Deformation mechanisms of amorphous and lowest grain size metals
Easter Workshop of BioTiNet, 07.-09.04.2015, Vienna, Austria - K. Reuther, C. Blochwitz, W. Tirschler, S. Jakob and W. Skrotzki
Fatigue properties of strongly textured bulk NiW
26th Colloquium on Fatigue Mechanisms, 26.-27.03.2015, Brno, Czech Republic - L.S. Toth, C. Gu, Y. Zhang, W. Skrotzki and T. Ungar
Texture and mechanical behavior of ultra-fine-grained and nano-polycrystalline metals
European Texture and Anisotropy Annual Meeting, 19.-21.03.2015, Metz, France - V.G. Arigela, J. Scharnweber, L. Lienshoeft, P. Chekhonin, S.K. Kolli, N.R. Palukuri, J. Rengaswamy and W. Skrotzki
Texture evolution and mechanical properties of ARB processed aluminium laminates
European Texture and Anisotropy Annual Meeting, 19.-21.03.2015, Metz, France - C. Tränkner, A. Pukenas, J. Horky, M. Zehetbauer and W. Skrotzki
Formation of oblique cube component in intermetallic compounds deformed by high pressure torsion
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 15.-20.03.2015, Berlin - K. Kosyakova, C. Tränkner, A. Pukenas, P. Chekhonin, D. Shangina, P. Straumal, B. Straumal, S. Dobatkin and W. Skrotzki
Microstructure and texture in a Cu-Cr alloy deformed by high-pressure torsion
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 15.-20.03.2015, Berlin - W. Skrotzki, A. Eschke, B. Jóni, T. Ungár, L.S. Tóth and Yu. Ivanisenko
Nanoplasticity of fcc metals
Plasticity 2015, 04.-09.01.2015, Montego Bay, Jamaica
- W. Skrotzki, C. Tränkner, A. Pukenas, J. Horky and M. Zehetbauer
Pecularities in the texture formation of intermetallic compounds deformed by high pressure torsion
2014 MRS Fall Meeting, 30.11.-05.12.2014, Boston, USA - M. Bönisch, M. Calin, J. van Humbeeck, W. Skrotzki and J. Eckert
Studies of the deformation behavior of martensitic TiNb-based alloys
Materials Science and Engineering Conference 2014 (MSE 2014), 23.-25.09.2014, Darmstadt - W. Skrotzki, C.-G. Oertel, R. Schaarschuch and J. Freudenberger
On the ductility of B2-structured intermetallic compounds
Materials Science and Engineering Conference 2014 (MSE 2014), 23.-25.09.2014, Darmstadt - B. Sulkowski, A. Panigrahi, K. Ozaltin, M. Lewandowska, B. Mikulowski, W. Skrotzki and M. Zehetbauer
Effect of texture on mechanical properties of Ti-45Nb alloy: Experiments and simulations
Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 17), 24.-29.08.2014, Dresden - A. Panigrahi, B. Sulkowski, K. Ozaltin, T. Waitz, M. Lewandowska, W. Skrotzki and M. Zehetbauer
Texture evolution in bcc Ti-45Nb after severe plastic deformation
Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 17), 24.-29.08.2014, Dresden - R. Chulist, P. Pałka, A. Piątkowski, W. Skrotzki and M.S. Szczerba
Effect of geometrical constraints on the lattice rotation in channel die compression and high pressure torsion
Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 17), 24.-29.08.2014, Dresden - J. Scharnweber, J. Romberg, A. Eschke, C.-G. Oertel, J. Freudenberger and W. Skrotzki
Texture evolution in Ti/Al composites produced by accumulative roll bonding (ARB) and differential speed rolling (DSR)
Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 17), 24.-29.08.2014, Dresden - C. Tränkner, R. Chulist, W. Skrotzki, B. Beausir, T. Lippmann, J. Horky and M. Zehetbauer
Effect of deformation temperature and pressure on texture evolution in high pressure torsion deformed NiAl
Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 17), 24.-29.08.2014, Dresden - R. Chulist, E. Pagounis, M.J. Szczerba, M. Laufenberg and W. Skrotzki
Intermartensitic phase transformations in Ni-Mn-Ga alloys
Int. Conf. on Martensitic Transformations (ICOMAT 2014), 06.-11.07.2014, Bilbao, Spain - C. Tränkner, R. Chulist, W. Skrotzki, B. Beausir, T. Lippmann, J. Horky and M. Zehetbauer
Influence of deformation temperature and pressure on texture evolution in HPT deformed NiAl
NanoSPD 6, 30.06-04.07.2014, Metz, France - A. Panigrahi, N. Scheerbaum, P. Chekhonin, J. Scharnweber, B. Beausir, M. Hockauf, S. Sankaran and W. Skrotzki
Effect of back pressure on ECAP
NanoSPD 6, 30.06-04.07.2014, Metz, France - J. Scharnweber, J. Romberg, A. Eschke, C.-G. Oertel, T. Marr, J. Freudenberger, L. Schultz, I. Okulov, U. Kühn, J. Eckert and W. Skrotzki
High strength light-metal composites
NanoSPD 6, 30.06-04.07.2014, Metz, France - P. Chekhonin, J. Engelmann, B. Holzapfel, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
Strain inhomogeneities in epitaxial BaFe2As2 thin films measured by cross correlation electron backscatter diffraction
Int. Workshop on Itinerant Magnetism and Superconductivity (IMS 2014), 23.-25.06.2014, Dresden - M. Bönisch, M. Calin, L. Giebeler, A. Helth, A. Gebert, W. Skrotzki and J. Eckert
Composition-dependent atomic positions in Ti-Nb martensites
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 31.03.-04.04.2014, Dresden - P. Chekhonin, J. Engelmann, B. Holzapfel, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
Strain inhomogeneities in epitaxial BaFe2As2 thin films measured by cross correlation electron backscatter diffraction
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 31.03.-04.04.2014, Dresden - I. Okulov, U. Kühn, J. Freudenberger, W. Skrotzki and J. Eckert
Tuning tensile ductility in composite structured Ti-based alloys
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 31.03.-04.04.2014, Dresden - C. Tränkner, R. Chulist, W. Skrotzki, B. Beausir, T. Lippmann, J. Horky and M. Zehetbauer
Influence of pressure during high pressure torsion of NiAl
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 31.03.-04.04.2014, Dresden - A. Pukenas, A. Eschke, W. Skrotzki, C. Tränkner, J. Horky and M. Zehetbauer
Texture evolution of YCu deformed by high pressure torsion
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 31.03.-04.04.2014, Dresden - J. Romberg, J. Freudenberger, J. Scharnweber, T. Marr, J. Eckert, W. Skrotzki and L. Schultz
Processing of Ti/Al light-weight composite sheets via accumulative roll bonding and differential speed rolling
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 31.03.-04.04.2014, Dresden - J. Scharnweber, J. Romberg, A. Eschke, C.-G. Oertel, T. Marr, J. Freudenberger, L. Schultz, I. Okulov, U. Kühn, J. Eckert and W. Skrotzki
High strength light-metal composites
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 31.03.-04.04.2014, Dresden - M. Scharnweber, W. Tirschler, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
Propagation of short cracks in duplex stainless steel
25th Colloquium on Fatigue Mechanisms, 27.-28.03.2014, Erlangen - W. Skrotzki, A. Eschke, B. Jóni, T. Ungar, L.S. Tóth, Yu. Ivanisenko and L. Kurmanaeva
Texture development in nanocrystalline fcc metals
SF2M/DGM Texture & Anisotropy 2014, 21.03.2014, Leuven, Belgium - W. Skrotzki, A. Eschke, B. Jóni, T. Ungar, L.S. Tóth, Yu. Ivanisenko and L. Kurmanaeva
Textures and mechanical properties of nanomaterials
BioTiNet Winterschool on “Materials Development on the Nanoscale”, 25.02.-01.03.2014, Vienna, Austria - A. Panigrahi, T. Waitz, E. Schafler, M. Bönisch, M. Calin, J. Eckert, A. Gebert, W. Skrotzki and M. Zehetbauer
Ultrafine grained Ti-Nb alloys for orthopaedics
TMS Annual Meeting 2014, 16.-20.02.2014, San Diego, USA - W. Skrotzki, J. Scharnweber, A. Eschke, C.-G. Oertel, J. Romberg, T. Marr, J. Freudenberger, L. Schultz, I. Okulov, U. Kühn and J. Eckert
Ti/Al laminates produced by ARB
TMS Annual Meeting 2014, 16.-20.02.2014, San Diego, USA - W. Skrotzki
Plasticity of B1-structured ionic crystals
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 22.01.2014, Fakultät für Physik, Universität Wien, Austria - J. Scharnweber, J. Romberg, A. Eschke, C.-G. Oertel, T. Marr, J. Freudenberger, L. Schultz, I. Okulov, U. Kühn, J. Eckert and W. Skrotzki
High strength light-metal composites
Plasticity 2014, Freeport, 02.-08.01.2014, Bahamas
- S.V. Dobatkin, W. Skrotzki, V.F. Terentev, O.V. Rybalchenko, A.N. Belyakov, D.V. Prosvirnin, E.V. Zolotarev
Structure and fatigue properties of Cr-Ni-Ti austenitic steel after equal channel angular pressing and heating
Int. Conf. on Processing & Manufacturing of advanced Materials – Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications (THERMEC 2013), 02.-06.12.2013, Las Vegas, USA - W. Skrotzki, A. Eschke, B. Jóni, T. Ungár, L.S. Tóth, Yu. Ivanisenko and L. Kurmanaeva
Texture formation in nanocrystalline materials
Int. Conf. on Processing & Manufacturing of advanced Materials – Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications (THERMEC 2013), 02.-06.12.2013, Las Vegas, USA - W. Skrotzki
On the ductility of B2-structured intermetallic compounds
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 20.11.2013, Fakultät für Physik, Universität Wien, Austria - J. Freudenberger, T. Marr, J. Romberg, E. Knauer, D. Seifert, H. Klauss, L. Schultz, U. Martin, H. Watanabe, H. Bauder, J. Scharnweber, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, I. Okulov, U. Kühn and J. Eckert
Damaszen-Technik für Verbundwerkstoffe
4. Dresdner Werkstoffsymposium, 18.-19.11.2013, Dresden - A. Eschke, J. Scharnweber, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, T. Marr, J. Romberg, J. Freudenberger, L. Schultz, I. Okulov, U. Kühn and J. Eckert
Lokale Spannungsanalyse mittels 2D Röntgenmikrodiffraktometrie
Fachausschuss-Sitzung „Eigenspannungen“ der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wärmebehandlung & Werkstofftechnik e.V., 12.-13.11.2013, Ettlingen - W. Skrotzki, C. Tränkner, R. Chulist, B. Beausir, T. Lippmann, J. Horky and M. Zehetbauer
Texture and microstructure evolution in NiAl deformed by high pressure torsion
Intermetallics 2013, 30.-09.-04.10.2013, Kloster Banz - W. Skrotzki
Texturforschung heute
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 30.09.2013, RWTH Aachen - M. Bönisch, Ch. Mickel, A. Gebert, M. Calin, W. Skrotzki and J. Eckert
Composition dependence of thermal transformation behaviour and mechanical characteristics of biocompatible Ti-Nb alloys
25th European Conf. on Biomaterials (ESB2013), 08.-12.09.2013, Madrid, Spain - J. Scharnweber, A. Eschke, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, J. Romberg, T. Marr, J. Freudenberger and L. Schultz
Ti/Al Composites produced by Accumulative Roll Bonding (ARB) and Differential Speed Rolling (DSR) - Microstructure, Texture and Mechanical Properties
LightMAT 2013, 03.-09.09.2013, Bremen - R. Chulist, A. Böhm, E. Rybacki, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
