Aug 20, 2023
OSIP Open Science Award 2023
OSIP Open Science Award announcement 2023
The Open Science Initiative of the Faculty of Psychology (OSIP) aims to support researchers in implementing and gaining experience with Open Science practices. Use of these practices contributes decisively to improving the credibility of scientific research, but also requires additional time and other resources.
With OSIP's Open Science Awards, the Faculty of Psychology supports the application and promotion of transparent and open research practices that go beyond what is usually rewarded. Awards may be given for contributions in the form of publications and other activities (e.g. development and implementation of Open Science courses, publication of data, development of Open Science procedures) that implement the OSIP Research Transparency Statement in an exemplary manner or contribute to its implementation.
Researchers belonging to the Faculty of Psychology at TU Dresden can apply by submitting a letter of motivation (as PDF). For publications, the motivation letter should not exceed one page and include a publicly accessible link to the work suggested for consideration (e.g., print, file, OSF-project). For other activities (e.g. courses), the motivation letter should not exceed two pages explaining us why this activity promotes open science. Self- and other-nominations are equally permissible.
Please send your application or proposal by 15.10.2023 to .
Two of the submitted contributions will be awarded €500 each, to be used for the recipients’ own future research at TU Dresden’s Faculty of Psychology at the TU Dresden (e.g., participant remuneration or payments or for research assistants).
The selection will be made by a committee composed of the following OSIP members: Judith Herbers, Gundula Thiele, Anja Kräplin and Jens Helmert.