Proseminar on Theoretical Physics
Lehrveranstaltung im Bachelor-Studiengang Physik
Seminar Zeit/Ort
Mittwoch, 14:50-16:20 Uhr, BZW/A120/P
Dr. Masud Haque, Institut für Theoretische Physik,
Raum A108, Zellescher Weg 17. Tel: 0351 463 36074
Vorläufige Zeitplan:
- 3.11.2021: Haubold --- Thema 02 [Coriolis effect/force]
- 10.11.2021: Krauthaeuser --- Thema 04 [Wigner rotation]
- 24.11.2021: Wolf --- Thema 10 [Falling chain]
- 01.12.2021: Saavedra --- Thema 12 [Trains on tracks]
- 8.12.2021: Uhlig --- Thema 03 [The Lorentz Group]
- 15.12.2021: Gruendling --- Thema 11 [Legendre transform]
- 12.01.2022: Collard --- Thema 07 [Foucault pendulum]
- 19.01.2022: Daberstiel --- Thema 01 [Noether's Theorem]
- 26.01.2022: Belger --- Thema 13 [Water bottle flipping]
- 02.02.2022: Martin --- Thema 08 [Hamilton-Jacobi equations]
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Die Themenliste
Topic: Noether's Theorem
Suggested articles: [a] "Energy conservation in explicit solutions as a simple illustration of Noether's theorem", M.Pössel, American Journal of Physics 87, 141 (2019).
[b] "Noether's theorem in a rotating reference frame", L.Dallena and D.E.Neuenschwander, American Journal of Physics 79, 326 (2011).
Topic: Coriolis Effect / Coriolis Force
Suggested articles: [a] "Gyroscopes simply explained with Coriolis pseudotorques", R.H.Price, American Journal of Physics 88, 1145 (2020).
[b] "Using great circles to understand motion on a rotating sphere", D.H.McIntyre, American Journal of Physics 68, 1097 (2000).
Topic: The Lorentz group, SO(3,1) and SL(2,C)
Suggested article: "The Lorentz transformation: Simplification through complexification", E.T.Newman and R.H.Price, American Journal of Physics 78, 14 (2010).
Topic: Wigner rotation / Thomas precession
Suggested articles: [a] "The Thomas rotation", J.P.Costella, B.H.J.McKellar, and A.A.Rawlinson, and G.J.Stephenson, American Journal of Physics 69, 837 (2001).
[b] "Two examples of circular motion for introductory courses in relativity", S.Wortel, S.Malin, and M.D.Semon, American Journal of Physics 75, 1123 (2007). (Omit sections II,III,IV)
[c] "A half-page derivation of the Thomas precession", A.Dragan and T.Odrzygozdz, American Journal of Physics 81, 631 (2013).
Topic: Wigner rotation / Thomas precession using "rapidity space".
Suggested articles: [a] "The Wigner angle as an anholonomy in rapidity space", P.K.Aravind, American Journal of Physics 65, 634 (1997).
[b] "Relativistic velocity space, Wigner rotation, and Thomas precession", J.A.Rhodes and M.D.Semon, American Journal of Physics 72, 951 (2004).
Topic: Dimensional Analysis
Suggested articles: [a] "Dimensional analysis, falling bodies, and the fine art of not
solving differential equations", C.F.Bohren, American Journal of Physics 72, 534 (2004).[b] "Applying dimensional analysis to wave dispersion", J.Grattona and C.A.Perazzo, American Journal of Physics 75, 158 (2007).
Topic: Foucault pendulum
Suggested articles: [a] "Foucault pendulum through basic geometry", J.von Bergmann and H.von Bergmann, American Journal of Physics 75, 888 (2007).
[b] "Precessional periods of long and short Foucault pendulums", M.Soga, American Journal of Physics 46, 725 (1978).
Topic: Hamilton-Jacobi equations
Suggested articles: [a] "The Hamilton–Jacobi equation: An alternative approach", B.Houchmandzadeh, American Journal of Physics 88, 353 (2020).
[b] "Simple derivations of the Hamilton–Jacobi equation and the eikonal equation without the use of canonical transformations", A.Small and K.S.Lam, American Journal of Physics 79, 678 (2011).
Topic: Bicycle mechanics
Suggested articles: [a] "The stability of bicycles", J.Lowell and H.D.McKell, American Journal of Physics 50, 1106 (1982).
[b] "Steering in bicycles and motorcycles", J.Fajans, American Journal of Physics 68, 654 (2000).
- "A uniform explanation of all falling chain phenomena", M.Denny, American Journal of Physics 88, 94 (2019).
- "Making sense of the Legendre transform", R.K.P.Zia, E.F.Redish, and S.R.McKay, American Journal of Physics 77, 614 (2009).
- "Why trains stay on tracks", B.Shayak, American Journal of Physics 85, 178 (2017).
- "Water bottle flipping physics", P.J.Dekker, L.A.G.Eek, M.M.Flapper, H.J.C.Horstink, A.R.Meulenkamp, J.van der Meulen, E.S.Kooij, J.H.Snoeijer, and A.Marin, American Journal of Physics 86, 733 (2018).
- "Unraveling a classical mechanics brain twister", N.Paris and M.L.Broide, American Journal of Physics 79, 1250 (2011).
- "Kepler unbound: Some elegant curiosities of classical mechanics", N.J.MacKay and S.Salour, American Journal of Physics 83, 47 (2015).
- "Theory and examples of intrinsically nonlinear oscillators", P.Mohazzabi, American Journal of Physics 72, 492 (2004).
- "From conservation of energy to the principle of least action: A story line", J.Hanc and E.F. Taylor, American Journal of Physics 72, 514 (2004).