Twin Microstructure in 10M Ni-Mn-Ga Martensite
Int. Conf. on Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials, 23.-28.06.2013, Sithonia, Halkidiki, Greece - J. Scharnweber, A. Eschke, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, J. Romberg, T. Marr, J. Freudenberger, U. Kühn, J. Eckert and L. Schultz
High strength light-metal composites
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 10.06.2013, TU Darmstadt - C. Tränkner, R. Chulist, W. Skrotzki, B. Beausir, T. Lippmann, J. Horky and M. Zehetbauer
Texture evolution in NiAl deformed by high pressure torsion studied with synchrotron radiation
DGM-Fachausschuss-Sitzung „Texturen“, 04.-05.04.2013, Hamburg - J. Scharnweber, J. Romberg, A. Eschke, C.-G. Oertel, T. Marr, J. Freudenberger, L. Schultz, I. Okulov, U. Kühn, J. Eckert and W. Skrotzki
Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of light metal laminated composites
DGM-Fachausschuss-Sitzung „Texturen“, 04.-05.04.2013, Hamburg - L. Hollang, B. Beausir, S.R. Dey, E. Hieckmann and W. Skrotzki
Cyclic plasticity and failure mechanisms in sub-microcrystalline Ni and Ni-5%Fe
24th Colloquium on Fatigue Mechanisms, 26.-27.03.2013, Freiberg - W. Skrotzki, A. Eschke, B. Jóni, T. Ungár, L.S. Tóth, Yu. Ivanisenko and L. Kurmanaeva
Über die Rolle von Mikrostruktur- und Texturuntersuchungen zur Klärung der Verformungsmechanismen in Nanomaterialien
34. Werkstoffseminar des IAM-WK, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, 16.-23.03.2013, Adelboden, Switzerland - I. Okulov, S. Pauly, U. Kühn, T. Marr, J. Freudenberger, J. Scharnweber, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, L. Schultz and J. Eckert
Microstructure and mechanical properties of the ductile multicomponent Ti-Based alloys
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 10.-15.03.2013, Regensburg - J. Fiebig, S.V. Divinski, W. Skrotzki and G. Wilde
Thermal stability of fast diffusion paths in ECAP-deformed Ag
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 10.-15.03.2013, Regensburg - P. Chekhonin, J. Engelmann, B. Holzapfel, B. Rellinghaus, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
Substrate strains measured by convergent beam electron diffraction in epitaxial Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 thin films
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 10.-15.03.2013, Regensburg - A. Panigrahi, T. Waitz, E. Schafler, M. Bönisch, M. Calin, J. Eckert, A. Gebert, W. Skrotzki and M. Zehetbauer
Non-toxic SPD processed Ti alloys for orthopaedics
TMS Annual Meeting 2013, 03.-07.03.2013, San Antonio, USA - M. Bönisch, C. Mickel, A. Panigrahi, M. Zehetbauer, T. Waitz, A. Gebert, M. Calin, W. Skrotzki and J. Eckert
Structural competition and phase transformations in binary Ti-Nb alloys for biomedical applications
TMS Annual Meeting 2013, 03.-07.03.2013, San Antonio, USA - R. Chulist, L. Straka, N. Lanska, A. Soroka, C.-G. Oertel, A. Sozinov and W. Skrotzki
Electron backscatter diffraction of segmented twin interfaces in 10M modulated Ni-Mn-Ga martensite
TMS Annual Meeting 2013, 03.-07.03.2013, San Antonio, USA - W. Skrotzki, C. Tränkner, R. Chulist, B. Beausir, T. Lippmann, J. Horky and M. Zehetbauer
Texture evolution in NiAl deformed by high pressure torsion studied with synchrotron radiation
TMS Annual Meeting 2013, 03.-07.03.2013, San Antonio, USA - C.-G. Oertel, R. Schaarschuch, G.H. Cao, J. Freudenberger and W. Skrotzki
Duktilität von B2 geordneten YCu und YAg bei tiefen Temperaturen
DGM-Fachausschuss-Sitzung "Intermetallische Phasen", 10.01.2013, BAM Berlin
- W. Skrotzki
Microstructure and texture analysis of submicro- and nanocrystalline materials
DGM-Fortbildung “Nanoanalytik”, 05.-06.12.2012, Dresden - I. Okulov, U. Kühn, J. Eckert, T. Marr, J. Romberg, J. Freudenberger, L. Schultz, J. Scharnweber, A. Eschke, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
Ductile multicomponent Ti-based alloys
Int. ECEMP-Kolloquium, 25.-26.10.2012, Dresden - J. Romberg, J. Freudenberger, J. Scharnweber, T. Marr, I. Okulov, C.-G. Oertel, U. Kühn, J. Eckert, W. Skrotzki and L. Schultz
Accumulative roll bonding and differential speed rolling of Al-Ti composites
Materials Science and Engineering Conference 2012 (MSE 2012), 25.-27.09.2012, Darmstadt - W. Skrotzki
Microstructure and texture design of NiAl via thermo-mechanical processing
Materials Science and Engineering Conference 2012 (MSE 2012), 25.-27.09.2012, Darmstadt - R. Chulist, L. Straka, N. Lanska, A. Soroka, C.-G. Oertel, A. Sozinov and W. Skrotzki
EBSD characterization of segmented twin interfaces in 10M modulated Ni-Mn-Ga martensite
Materials Science and Engineering Conference 2012 (MSE 2012), 25.-27.09.2012, Darmstadt - R. Chulist, A. Sozinov, L. Straka, N. Lanska, A. Soroka, T. Lippmann, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
Synchrotron and conventional X-ray diffraction studies of polysynthetic twins in Ni-Mn-Ga 10M martensite
European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT 2012), 09.-16.09.2012, Saint Petersburg, Russia - R. Chulist, L. Straka, N. Lanska, A. Soroka, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki and A. Sozinov
EBSD characterization of highly mobile segmented interfaces of type II twins in 10M modulated Ni-Mn-Ga martensite
European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT 2012), 09.-16.09.2012, Saint Petersburg, Russia - M. Bönisch, C. Mickel, A. Panigrahi, M. Zehetbauer, T. Waitz, A. Gebert, M. Calin, W. Skrotzki and J. Eckert
Phase stability and martensitic transformations in binary Ti-Nb alloys
European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT 2012), 09.-16.09.2012, Saint Petersburg, Russia - A. Panigrahi, T. Waitz, E. Schafler, M. Bönisch, M. Calin, J. Eckert, A. Gebert, W. Skrotzki and M. Zehetbauer
SPD processed Ti-Nb alloys for orthopaedic applications
16th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 16), 19.-24.08.2012, Bangalore, India - C.-G. Oertel, R. Schaarschuch, G.H. Cao, J. Freudenberger and W. Skrotzki
Very low temperature ductile intermetallics
16th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 16), 19.-24.08.2012, Bangalore, India - C. Tränkner, R. Chulist, W. Skrotzki, B. Beausir, T. Lippmann, J. Horky and M. Zehetbauer
Texture evolution in NiAl deformed by high pressure torsion
16th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 16), 19.-24.08.2012, Bangalore, India - J. Scharnweber, J. Romberg, P. Chekhonin, A. Eschke, C.-G. Oertel, T. Marr, J. Freudenberger, U. Kühn, J. Eckert, L. Schultz and W. Skrotzki
Al/Ti laminates produced by ARB
16th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 16), 19.-24.08.2012, Bangalore, India - W. Skrotzki, R. Chulist, A. Eschke, T. Ungar, J. Bertalan, Yu. Ivanisenko, L. Kurmanaeva and T. Lippmann
New experimental insight into the mechanisms of nanoplasticity
16th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 16), 19.-24.08.2012, Bangalore, India - M. Bönisch, C. Mickel, A. Panigrahi, M. Zehetbauer, T. Waitz, A. Gebert, M. Calin, W. Skrotzki and J. Eckert
Effect of niobium content on the phase constitution of metastable biocompatible Ti-Nb alloys
Int. Symp. on Metastable, Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline Materials (ISMANAM-12), 18.-22.06.2012, Moscow, Russia - J. Fiebig, S.V. Divinski, Y. Estrin, R. Valiev, W. Skrotzki and G. Wilde
Diffusion in silver and titanium after severe plastic deformation
Diffusion, Stress, Segregation + Reactions 2012 (DSSR 2012), 01.-07.06.2012, Cherkasy, Ukraine - W. Skrotzki, A. Eschke, C.-G. Oertel, J. Scharnweber, T. Marr, I. Okulev, J. Freudenberger, J. Romberg, U. Kühn, L. Schultz and J. Eckert
Texture development in Ti/Al composites produced by accumulative swaging and bundling
Joint French-German Meeting on Texture and Anisotropy, 31.05-01.06.2012, Caen, France - M. Scharnweber, W. Tirschler, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
In situ observations of short cracks in stainless steel
23rd Colloquium on Fatigue Mechanisms, 03. - 04.04.2012, Poitiers, France - J. Romberg, J. Scharnweber, J. Freudenberger, H. Watanabe, T. Marr, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki and L. Schultz
Accumulative roll bonding and differential speed rolling of ultrafine grained Al-Ti composites
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 25.-30.03.2012, Berlin - A. Panigrahi, T. Waitz, E. Schafler, M. Bönisch, M. Calin, J. Eckert, W. Skrotzki and M. Zehetbauer
SPD processed ß-TiNb alloys for biomedical applications
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 25.-30.03.2012, Berlin - W. Skrotzki
Texture, microstructure and mechanical properties of ARB aluminium laminates
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 25.-30.03.2012, Berlin - C. Tränkner, R. Chulist, W. Skrotzki, B. Beausir, T. Lippmann, J. Horky and M. Zehetbauer
Texture evolution in NiAl deformed by high pressure torsion
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 25.-30.03.2012, Berlin - R. Chulist, A. Sozinov, L. Straka, T. Lippmann, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
Twin boundaries in trained 10M Ni-Mn-Ga single crystals
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 25.-30.03.2012, Berlin - W. Skrotzki
On the ductility of B2 structured intermetallic compounds
Metallphysikalisches Kolloquium, Institut für Metallkunde und Metallphysik, RWTH Aachen, 31.01.2012 - W. Skrotzki
On the ductility of B2 structured intermetallic compounds
Plasticity 2012, 03.-08.01.2012, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
- S.R. Dey, B. Beausir, L. Hollang and W. Skrotzki
Micro-shear bands formation during cyclic deformation of additive-free submicrocrystalline nickel
16th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 16), 12.-17.12.2011, Mumbai, India - R. Chulist, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, A. Böhm, T. Lippmann and E. Rybacki
Texture and microstructure evolution of HPT-processed Ni50Mn29Ga21
16th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 16), 12.-17.12.2011, Mumbai, India - W. Skrotzki, P. Chekhonin, B. Beausir, J. Scharnweber, C.-G. Oertel, J. Jaschinski, H.W. Höppel and H.-G. Brokmeier
Texture, microstructure and mechanical properties of ARB aluminium laminates
16th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 16), 12.-17.12.2011, Mumbai, India - C.-G. Oertel, A. Eschke, T. Marr, J. Scharnweber, U. Siegel, J. Freudenberger, U. Kühn, L. Schultz, J. Eckert and W. Skrotzki
Texture development of Ti-Al and Ti-Nb-Al composites deformed by a technology applying swaging and bundling
16th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 16), 12.-17.12.2011, Mumbai, India - U. Klement, C. Oikonomou, R. Chulist, B. Beausir, L. Hollang and W. Skrotzki
Influence of additives on texture development of submicro- and nanocrystalline nickel
16th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 16), 12.-17.12.2011, Mumbai, India - W. Skrotzki, P. Chekhonin, B. Beausir, J. Scharnweber, C.-G. Oertel, J. Jaschinski, H.W. Höppel and H.-G. Brokmeier
Texture, microstructure and mechanical properties of ARB aluminium laminates
European Conf. on Aluminium Alloys (ECAA 2011), 05.-07.10.2011, Bremen - W. Skrotzki
Information from texture on deformation mechanisms in nanomaterials
E-MRS 2011 Fall Meeting, 19.-23.09.2011, Warsaw, Poland - J. Fiebig, S.V. Divinski, M. Peterlechner, W. Skrotzki, R. Valiev and G. Wilde
Self-diffusion in ultrafine-grained Ag and Ti produced by equal channel angular pressing
3rd Int. Symposium on Bulk Nanostructured Materials (BNM-2011), 23.-26.08.2011, Ufa, Russia - T. Marr, J. Freudenberger, J. Scharnweber, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, U. Kühn, J. Eckert, U. Martin and L. Schultz
Ultra-fine grained light weight metal compound wires
5th Int. Light Metals Technology Conference 2011 (LMT 2011), 19.-22.07.2011, Lüneburg - R. Chulist, M. Pötschke, A. Böhm, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki and E. Rybacki
Twin microstructure in 5M Ni-Mn-Ga alloys
3rd Int. Conf. on Ferromagnetic Shape memory Alloys (ICFSMA’11), 18.-22.07.2011, Dresden - J. Fiebig, W. Skrotzki, S.V. Divinski and G. Wilde
Fast grain boundary self-diffusion in ultrafine grained Ag produced by equal channel angular pressing
8th Int. Conf. on Diffusion in Materials, 03.-08.07.2011, Dijon, France - W. Skrotzki
Beiträge der Dresdner Physik zur materialwissenschaftlichen Grundlagenforschung
DGM-Tag, 16.06.2011, Dresden - W. Skrotzki
Textur und Anisotropie
DGM-Tag, 15.06.2011, Dresden - C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, R. Tamm and K. Kegler
Deformation and recrystallization textures in iron aluminides
Stress and Texture Investigations by Means of Neutron Diffraction (STI 2011), 06.-09.06.2011, Dubna, Russia - W. Skrotzki, R. Chulist, B. Beausir and M. Hockauf
Equal channel angular pressing of NiAl
DGM-Fachausschuss-Sitzung „Texturen”, 01.04.2011, Gent University, Belgium - W. Skrotzki, M. Scharnweber, C.-G. Oertel and R. Schaarschuch
On the ductility of B2 structured intermetallics
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 28.03.2011, Nanjing University, China - W. Skrotzki, R. Chulist, B. Beausir and M. Hockauf
Equal channel angular pressing of NiAl
NanoSPD 5, 21.-25.03.2011, Nanjing, China - W. Skrotzki, M. Scharnweber, C.-G. Oertel and R. Schaarschuch
On the ductility of B2 structured intermetallics
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 18.03.2011, Shanghai University, China - J. Fiebig, W. Skrotzki, S.V. Divinski and G. Wilde
Fast grain boundary self-diffusion in ultrafine grained Ag produced by equal channel angular pressing
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 14.-18.03.2011, Dresden - P. Chekhonin, B. Beausir, J. Scharnweber, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, H.W. Höppel and J. Jaschinski
Mechanical properties and plastic anisotropy of aluminium laminates produced by accumulative roll bonding (ARB)
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 14.-18.03.2011, Dresden - R. Chulist, W. Skrotzki, C.-G. Oertel, A. Böhm, H.-G. Brokmeier and T. Lippmann
Cyclic fibre texture in hot extruded Ni50Mn29Ga21
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 14.-18.03.2011, Dresden - B. Beausir, L. Hollang, S.R. Dey, E. Hieckmann and W. Skrotzki
Shear band formation in sub-microcrystalline Ni
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 14.-18.03.2011, Dresden - C. Tränkner, R. Chulist, B. Beausir and W. Skrotzki
Inhomogeneity of texture and microstructure in copper deformed by ECAP
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 14.-18.03.2011, Dresden - R. Schaarschuch, C.-G. Oertel, G. Cao, H.N. Tian, J. Freudenberger, G. Brokmeier and W. Skrotzki
Brittle-to-ductile transition of the intermetallic compound YCu
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 14.-18.03.2011, Dresden - M. Scharnweber, C.-G. Oertel, V. Mikulich, W. Tirschler and W. Skrotzki
Influence of grain boundaries and crack length on the propagation of microstructurally short cracks in austenitic stainless steel
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 14.-18.03.2011, Dresden - L. Hollang, B. Beausir, S.R. Dey, E. Hieckmann and W. Skrotzki
Cyclic rate sensitivity and shear banding in submicrocrystalline Ni and Ni-Fe
22nd Colloquium on Fatigue Mechanisms, 01.-02.03.2011, Vienna, Austria - M. Scharnweber, C.-G. Oertel, V. Mikulich, W. Tirschler and W. Skrotzki
Influence of grain boundaries and crack length on the propagation of microstructurally short cracks in austenitic stainless steel
22nd Colloquium on Fatigue Mechanisms, 01.-02.03.2011, Vienna, Austria - W. Skrotzki, C.-G. Oertel and R. Schaarschuch
On the ductility of B2 structured intermetallics
DGM-Fachausschuss-Sitzung Intermetallische Phasen, 08.02.2011, TU Dresden - W. Skrotzki
Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of ARB processed Al alloys
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 01.02.2011, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken - W. Skrotzki, C.-G. Oertel and R. Schaarschuch
Über die Duktilität von B2 strukturierten intermetallischen Verbindungen
Seminarvortrag, 20.01.2011, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg - L. Hollang, K. Reuther, S.R. Dey, J. Scharnweber, B. Beausir, E. Hieckmann and W. Skrotzki
The effect of grain size on the deformation of fcc metals at low temperatures
Plasticity 2011, 03.-08.01.2011, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- T. Marr, J. Freudenberger, A. Kauffmann, J. Scharnweber, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, U. Siegel, U. Kühn, J. Eckert und L. Schultz
Damaszen Leichtmetall
1. Int. ECEMP-Kolloquium 2010, 02.-03.12.2010, TU Dresden - W. Skrotzki
Kleiner ist fester
Ringvorlesung im Studium generale “Naturwissenschaften Aktuell”, 25.11.2010, TU Dresden - B. Mikulowski, G. Boczkal, B.J. Bonarski, M.J. Zehetbauer, W. Skrotzki, I. Aleksandrov, E. Schafler, C.-G. Oertel and W. Wolczynski
Modeling of structure and properties of certain hexagonal metals
Metalurgia 2010, 20.–23.10.2010, Krynica-Zdroj, Poland - R. Chulist and W. Skrotzki
Orientation relationship between austenite and martensite in Ni50Mn29Ga21
SPP 1239 Convention, 28.09.-01.10.2010, Tutzing - A. Eschke, W. Skrotzki, C.-G. Oertel and J. Scharnweber
Local texture and stress measurements on submicro-/nanocrystalline gradient materials
ECEMP-Workshop, 23.-24.09.2010, Holzhau - U. Klement, C. Oikonomou, L. Hollang and W. Skrotzki
Thermal stability and texture development in submicrocrystalline nickel produced by pulsed electrodeposition
10th Int. Conf. on Nanostructured Materials (NANO 2010), 13.-17.09.2010, Rome, Italy - W. Skrotzki, R. Chulist, B. Beausir, M. Hockauf
ECAP of NiAl
Materials Science and Engineering 2010, 24.-26.08.2010, Darmstadt - N. Scheerbaum, J. Liu, W. Skrotzki, L. Schultz and O. Gutfleisch
Ni-Co-Al: alloy development, influences of preparation on martensitic transformation and phase constitution
Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS 2010), 23.–28.08.2010, Krakow, Poland - R. Chulist, W. Skrotzki, C.-G. Oertel, A. Böhm, M. Pötschke and E. Rybacki
Orientation relationship between martensitic variants in Ni50Mn29Ga21
Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS 2010), 23.–28.08.2010, Krakow, Poland - W. Skrotzki
Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of ARB processed Al alloys
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 19.07.2010, TU Chemnitz - U. Krupp, I. Roth, H.-J. Christ, M. Kübbeler, C.-P. Fritzen, C.-G. Oertel, M. Scharnweber and W. Skrotzki
The role of grain orientation and martensitic transformation during propagation of short fatigue cracks in austenitic stainless steel
6th Int. Conf. on Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture (MSMF 6), 28.-30.06.2010, Brno, Czech Republic - W. Skrotzki
Microstruture, texture and mechanical properties of ARB processed Al alloys
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Karlsruhe Institute of Techology, 05.05.2010 - B. Beausir, J. Scharnweber, J. Jaschinski, H.-G. Brokmeier, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
Simulation of the in-plane plastic anisotropy of ultrafine grained aluminum sheets produced by accumulative roll bonding
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 22.-26.03.2010, Regensburg - R. Schaarschuch, C.-G. Oertel, G. Cao and W. Skrotzki
Deformation behaviour of polycrystalline intermetallic compounds YAg and YCu
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 22.-26.03.2010, Regensburg - M. Scharnweber, C.-G. Oertel, W. Tirschler and W. Skrotzki
Crack Tipp opening displacement and propagation rate of microstructurally short cracks in austenetic stainless steel
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 22.-26.03.2010, Regensburg - R. Chulist, M. Pötschke, A. Böhm, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki and E. Rybacki
Training of polycrystalline NiMnGa alloys
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 22.-26.03.2010, Regensburg - R. Chulist and W. Skrotzki
Structure and properties of twin bounderies in Ni-Mn-Ga alloys
Evaluation of the SPP 1239/3, 04.03.2010, Dresden - Y. Ivanisenko, W. Skrotzki, R. Chulist, L. Kurmanaeva and H.-J. Fecht
Information on deformation mechanisms in nc Pd-10% Au inferred from texture analysis
TMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, 14.-18.02.2010, Seattle, USA - R. Chulist, M. Pötzschke, A. Böhm, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
EBSD investigation of the microstructure in Ni-Mn-Ga alloys
Institusseminar, Institut für Strukturphysik, 19.01.2010, Dresden - J. Scharnweber, L. Hollang, J. Jaschinski, H.-G. Brokmeier, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of ARB processed Al alloys
Plasticity 2010, 03.-08.01.2010, St. Kitts, West Indies
- R. Chulist and W. Skrotzki
Structure and properties of twin boundaries in NiMnGa alloys: Crystallography
Focus Meeting of SPP 1239, 08.-09.10.2009, Braunschweig - U. Klement, L. Hollang, S.R. Dey, M. Battabyal, O. Mishin and W. Skrotzki
Effect of annealing on microstructural development and grain orientation in electro-deposited Ni
3rd Int. Conf. on Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals (ITAP 3), 23.-25.09.2009, Göttingen - J. Scharnweber, C.-G. Oertel, H.-G. Brokmeier, J. Jaschinski, H.W. Höppel, I. Topic and W. Skrotzki
Texture and mechanical anisotropy of ultrafine grained aluminium alloy AA 6016 produced by accumulative roll bonding
3rd Int. Conf. on Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals (ITAP 3), 23.-25.09.2009, Göttingen - W. Skrotzki, C. Tränkner, R. Chulist, B. Beausir, S. Suwas, L.S. Tóth
Texture heterogeneity in ECAP deformed copper
3rd Int. Conf. on Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals (ITAP 3), 23.-25.09.2009, Göttingen - A. Böhm, T. Junker, S. Roth, C. Hürrich, R. Chulist, W. Skrotzki, W.-G. Drossel and R. Neugebauer
Properties of textured polycrystalline Ni50Mn29Ga21 after hot extrusion
8th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT 2009), 07.-11.09.2009, Prague, Czech Republic - W. Skrotzki, J. Scharnweber and C.-G. Oertel
Microstructure, texture and mechanical anisotropy of ARB processed Al alloys
Euromat 2009, 07.-10.09.2009, Glasgow, Scotland - J. Man, A. Weidner, I. Kubena, T. Vystavel, T. Kruml, W. Skrotzki and J. Polak
Application of FIB technique to study early fatigue damage in polycrystals
15th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 15), 16.-21.08.2009, Dresden - S.R. Dey, L. Hollang, K. Reuther R. Hübner, R. Chulist and W. Skrotzki
Crystallographic characterization of catastrophic shear in submicron Ni at low temperatures
15th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 15), 16.-21.08.2009, Dresden - G. Cao, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
Transmission electron microscopy investigation of microstructure in high strain torsion of TiAl-based alloy
15th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 15), 16.-21.08.2009, Dresden - U. Krupp, I. Roth, H.-J. Christ, M. Kübbeler, C.-P. Fritzen and W. Skrotzki
Scanning electron microscopy and computer modelling of microstructural changes in the vicinity of propagating short fatigue cracks in austenitic stainless steels
15th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 15), 16.-21.08.2009, Dresden - R. Chulist, M. Pötschke, T. Lippmann, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
Deformation twinning in NiMnGa alloys
15th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 15), 16.-21.08.2009, Dresden - M. Scharnweber, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
Deformation mechanisms of hard oriented NiAl single cyrstals
15th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 15), 16.-21.08.2009, Dresden - J. Scharnweber, L. Hollang and W. Skrotzki
Low-temperature plasticity of ultrafine grained AA6016 Al alloy
15th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 15), 16.-21.08.2009, Dresden - L. Hollang, J. Scharnweber, K. Reuther, S.R. Dey, E. Hieckmann and W. Skrotzki
Deformation mechanisms in sub-microcrystalline fcc metals at low temperatures
15th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 15), 16.-21.08.2009, Dresden - R. Chulist, A. Böhm, T. Lippmann, W. Skrotzki, W.-G. Drossel and R. Neugebauer
Twinning behaviour of textured polycrystalline 5M Ni-Mn-Ga alloy after hot extrusion
2nd Int. Conf. on Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys (ICFSMA-2009), 01.-03.07.2009, Bilbao, Spain - C.-G. Oertel, I. Hünsche, W. Skrotzki, A. Lorich, W. Knabl, J. Resch and Th. Trenkwalder
Influence of cross rolling and heat treatment on texture and forming properties of molybdenum sheets
Plansee Seminar, 25.-29.05.2009, Reutte, Austria - W. Skrotzki, J. Scharnweber and C.-G. Oertel
Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained Al alloys produced by accumulative roll bonding
Joint French-German Meeting on Texture and Anisotropy, 02.-03.04.2009, Paris, France - K. Reuther, C. Blochwitz, W. Tirschler, S. Jakob and W. Skrotzki
Fatigue properties of strongly textured Ni-W plates
20th Colloquium on Fatigue Mechanisms, 31.03.-01.04.2009, Erlangen - L. Hollang, S.R. Dey, E. Hieckmann and W. Skrotzki
Shear band formation in sub-microcrystalline Ni
20th Colloquium on Fatigue Mechanisms, 31.03.-01.04.2009, Erlangen - L. Hollang, S.R. Dey and W. Skrotzki
Change of deformation mechanism in nanocrystalline nickel at very low temperatures
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 23.-27.03.2009, Dresden - J. Scharnweber, W. Skrotzki, C.-G. Oertel, H.-G. Brokmeier, H.W. Höppel, I. Topic
Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained Al alloys produced by accumulative roll bonding
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 23.-27.03.2009, Dresden - R. Chulist, M. Pötschke, A. Böhm, H.-G. Brokmeier, T. Lippmann, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
Twinning behaviour of textured polycrystalline NiMnGa
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 23.-27.03.2009, Dresden - R. Chulist and W. Skrotzki
Structure and properties of twin boundaries in NiMnGa-alloys
Focus Meeting of SPP 1239, 16.-19.02.2009, Duisburg - A. Weidner and W. Skrotzki
Influence of grain boundaries on the cyclic slip activity of PSBs – A comparison of surface and bulk grains
2009 TMS Annual Meeting, 15.-19.02.2009, San Francisco, USA - A. Weidner and W. Skrotzki
Dislocation structure and slip activity of PSBs in cyclically deformed polycrystalline nickel
2009 TMS Annual Meeting, 15.-19.02.2009, San Francisco, USA - L. Hollang, K. Reuther, S.R. Dey and W. Skrotzki
Change of deformation mechanism in nanocrystlline nickel at very low temperatures
2009 TMS Annual Meeting, 15.-19.02.2009, San Francisco, USA - R. Chulist, C.-G. Oertel, M. Pötzschke, T. Lippmann and W. Skrotzki
On the role of twinning in NiMnGa magnetic shape memory alloys
Plasticity 09, 03.01.-08.01.2009, St. Thomas, USVI
- W. Skrotzki
Kleiner ist fester
Ringvorlesung im Studium generale, TU Dresden
30.10.2008, Dresden - W. Skrotzki, L. Hollang, K. Reuther, E. Hiekmann and S.R. Dey
The effect of grain size on the deformation mechanisms in fcc metals at low temperature
Int. Workshop on the Plasticity of Nanocrystalline Metals,
28.09.-01.10.2008, Lake Bostal - A. Weidner, W. Tirschler, C. Blochwitz and W. Skrotzki
Persistant slip bands - slip activity and dislocation structure in dependence on number of cycles of cyclically deformed Ni-polycrystals
6th Int. Conf. on Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF 6), 08.-12.09.2008, Berlin - W. Skrotzki, J. Hüttenrauch, C.-G. Oertel, H.-G. Brokmeier, H.W. Höppel and I. Topic
Texture and mechanical anisotropy of ultrafine-grained Al alloys produced by accumulative roll bonding
4th Int. Conf. on Nanomaterials by severe Plastic Deformation (NanoSPD4), 18.-22.08.2008, Goslar - R. Chulist, M. Pötzschke, A. Böhm, H.-G. Brokmeier, U. Garbe and W. Skrotzki
Variant selection in cast and hot rolled NiMnGa alloys
Int. Conf. On Martensitic Transformations (ICOMAT-18), 29.06-05.07.2008, Santa Fe, USA - C.-G. Oertel, I. Hünsche, W. Skrotzki, A. Lorich and W. Knabl
Texture development of molybdenem sheets during last steps of heat treatment
Int. Conf. On Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 15), 01.-06.06.2008, Pittsburgh, USA - R. Chulist, M. Pötzschke, A. Böhm, H.-G. Brokmeier, U. Garbe and W. Skrotzki
Cast and rolling textures of NiMnGa alloys
Int. Conf. On Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 15), 01.-06.06.2008, Pittsburgh, USA - W. Skrotzki
High strain torsion of NiAl
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, 06.05.2008, Düsseldorf - R. Chulist, M. Pötschke, A. Böhm, H.-G. Brokmeier, U. Garbe, C.-G. Oertel and
W. Skrotzki
Cast and rolling textures of NiMnGa alloys
Joint French-German Meeting on Texture and Anisotropy, 04.04.2008, Delft, Netherlands - L. Hollang, K. Reuther and W. Skrotzki
Twinning during low-temperature deformation of sub-microcrystalline pulsed-electrodeposited nickel
2008 TMS Annual Meeting, 09.-13.03.2008, New Orleans, USA - A. Weidner, W. Tirschler, C. Blochwitz, W. Skrotzki, J. Man and T. Kruml
Local shear strain amplitude and half-cycle slip activity of persistent slip bands in cyclically deformed polycrystals
2008 TMS Annual Meeting, 09.-13.03.2008, New Orleans, USA - T. Ungar and W. Skrotzki
Microstructure as seen by X-ray line broadening and its relevance to mechanical behavior
2008 TMS Annual Meeting, 09.-13.03.2008, New Orleans, USA - K. Reuther, L. Hollang and W. Skrotzki
Twinning during low-temperature deformation of nanocrystalline pulsed-electrodeposited nickel
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 25.-29.02.2008, Berlin - J. Hüttenrauch, W. Skrotzki, C.-G. Oertel, H.-G. Brokmeier, H.W. Höppel, I. Topic
Texture and mechanical anisotropy of ultrafine-grained Al alloys produced by accumulative roll bonding
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 25.-29.02.2008, Berlin - W. Skrotzki
Severe plastic deformation of TiAl-based alloys
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, 18.02.2008, Chennai, India - W. Skrotzki
Severe plastic deformation of TiAl-based alloys
Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Banaras Hindu University, 11.02.2008, Varanasi, India - W. Skrotzki
Deformation and recrystallization textures in iron aluminides
Int. Conf. on Microstructure and Texture in Steels 2008 (MATS2008), 05.-07.02.2008, Jamshedpur, India
- R. Chulist, M. Pötschke, A. Böhm, H.-G. Brokmeier, U. Garbe, C.-G. Oertel and
W. Skrotzki
Cast and rolling textures of NiMnGa alloys
MRS Fall Meeting 2007, 26.-30.11.2007, Boston, USA - W. Skrotzki
Severe plastic deformation of TiAl-based alloys
KMM-NoE 2nd Integration Conference, 24.-25.10.2007, Vienna, Austria - W. Skrotzki, B. Klöden, A. Lankau and V. Kopylov
Texture inhomogeneity in titanium deformed by ECAP
2nd Symposium on Texture and Microstructure Analysis (SOTAMA’2007), 26.-28.09.2007, Krakow, Poland - W. Skrotzki, B. Klöden and E. Rybacki
Swift effect in the intermetallic compound NiAl
SHEAR07 Symposium, 04.-07.09.2007, Nancy, France - L.S. Tóth, F. Qods, B. Klöden and W. Skrotzki
Modeling of Swift effect in cylindrical solid bars
SHEAR07 Symposium, 04.-07.09.2007, Nancy, France - W. Skrotzki, B. Klöden, I. Hünsche, R. Chulist, S. Suwas and L.S. Tóth
Influence of dynamic recrystallization on texture formation in ECAP deformed nickel
Int. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, 10.-15.06.2007, Jeju Island, Korea - W. Skrotzki, G.H. Cao, B. Klöden and E. Rybacki
Severe plastic deformation of TiAl-based alloys
Plasticity07, 02.-06.06.2007, Alaska, USA - L. Hollang, E. Hiekmann and W. Skrotzki
Change of deformation mechanism in sub-microcrystalline PED nickel during cyclic loading
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 25.-30.03.2007, Regensburg - W. Skrotzki, I. Hünsche, J. Hüttenrauch, H.-G. Brokmeier, H.W. Höppel and I. Topic
Texture and mechanical anisotropy of ultrafine-grained Al alloy AA6016 produced by accumulative roll bonding
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 25.-30.03.2007, Regensburg - N. Scheerbaum, D. Hinz, J. Liu, O. Gutfleisch, W. Skrotzki and L. Schultz
Stress-induced twin boundary motion in Ni50.9Mn27.1Ga22.0-polymer-composites
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 25.-30.03.2007, Regensburg - W. Skrotzki, I. Hünsche, J. Hüttenrauch, H.-G. Brokmeier, H.W. Höppel and I. Topic
Texture and mechanical anisotropy of ultrafine-grained Al alloy AA6016 produced by accumulative roll bonding
Joint French-German Meeting on Texture and Anisotropy, 23.03.2007, Aachen - N. Scheerbaum, D. Hinz, O. Gutfleisch, W. Skrotzki and L. Schultz
Compression-induced texture change in NiMnGa-polymer-composites observed by synchrotron radiation
10th Joint MMM/Intermag Conference, 07.-11.01.2007, Baltimore, USA
- W. Skrotzki, B. Klöden and C.-G. Oertel
Grain refinement and texture formation in torsion deformed NiAl
UFG-2006 Conference, UltraFine Grained Materials – From Basics to Applications,
25.-27.09.2006, Kloster Irsee - W. Skrotzki, G.H. Cao, B. Kloeden, C.-G. Oertel
High-strain torsion of TiAl-based alloys
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Academy of Mining and Metallurgy, Department of Structure and Mechanics of Solids, 13.09.2006, Crakow, Poland - W. Skrotzki
Bis zur Weißglut erhitzt und immer noch fest
Ringvorlesung, TU Dresden, 22.06.2006 - L. Hollang, E. Hieckmann, C. Holste and W. Skrotzki
Strain-rate sensitivity of additive-free PED nickel during cyclic loading
14th Int. Conf. on Strength of Materials (ICSMA), 04.-09.06.2006, Xi’an, China - C.-G. Oertel, I. Hünsche, W. Skrotzki, W. Knabl, A. Lorich and J. Resch
Plastic anisotropy of straight and cross rolled molybdenum sheets
14th Int. Conf. on Strength of Materials (ICSMA), 04.-09.06.2006, Xi’an, China - G.H. Cao, B. Klöden, C.-G. Oertel, E. Rybacki and W. Skrotzki
High strain torsion of TiAl-based alloys
14th Int. Conf. on Strength of Materials (ICSMA14), 04.-09.06.2006, Xi’an, China - L. Hollang, E. Hieckmann, C. Holste and W. Skrotzki
Strain rate sensitivity of cyclically deformed PED nickel
17th Colloquium on Fundamental Fatigue Mechanisms 2006, 23.-24.03.2006, Wien, Austria - A. Singh, V. Neu, R. Tamm, K.S. Rao, S. Fähler, W. Skrotzki, R. Hühne, L. Schultz and B. Holzapfel
Investigating pinning dominated domain reversal in epitaxial SmCo thin films
21st General Conference of the EPS Condensed Matter Division, 26.-31.03.2006, Dresden - K.S. Rao, R. Tamm, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, A. Singh, V. Neu, S. Faehler and B. Holzapfel
TEM investigations of epitaxially grown Sm-Co/Cr films on MgO single crystal substrates
21st General Conference of the EPS Condensed Matter Division, 26.-31.03.2006, Dresden - L. Hollang, E. Hieckmann, D. Brunner, C. Holste and W. Skrotzki
Scaling effects on the plasticity of ECAP nickel
21st General Conference of the EPS Condensed Matter Division, 26.-31.03.2006, Dresden - E. Hieckmann, L. Hollang and W. Skrotzki
Determination of long-range internal stresses in cyclically deformed Ni with submicro-crystalline grain structure
21st General Conference of the EPS Condensed Matter Division, 26.-31.03.2006, Dresden - W. Skrotzki
Texture development during equal channel angular pressing
21st General Conference of the EPS Condensed Matter Division, 26.-31.03.2006, Dresden - W. Skrotzki, B. Klöden, N. Scheerbaum, C.-G. Oertel, S. Suwas and L.S. Tóth
Texture gradient in fcc metals deformed by ECAP as a function of stacking fault energy
2006 TMS Annual Meeting, 12.-16.03.2006, San Antonio, USA - W. Skrotzki, R. Tamm, K. Kegler and C.-G. Oertel
Texture formation in iron aluminides
3rd Discussion Meeting on the Development of Innovative Iron Aluminium Alloys, 22.-24.01.2006, Mettmann
- W. Skrotzki
Plasticity of high-temperature structural materials
Seminarvortrag, Laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique des Materiaux, Université de Metz, 17.11.2005, Metz, France - W. Skrotzki
Optimization of texture in Sm-Co thin films
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Laboratoire d’Etude des Textures et Application aux Matériaux, Université de Metz, 17.11.2005, Metz, France - A. Singh, V. Neu, R. Tamm, K.S. Rao, W. Skrotzki, L .Schultz and B. Holzapfel
Pulsed laser deposited epitaxial Sm-Co thin films with uniaxial magnetic texture
Int. Conf. on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM’05), 30.10.-03.11.2005, San Jose, USA - W. Skrotzki, N. Scheerbaum, C.-G. Oertel, H.-G. Brokmeier, S. Suwas and L.S. Tóth
Texture formation during ECAP of aluminum alloy AA 5109
3rd Int. Conf. on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation (NanoSPD3), 22.-26.09.2005, Fukuoka, Japan - D. Goran, J.-J. Fundenberger, S. Suwas, E. Bouzy, L.S. Tóth, W. Skrotzki and T. Grosdidier
Heterogeneity of deformation in pure Ni single crystal of cube orientation deformed by equal channel angular extrusion
Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 14), 11.-15.07.2005, Leuven, Belgium - R. Arruffat-Massion, S. Suwas, L.S. Tóth, W. Skrotzki, J.-J. Fundenberger and A. Eberhardt
Experiments and modelling of ECAE textures of fcc polycrystals
Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 14), 11.-15.07.2005, Leuven, Belgium - K.S. Rao, R. Tamm, S.C. Wimbush, G.H. Cao, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki and B. Holzapfel
Texture studies on borocarbide thin films
Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 14), 11.-15.07.2005, Leuven, Belgium - B. Klöden, W. Skrotzki, C.-G. Oertel and E. Rybacki
Dynamic recrystallization of torsion deformed NiAl
Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 14), 11.-15.07.2005, Leuven, Belgium - W. Skrotzki, N. Scheerbaum, C.-G. Oertel, H.-G. Brokmeier, S. Suwas and L.S. Tóth
Texture gradient in ECAP silver measured by synchrotron radiation
Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 14), 11.-15.07.2005, Leuven, Belgium - I. Hünsche, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, W. Knabl, A. Lorich and J. Resch
Texture induced plastic anisotropy of rolled molybdenum sheets
16th Int. Plansee Seminar, 30.05.-03.06.2005, Reutte, Austria - W. Skrotzki
Optimization of texture in Sm-Co thin films
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Centre of Excellence, Polish Academy of Sciences, 20.06.2005, Crakow, Poland - W. Skrotzki
Microstructure and texture formation in ECAP deformed
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Academy of Mining and Metallurgy, Department of Structure and Mechanics of Solids, 19.05.2005, Crakow, Poland - L. Hollang, C. Holste and W. Skrotzki
Cyclic plasticity of additive-free PED nickel
16th Coloquium on Fundamental Fatigue Mechanisms, 31.03.-01.01.2005, Brno,
Czech Republic - A. Singh, R. Tamm, V. Neu, S. Fähler, L. Schultz, W. Skrotzki and B. Holzapfel
Epitaxial Sm-Co thin films with uniaxial in-plane anisotropy
69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 04.-09.03.2005, Berlin - K.S. Rao, R. Tamm, S.C. Wimbush, G.H. Cao, C.G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki and B. Holzapfel
Role of Y2O3 on borocarbide thin films grown on MgO (100) substrate
69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 04.-09.03.2005, Berlin - I. Hünsche, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, W. Knabl, A. Lorich and J. Resch
Texture induced anisotropy of rolled molybdenum sheets
69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 04.-09.03.2005, Berlin - B. Klöden, W. Skrotzki, C.-G. Oertel and E. Rybacki
Dynamic recrystallization of torsion deformed NiAl
69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 04.-09.03.2005, Berlin - W. Skrotzki
High-strain torsion of TiAl-based alloys
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 16.02.2005, Universität Metz, France - W. Skrotzki
Mikrostruktur- und Texturentwicklung beim ECAP-Prozeß
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 18.01.2005, Universität Magdeburg - W. Skrotzki, N. Scheerbaum, C.-G. Oertel, S. Suwas, L.S. Tóth and H.-G. Brokmeier
Inhomogeneity of microstructure and texture development during equal channel angular pressing
Plasticity’05, 03.-08.01.2005, Kauai (Hawaii), USA
- W. Skrotzki
Mikrostruktur- und Texturentwicklung beim ECAP-Prozeß
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 07.12.2004, Universität Göttingen - W. Skrotzki, K. Kegler, R. Tamm and C.-G. Oertel
Recrystallization of iron aluminides
2nd Int. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, 30.08.-03.09.2004, Annecy, France - W. Skrotzki
Mikrostruktur- und Texturentwicklung beim ECAP-Prozeß
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 12.07.2004, TU Freiberg - D. Goran, S. Suwas, J.-J. Fundenberger, E. Bouzy, L.S. Tóth, W. Skrotzki and T. Grosdidier
Pure Ni single crystal of cube orientation deformed by equal channel angular extrusion
2nd Int. Conf. on Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals (ITAP 2), 07.-09.07.2004, Metz, France - S. Suwas, L.S. Tóth, J.-J. Fundenberger, T. Grosdidier and W. Skrotzki
Texture evolution in fcc metals during equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) as a function of stacking fault energy
2nd Int. Conf. on Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals (ITAP 2), 07.-09.07.2004, Metz, France - R. Tamm, A. Singh, V. Neu, W. Skrotzki, C.-G. Oertel, S. Leinert, S. Fähler, L. Schultz and B. Holzapfel
Temperature dependence of texture of Sm-Co thin films
2nd Int. Conf. on Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals (ITAP 2), 07.-09.07.2004, Metz, France - W. Skrotzki, N. Scheerbaum, C.-G. Oertel, H.-G. Brokmeier, S. Suwas and L.S. Tóth
Oblique texture formation in high purity aluminium during ECAP
2nd Int. Conf. on Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals (ITAP 2), 07.-09.07.2004, Metz, France - W. Skrotzki, N. Scheerbaum, C.-G. Oertel, H.-G. Brokmeier, S. Suwas and L.S. Tóth
Texture gradient in ECAP copper measured by synchrotron radiation
2nd Int. Conf. on Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals (ITAP 2), 07.-09.07.2004, Metz, France - W. Skrotzki
Lokale Texturuntersuchungen mit hochenergetischer Synchrotronstrahlung
26. Sitzung des DGM-Fachausschusses “Texturen”, 02.04.2004, Dresden - R. Klemm, W. Tirschler, C. Blochwitz and W. Skrotzki
Influence of texture on fatigue behaviour of fcc metals
15th Colloquium on Fundamental Fatigue Mechanisms, 01.-02.04.2004, Erlangen - W. Skrotzki, I. Hünsche, C.-G. Oertel and W. Knabl
Effects of thermomechanical processing on texture formation in rolled molybdenum sheets
TMS Annual Meeting 2004, 14.-18.03.2004, Charlotte, USA - C.-G. Oertel, I. Hünsche, W. Skrotzki and W. Knabl
Microstructure and texture development during recrystallization of rolled molybdenum sheets
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 08.-12.03.2004, Regensburg - B. Klöden, W. Skrotzki, C.-G. Oertel, R. Tamm, U. Garbe and E. Rybacki
High-strain torsion of NiAl
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 08.-12.03.2004, Regensburg - A. Singh, R. Tamm, V. Neu, S. Leinert, S. Fähler, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, L. Schultz and B. Holzapfel
Pulsed laser deposition of epitaxial SmCo thin films
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 08.-12.03.2004, Regensburg - G.H. Cao, W. Skrotzki and C.-G. Oertel
Structural changes of TiAl deformed by high-strain torsion
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 08.-12.03.2004, Regensburg - R. Hühne, S. Fähler, B. Holzapfel, W. Skrotzki and L. Schultz
Preparation of biaxial textured buffer layers using ion-beam assisted deposition
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 08.-12.03.2004, Regensburg
- W. Skrotzki, B. Klöden, N. Scheerbaum, R. Tamm, C.-G. Oertel, U. Garbe, E. Rybacki and H.-G. Brokmeier
Local texture measurements with high-energy synchrotron radiation
Advanced X-ray Techniques in Research and Industry (XRTI-2003), 04.-05.12.2003, Hyderabad, India - W. Skrotzki
Development of microstructure and texture in materials with high plastic anisotropy
Department of Structure and Mechanics of Solids, AGH, 25.09.2003, Krakau, Poland - W. Skrotzki, I. Hünsche, R. Tamm, C.-G. Oertel and H.-G. Brokmeier
Substructure and texture formation during extrusion of NiAl single crystals
13th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 13), 25.-30.08.2003, Budapest, Hungary - W. Skrotzki, R. Tamm and C.-G. Oertel
Effects of thermomechanical processing on texture formation in iron aluminides
Int. Conf. on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC-2003), 07.-11.07.2003, Madrid, Spain - W. Skrotzki
Local texture measurements with high-energy synchrotron radiation
Universität Metz, 12.06.2003, Metz, France - W. Skrotzki
Recent developments in the field of texture research using synchrotron and neutron radiation
Institut für Strukturphysik, TU Dresden, 27.05.2003, Dresden - W. Skrotzki
Torsion texture measurements with high-energy synchrotron radiation on NiAl
Workshop “Hard Synchrotron X-rays for Texture and Strain Analysis”, 09.-11.04.2003, Hamburg - J. Kaspar, A. Luft and W. Skrotzki
Slip and deformation twinning in laser shock loaded molybdenum single crystals
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, 24.-28.03.2003, Dresden - B. Klöden, R. Tamm, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, L. Wcislak and E. Rybacki
Grain refinement and texture formation during high-strain torsion of NiAl
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, 24.-28.03.2003, Dresden
- W. Skrotzki, B. Klöden, R. Tamm, C.-G. Oertel, L. Wcislak and E. Rybacki
Grain refinement and texture formation during high-strain torsion of NiAl
2nd Int. Conf. on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation, Fundamentals-Processing-Applications, 09.-13.12.2002, Wien, Austria - W. Skrotzki
Einfluß von Verformungsinhomogenitäten auf die Texturentwicklung
Seminarvortrag, Universität Magdeburg, 07.11.2002, Magdeburg - W. Skrotzki, R. Tamm, B. Klöden, C.-G. Oertel, L. Wcislak and E. Rybacki
Local texture measurements with high-energy synchrotron radiation on NiAl deformed in torsion
13th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 13), 26.-30.08.2002 Seoul, South-Korea - R. Hühne, S. Fähler, B. Holzapfel, C.-G. Oertel, L. Schultz and W. Skrotzki
Real time in-situ texture investigations of thin film growth using RHEED
13th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 13), 26.-30.08.2002 Seoul, South-Korea - W. Skrotzki, C.-G. Oertel, L. Ledig, D. Hough and J. Eckert
Amorphisierung und Nanokristallisation von quaternären Borocarbid-Supraleitern
10. Arbeitstagung des Arbeitskreises Nichtkristalline und Partiellkristalline Strukturen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie, 09.-12.09.2002, Jena - W. Skrotzki
Development of texture and anisotropy in B2-type intermetallic compounds
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 23.05.2002, Universität Metz, France - C.-G. Oertel, R. Tamm, W. Skrotzki and H.-G. Brokmeier
Anomales Kriechverhalten in Stromschienenmaterialien EN AW-1350 (Al 99.5) und EN AW-6060 (AlMgSi0.5)
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 11.-15.03.2002, Regensburg - W. Skrotzki, R. Tamm and C.-G. Oertel
Verformungs- und Rekristallisationstexturen in Eisenaluminiden
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 11.-15.03.2002, Regensburg - W. Skrotzki
Development of texture and anisotropy in B2-type intermetallic compounds
Int. Conf. on Plasticity, 03.-09.01.2002, Aruba, Netherlands
- W. Skrotzki
Amorphe/nanokristalline Borocarbide: Struktur und Supraleitung
TU Chemnitz, 13.11.2001, Chemnitz - W. Skrotzki
Novel metal-intermetallic composite thin films
Chinese-German Workshop on "Modern Metallic Materials Design", 04.-07.11.2001, Beijing, China - R. Hühne, S. Fähler, B. Holzapfel, C.-G. Oertel, L. Schultz and W. Skrotzki
Mechanism of texture formation in MgO buffer layers using ion-beam assisted laser deposition
5th European Conf. on Applied Superconductivity, 26.-30.08.2001, Kopenhagen, Sweden - W. Skrotzki
Strukturbildung in amorphen Seltenerd-Übergangsmetall-Borocarbiden: Keimbildung und Kristallisation
XXII. Arbeitskreistagung "Zeitliche und räumliche Prozesse in nichtkristallinen Materialien", l7.-18.09.2001, Wolfersdorf - W. Skrotzki, R. Tamm, O. Perner and C.-G. Oertel
Recrystallization of NiAl
1st Joint Int. Conf. on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, 27.-31.08.2001, Aachen - W. Skrotzki
Stand der Kenntnisse zum mechanischen Verhalten von nanokristallinen Materialien
Institut für Physikalische Metallkunde, TU Dresden, 19.04.2001, Dresden - W. Skrotzki, O. Perner, R. Tamm and C.-G. Oertel
Rekristallisation von NiA1
DPG Frühjahrstagung; 26.-30.03.2001, Hamburg - W. Skrotzki, C.-G. Oertel, R. Tamm and O. Perner
Rekristallisationskinetik, Texturentwicklung und Anisotropie in NiAl
Frühjahrssitzung des DGM Arbeitskreises "Mechanisches Werkstoffverhalten bei hoher Temperatur“, MTU Aero Engines, 23.03.2001, München - W. Skrotzki
State of the art of nanocrystalline materials
Universität Metz, 26.02.2001, Metz (France) - W. Skrotzki
Entwicklung von Textur und Anisotropie in NiAl Polykristallen
22. Adelbodener Werkstoffseminar, 12.-19.03.2001, Adelboden, Schweiz
- W. Skrotzki, R. Tamm, O. Perner and C.-G. Oertel
Effects of thermomechanical processing on the texture and mechanical properties of NiAl
Int. Conf. on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials: Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications THERMEC2000, 04.-08.12.2000, Las Vegas, USA - R. Hühne, Ch. Beyer, C.-G. Oertel, B. Holzapfel, L. Schultz and W. Skrotzki
Formation of biaxially textured MgO buffer layers using ion-beam assisted pulsed laser deposition
Fall-Meeting of the Materials Research Society, 27.-30.11.2000, Boston, USA - W. Skrotzki, R. Tamm, C.-G. Oertel, B. Beckers, H.-G. Brokmeier and E. Rybacki
Texture induced plastic anisotropy of NiAl polycrystals
12th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 12), 27.08.-01.09.2000, Asilomar, USA - W. Skrotzki, R. Tamm, C.-G. Oertel, M. Heilmaier, M. Nganbe, B. Beckers and H.-G. Brokmeier
Plastic anisotropy of textured ODS nickel-base alloy PM 1000
12th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 12), 27.08.-01.09.2000, Asilomar, USA - W. Skrotzki, R. Tamm, C.-G. Oertel, B. Beckers, H.-G. Brokmeier and E. Rybacki
Influence of texture and hydrostatic pressure on the room temperature compression of NiAl
5th Int. Conf. on Structural and Functional Intermetallics, 16.-19.07.2000, Vancouver, Canada - W. Skrotzki
Mikrostruktur- und Texturentwicklung in verformten NiA1-Polykristallen
Institutsseminar IPMK, TU Dresden, 27.04.2000, Dresden - C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
High temperature plastic deformation and microstructure of Fe-9at%Si polycrystals
5th Asia-Pacific Symp. on Advances in Engineering Plasticity and its Applications (AEPA 2000), 12.-16.06.2000, Hongkong, China - R. Hühne, Ch. Beyer, B. Holzapfel, C.-G. Oertel, L. Schultz and W. Skrotzki
Textur- und Mikrostrukturentwicklung biaxial orientierter MgO-Schichten
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, 27.-31.03.2000, Regensburg - C.-G. Oertel, L. Ledig, J. Eckert and W. Skrotzki
Superconductivity of annealed and consolidated amorphous YNi2B2C powders
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, 27.-31.03.2000, Regensburg - W. Skrotzki, M. Heilmaier, B. Beckers, H.-G. Brokmeier, R. Tamm and C.-G. Oertel
Plastic anisotropy of textured ODS nickel-base alloy PM 1000
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, 27.-31.03.2000, Regensburg - W. Skrotzki, R. Tamm, C.-G. Oertel, B. Beckers, H.-G. Brokmeier and G. Dresen
Texture induced plastic anisotropy of NiAl polycrystals
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, 27.-31.03.2000, Regensburg - W. Skrotzki
Microstructure and texture development in deformed NiAl polycrystals
Department of Metal Physics, Beijing University of Science and Technology, 16.03.2000, Beijing, China - W. Skrotzki
Amorphous/nanocrystalline quaternary borocarbides - structure and superconductivity
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, 13.03.2000, Hangzhou, China - W. Skrotzki
Microstructure and texture development in deformed NiAI polycrystals
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, 13.03.2000, Hangzhou, China - W. Skrotzki
Laser deposition of biaxially aligned MgO buffer layers
Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, Nanjing University, 08.03.2000, Nanjing, China - W. Skrotzki
Microstructure and texture development in deformed NiAl polycrystals
Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, Nanjing University, 08.03.2000, Nanjing, China - W. Skrotzki
TEM - Ein Einblick in die Mikrowelt
Technische Universität Darmstadt, 28.01.2000, Darmstadt - W. Skrotzki
Mikrostruktur- und Texturentwicklung in verformten NiA1-Polykristallen
Institut für Mechanik, Otto von Guericke Universität, 10.01.2000, Magdeburg
- W. Skrotzki, R. Tamm, C.-G. Oertel, J. Röseberg and H.-G. Brokmeier
Microstructure and texture formation in extruded lead sulfide
Int. Conf. on Textures and Physical Properties of Rocks, 13.10.1999, Göttingen - R. Hühne, B. Holzapfel, C.-G. Oertel, L. Schultz and W. Skrotzki
Laser deposition of biaxially aligned MgO buffer layers
European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, 13.-17.09.1999, Sitges, Spain - W. Skrotzki
Amorphe nanokristalline quaternäre Borocarbide -Struktur und Supraleitung
GKSS-Forschungszentrum, 27.-30.09.1999, Geesthacht - W. Skrotzki, B. Müller, L. Ledig, D. Hough, C.-G. Oertel, A. Gümbel and J. Eckert
Amorphous/nanocrystalline quaternary borocarbides -structure and superconductivity
Workshop on Properties of Non-crystalline Materials - Experimental Data and Structural Models, 27.-30.09.1999, Jena - R. Tamm, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
On the texture change in NiAl
12th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 12), 09.-13.08.1999, Montreal, Canada - R. Hühne, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, B. Holzapfel and L. Schultz
Biaxially aligned MgO buffer layers by ion-beam assisted pulsed laser deposition
12th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 12), 09.-13.08.1999, Montreal, Canada - C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, C. Philomlasak, I. Poschmann and J. Schneider
Textur- und Gefügeuntersuchungen an rollendem Bahnmaterial
3. Schienenfahrzeugtagung, 24.-26.02.1999, Dresden - W. Skrotzki
Verfestigung von lonenkristallen mit NaCl-Struktur
Seminarvortrag, Institut für Materialphysik, 27.05.1999, Universität Wien, Austria - W. Skrotzki
Mikrostruktur- und Texturentwicklung in verformten NiAl Polykristallen
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Institut für Materialphysik, 26.05.1999, Universität Wien, Austria - W. Skrotzki
Mikrostruktur- und Texturentwicklung in plastisch anisotropen Materialien
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam, 04.05.1999, Potsdam - C.-G. Oertel, I. Poschmann and W. Skrotzki
Plastische Verformung und Charakterisierung der Realstruktur von Fe-Si-Polykristallen mit 9 at% Si
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, 22.-26.03.1999, Münster - W. Skrotzki
Contributions of transmission electron microscopy to the study of structure and properties of interfaces
Workshop on Transmission Electron Microscopy in Earth and Planetary Sciences, 22.-24.02.1999, Münster
- A. Gümbel, L. Ledig, D. Hough, C.-G. Oertel, W. Skrotzki, J. Eckert and L. Schultz
Mechanically attrited superconducting Y-TM-B-C Borocarbides (TM = Ni, Pd)
Int. Symp. on Metastable, Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline Materials (ISMANAM-98), 07.-12.12.1998, Wollongong, Australia - W. Skrotzki
Texturentwicklung in plastisch anisotropen Materialien
Kolloquiumsvortrag, GKSS-Forschungszentrum, 25.06.1998, Geesthacht - R. Tamm and W. Skrotzki
EBSD study of the recrystallization process in NiAl
CHANNEL Users Meeting, 08.-10.06.1998, Hobro, Denmark - W. Skrotzki
Texturentwicklung in plastisch anisotropen Materialien
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, 23.-27.03.1998, Regensburg
- W. Skrotzki
Hochtemperaturkriechen von polykristallinen Fe-Si-Legierungen
DGM Arbeitskreis "Werkstoffverhalten bei hohen Temperaturen", 26.09.1997, Jena - R. Hühne, B. Fels, R. Tamm, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
Cube texture formation in a rectangular die extruded Al-Mg alloy
1st Int. Conf. on Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals (ITAP 1), 22.-26.09.1997, Clausthal - R. Tamm, M. Lemke, C.-G. Oertel and W.Skrotzki
Deformation and recrystallization texture of extruded NiAl
1st Int. Conf. on Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals (ITAP 1), 22.-26.09.1997, Clausthal - W. Skrotzki, M. Lemke, C.-G. Oertel and R. Tamm
Development of microstructure and texture in extruded NiAI
11th Int. Conf. on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 11), 24.-29.08.1997, Prag, Czech Republic - C.-G. Oertel, M. Benshikh, T. Scholtis and W. Skrotzki
High temperature creep of polycrystalline Fe-Si alloys
7th Int. Conf. on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, University of California, 10.-15.08.1997, Irvine, USA - R. Tamm, M. Lemke, C.-G. Oertel and W. Skrotzki
Texturentwicklung in verformtem NiAl
Berichtskolloquium des Graduiertenkollegs "Struktur- und Korrelationseffekte in Festkörpern", 26.06.1997, IFW Dresden - W. Skrotzki
Texturentwicklung in plastisch anisotropen Materialien
IFW/IMW-Kolloquium, 28.05.1997, Dresden - W. Skrotzki
Geologische Bedeutung von Mikrostrukturuntersuchungen
Mineralogisch-Petrographisches Institut, Universität München, 23.01.1997, München
- W. Skrotzki, K. Helming, C.-G. Oertel, J. Röseberg, R. Tamm and H.-G. Brokmeier
Textures in extruded lead sulfide
11th Int. Conf. on "Textures of Materials" (ICOTOM 11), 16.-20.09.1996, Xi'an, China - W. Skrotzki, H.-J. Dornbusch, K. Helming, R. Tamm and H.-G. Brokmeier
Development of microstructure and texture in pure shear deformed salt
4th Int. Conf. on the "Mechanical Behavior of Salt", 17.-18.06.1996, Montreal, Canada - W. Skrotzki
Geologische Bedeutung von Mikrostrukturuntersuchungen
Kolloquium " Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie in den Geowissenschaften", 16.-17.05.1996, Darmstadt - J. Eckert and W. Skrotzki
Phasenbildung von intermetallischen Seltenerd-Übergangsmetall-Verbindungen unter Nichtgleichgewichtsbedingungen
SFB 463-Begutachtung, TU Dresden, 19.-21.03.1996, Dresden
- W. Skrotzki
Verformung und Texturentwicklung plastisch anisotroper Materialien
Kolloquiumsvortrag, TU Hamburg-Harburg, 07.12.1995, Hamburg-Harburg - C.-G. Oertel, T. Scholtis, M. Benshikh and W. Skrotzki
High temperature deformation and TEM investigations of polycrystalline Fe-Si alloys
CEAST Ti Aluminides & Exotics Meeting, 25.11.1995, Neuchâtel, Schweiz - W. Skrotzki
TEM-Untersuchungen an Silikatentmischungen
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Universität Frankfurt, 16.11.1995, Frankfurt - W. Skrotzki
Deformation and texture formation in polycrystalline ionic crystals
ESF-Conference on "Deformation Processes in Minerals, Ceramics and lonic Crystals, 24.-28.03.1995, Blankenberge, Belgium
- W. Skrotzki
Struktur und mechanische Eigenschaften von Korngrenzen
Kristallographisches Kolloquium, Lehrstuhl für Experimentalphysik, Universität Bayreuth, 03.11.1994, Bayreuth - W. Skrotzki
Cummingtonite exsolution in actinolite
15th European Crystallographic Meeting, 28.08.-02.09.1994, Dresden - W.Skrotzki
Dislocation dissociation in chain silicates
Int. Conf. on "Plastic Deformation of Ceramics", 07.-12.08.1994, Snowbird, USA - W. Skrotzki
TEM-Untersuchungen an Silikatentmischungen
Kolloquium des Institutes für Mineralogie, Kristallographie u. Materialwissenschaft, Universität Leipzig, 15.06.1994, Leipzig - H.-J. Dornbusch, W. Skrotzki and K. Weber
Deformation und Texturentwicklung von Hornblende und Klinopyroxen in einem Metagabbro und damit assoziierten Hochtemperatur-Myloniten in der Ivrea-Zone
5. Symp. Tektonik - Strukturgeologie - Kristallingeologie, 07.-09.04.1994, Göttingen - B. Neumann, W. Skrotzki and K. Weber
Gefüge- und Texturentwicklung in Myloniten einer Hochtemperatur-Scherzone der Ivrea Zone
5. Symp. Tektonik - Strukturgeologie - Kristallingeologie, 07.-09.04.1994, Göttingen
- W. Skrotzki
Plastische Verformung von Modellkeramiken
Physikalisches Kolloquium, TU Dresden, 02.11.1993, Dresden - W. Skrotzki, H.-J. Dornbusch, F. Heinicke and K. Ullemeyer
Formation of shape and lattice preferred orientation in quartz of a gneissic mylonite
10th Int. Conf. On Textures of Materials (ICOTOM) 10, 20.-24.09.1993, Clausthal - W.Skrotzki
Defektstruktur und Verformungsmechanismen in natürlich verformten Pyroxenen
Mineralog. Kolloquium, TH Darmstadt, 07.07.1993, Darmstadt - W. Skrotzki
Dislocation-interface interactions in exsolved augite
NATO-Advanced workshop on polycrystalline plasticity, 17.-21.05.1993, Palm Springs, USA - H.-J. Dornbusch, K. Weber and W. Skrotzki
Development of microstructure and texture in high-temperature mylonites of the lvrea-Zone
Workshop on "Textures of Geological Materials”‚ 29.-31.01.1993, Göttingen - W. Skrotzki
Mechanisms of texture development in rocks
Workshop on "Textures of Geological Materials”, 29.-31.01.1993, Göttingen
- W. Skrotzki
Struktur und mechanische Eigenschaften von Korngrenzen
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 17.11.1992, Universität Karlsruhe - W. Skrotzki
Defect structure and deformation mechanisms in naturally deformed augite
Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, 26.-29.10.1992, Cincinnati, OH, USA -
W. Skrotzki and M. Wittenbecher
Cummingtonite exsolution in actinolite
10th European Congress on Electron Microscopy (EUREM), 07.-11.09.1992, Granada, Spain
W. Skrotzki
Struktur und mechanische Eigenschaften von Korngrenzen
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 02.09.1992, Technische Universität Dresden
W. Skrotzki, K. Weber and W.F. Müller
Gefügekundliche Untersuchungen im KTB mittels TEM
W. Skrotzki
Mechanismen der Gesteinsverformung und ihre geotektonische Bedeutung
Kolloquimsvortrag, 10.06.1992, Technische Universität Clausthal
J. Dornbusch, W. Skrotzki and K. Weber
Gefüge- und Texturentwicklung einer Hochtemperatur-Scherzone in der Ivrea-Zone
4. Symposium über Tektonik, Strukturgeologie, Kristallingeologie, 26.-28.03.1992, Darmstadt
W. Skrotzki and S. Siegesmund
Mechanismus der Verformung und Texturentwicklung in Cordieriten aus moldanubischen Gneisen
4. Symposium über Tektonik, Strukturgeologie, Kristallingeologie, 26.-28.03.1992, Darmstadt
- W. Skrotzki
Interface orientation and relative lattice rotation of pigeonite precipitates in augite
European Research Conference on Physical Metallurgy, 14.-19.09.1991, Prag, Czechoslovakia -
W. Skrotzki
Defektstruktur und Verformungsmechanismen in Amphibolen
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 25.06.1991, Universität zu Köln
W. Skrotzki
Experimente zur Texturentwicklung am Beispiel von Salzen
Seminar zur Strukturgeologie, Universität Göttingen, 04.06.1991, Göttingen
W. Skrotzki
Defect structure and deformation mechanisms in amphiboles
Biennial Meeting of the European Union of Geosciences (EUG VI), 24.-28.03.1991, Strasbourg, France
W. Skrotzki
Struktur und mechanische Eigenschaften von Korngrenzen
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 14.02.1991, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
W. Skrotzki
Mechanismen der Phasentransformationen in Pyroxenen und Bedeutung für die Gesteinsverformung
Workshop über Struktur und Dynamik der Erdmaterie, 19.11.1990, Universität Bayreuth
W. Skrotzki, A. Wedel and K. Weber
Deformation history of the Balmuccia massif inferred from microstructural analysis of peridotites
Int. Workshop on Orogenic Lherzolites and Mantle Processes, 12.-15.09.1990, Montpellier, France
W.F. Müller, W. Skrotzki and J. Töpel
Exsolution microstructure of natural clinopyroxenes as indicator of the cooling history: A TEM study
15. General Meeting of the Mineralogical Association, 28.06.-03.07.1990, Beijing, China
W. Skrotzki
A TEM-study of the microstructure in hornblende of a mylonitic amphibolite
Symposium on Deformation Processes and Structure of the Lithosphere, 03.-10.05.1990, Potsdam
W. Skrotzki and Ch. Reutel
Contribution of crystallinity studies to unravel graphite formation in the Oberpfalz
3. KTB-Schwerpunktkolloquium, 28.02.-02.03.1990, Gießen
W. Skrotzki
Geothermometers based on interface orientation and relative lattice rotation of exsolution lamellae
3. KTB-Schwerpunktkolloquium, 28.02.-02.03.1990, Gießen
W. Skrotzki
Struktur und mechanische Eigenschaften von Korngrenzen
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 17.01.1990, Technische Universität Clausthal
W. Skrotzki
Entstehung und geologische Bedeutung von Gesteinstexturen
Habilitationsvortrag, Universität Göttingen, 13.11.1989, Göttingen
W. Skrotzki
TEM-Untersuchungen von Defektstrukturen in Kettensilikaten
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Universität Münster, 16.11.1989, Münster
W. Skrotzki
Korrelation von Mikrostruktur, Versetzungsaufspaltung und plastischer Anisotropie in Ionenkristallen
2nd Int. Conf. on Low Energy Dislocation Structures, 13.-17.08.1989, Charlottesville, USA
W. Skrotzki
Spannungs- und Dehnungsabschätzungen anhand von Mikrostrukturen
Seminar zur Strukturgeologie, Universität Göttingen, 10.05.1989, Göttingen
W. Skrotzki
Dislocation microstructure in hornblende of a mylonitic amphibolites
Conf. on Deformation mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics, 29.-31.03.1989, The University of Leeds, England
Ch. Reutel, W. Skrotzki, A. Vollbrecht
TEM and RMP studies of graphites of the pilot borehole and the associated field
2. KTB-Schwerpunktkolloquium, 15.-17.03.1989, Gießen
D. Ziegenbein, W. Skrotzki, J. Hoefs, H. Müller, Ch. Reutel and R. Emmermann
Fluidtransport und Graphitbildung auf Störungszonen
2. KTB-Schwerpunktprogramms, 15.-17.03.1989, Gießen
A. Foitzik, W. Skrotzki and P. Haasen
Correlation between microstructure, dislocation dissociation and plastic anisotropy in ionic crystals
Int. Colloq. On Crystal Structure, Microstructure and Properties of Minerals and Ceramic Materials, 06.-08.03.1989, Bochum
W. Skrotzki
Mikrostruktur und Textur in Peridotiten des Balmuccia-Massivs (NW-Italien)
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 08.11.1988, Universität zu Köln
W. Skrotzki and W.F. Müller
Interfaces between Pigeonite, clinoamphibole and augite
Nato Advanced Study Institute on Surfaces and Interfaces of Ceramic Materials, 04.-16.09.1988, Saint-Pierre d’Oléron, France
A. Foitzik, W. Skrotzki and P. Haasen
A direct evidence of dislocation dissociation in the NaCl-structure
Int. Conf. on Defects in Insulating Crystals, 29.08.-02.09.1988, Parma, Italy
W. Skrotzki
Entstehung von Texturen und ihre geologische Bedeutung
Seminar zur Strukturgeologie, Universität Göttingen, 27.04.1988, Göttingen
A. Wedel, W. Skrotzki and K. Weber
Textur und Mikrostruktur in Peridotitxenolithen aus Basalten der Hessischen Senke
Symposium Tektonik, Strukturgeologie, Kristallingeologie (TSK II), 24.-26.03.1988, Erlangen
W. Skrotzki, W.F. Müller and K. Weber
TEM-Untersuchung von Entmischungsphänomenen
1. KTB-Schwerpunktkolloquium, 28.-29.01.1988, Gießen
W. Skrotzki and I. Strackenbrock
Untersuchung der Graphitisierung während der Metamorphose mittels hochauflösender TEM
1. KTB-Schwerpunktkolloquium, 28.-29.01.1988, Gießen
S. Brandt, W. Skrotzki and P. Haasen
Internal friction of deformed NaCl
European Conf. On Internal Friction and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Solids (ECIFUAS 5), 26.-30.07.1987, Antwerpen, Belgium
W. Skrotzki
Structure and mechanical properties of grain boundaries
Biennial Meeting of the European Union of Geosciences (EUG IV), 13.-16.04.1987, Strasbourg, France
W. Skrotzki, H. Wendt, C.B. Carter and D.L. Kohlstedt
Structure and mechanical properties of a Sigma = 51 [011] tilt boundary in germanium
Colloque International on Mecanisms and Mechanics of Plasticity, 01.-10.04.1987, Aussois, France
P. Haasen and W. Skrotzki
Korrelation zwischen Mikrostruktur und plastischer Anisotropie in MgO
Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium über Kristallstruktur, Realbau, Gefüge und Eigenschaften von anorganischen, nichtmetallischen Mineralen und Werkstoffen, 18.-20.03.1987, Königswinter-Ittenbach
E. Stein, R. Fänger, W. Franke, F. Heinicke, U. Kleemann, W. Skrotzki, A. Vollbrecht, Ch. Wagner-Lohse, H. de Wall and K. Weber
Kontinentales Tiefbohrprogramm der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Oberpfalz, Strukturgeologie I
2nd KTB-Kolloquium, 19.-21.09.1986, Seeheim
W. Skrotzki
Quarzmikrostrukturen in der Oberpfalz
2nd KTB-Kolloquium, 19.-21.09.1986, Seeheim
P. Haasen, U. Messerschmidt and W. Skrotzki
Low energy dislocation structures in ionic crystals and semiconductors
Int. Conf. on Low Energy Dislocation Structures, 10.-14.08.1986, Chalottesville, VA, USA
W. Skrotzki
Mechanische Eigenschaften von Korngrenzen bei hohen Temperaturen
Kolloquiumsvortrag, 18.04.1986, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
A. Wedel, W. Skrotzki and K. Weber
Textur und Mikrostruktur in Olivinen des Peridotitmassivs von Balmuccia (NW-Italien)
Symposium Tektonik, Strukturgeologie, Kristallingeologie (TSK II), 10.-12.04.1986, Tübingen
J. Adam, W. Skrotzki, A. Vollbrecht and K. Weber
Microcracks: Indicator of stress and fluid migration
2nd Int. Symp. on the Observation of the Continental Crust through Drilling, 03.-06.10.1985, Seeheim
W. Skrotzki, H. Wendt, C.B. Carter and D.L. Kohlstedt
Structural changes of a Sigma = 51 tilt boundary in germanium during high temperature creep
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp., 26.-30.11.1984, Boston, MA, USA
W. Skrotzki and P. Haasen
The influence of texture on the creep of salt
2nd Conf. on the Mechanical Behavior of Salt, 24.-28.09.1984, Hannover
W. Skrotzki and P. Haasen
The role of cross slip in the steady state creep of salt
2nd Conf. on the Mechanical Behavior of Salt, 24.-28.09.1984, Hannover
P. Welch and W. Skrotzki
Deformation and recrystallization in extrusion of cubic ionic polycrystals
7th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 7), 17.-21.09.1984, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
W. Skrotzki
Dislocation dissociation in chain silicates
Int. Engineering Foundation Conference on the Plastic Deformation of Ceramics, 07.-12.08.1994, Snowbird, UH, USA
W. Skrotzki, H. Wendt, C.B. Carter and D.L. Kohlstedt
Structure and dissociation of 15° <110> tilt boundaries in germanium
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp., 14.-17.11.1983, Boston, MA, USA
W. Skrotzki and P. Haasen
Plastic deformation and hardening of polycrystalline halides
Int. Symposium on Plastic Deformation of Ceramic Materials, 20.-22.07.1983, Pennsylvania State University, USA
W. Skrotzki and P. Welch
Fibre textures in extruded salt
6th Int. Symp. on Salt, 24.-28.05.1983, Toronto, Canada
W. Skrotzki and T. Suzuki
Peierls stresses in ionic crystals with the NaCl-structure
4th Europhysical Topical Conference on Lattice Defects in Ionic Crystals, 30.08.-03.09.1982, Dublin, Ireland
W. Skrotzki
Verfestigung in Kristallen vom NaCl-Typ
Seminarvortrag, Universität Dortmund, 29.06.1982, Dortmund
Z.G. Liu and W. Skrotzki
Gleitung auf {100}-Ebenen in LiF
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 29.03.-02.04.1982, Münster
W. Skrotzki
Mechanismen der Plastizität von Ionenkristallen
Mineralogisches Kolloquium, Universität zu Köln, 12.01.1982, Köln
W. Skrotzki
An estimate of the brittle to ductile transition in salt
1st Conf. on the Mechanical Behavior of Salt, 09.-11.11.1981, Penn State Univ., University Park, PA, USA
G. Frommeyer, P. Welch and W. Skrotzki
Extended plasticity and fibre textures in axisymmetrically deformed ionic crystals with NaCl-structure
6th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 6), 28.09.-03.10.1981, Tokyo, Japan
W. Skrotzki
Mischkristallhärtung in Ionenkristallen
Symposium on Dislocation Dynamics in Solid Solutions, 21.-25.09.1981, St. Andreasberg
W. Skrotzki, G. Frommeyer, P. Haasen and P. Welch
Plastizität von Alkali- und Silberhalogenid-Vielkristallen
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 09.-14.03.1981, Münster
W. Skrotzki, P. Haasen and T. Suzuki
Mechanismen des Verformungsbeginns bei Ionenkristallen mit NaCl-Struktur
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 24.-28.03.1980, Freudenstadt
W. Skrotzki
Gleitmechanismen in Ionenkristallen bei Abgleitung auf verschiedenen Ebenen
Seminarvortrag, Universität Göttingen, 29.01.1980, Göttingen
W. Skrotzki
Plastische Verformung von krz Metall- und Legierungseinkristallen
Seminarvortrag, Universität Göttingen, 23.10.1979, Göttingen
W. Skrotzki and P. Haasen
Latente Verfestigung von Ionenkristallen mit NaCl-Struktur
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 06.-10.03.1978, Freudenstadt
W. Skrotzki
Plastische Anisotropie von dotierten Alkalihalogeniden
Seminarvortrag, Universität Frankfurt, 21.12.1977, Frankfurt
W. Skrotzki and P. Haasen
Gleitanisotropie Sr-dotierter KBr-Einkristalle
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 07.-12.03.1977, Münster