Dr. rer. nat. Josephine Zerna

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
NameFrau Josephine Zerna M.Sc.
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- Need for Cognition
- Emotionsregulation
- EEG Microstates
- Effort Discounting
Josephine Zerna beteiligt sich an der Open Science Initiative der Fakultät Psychologie
Zerna, J., Strobel, A., & Strobel, A. (2024). The role of Need for Cognition in well-being – Review and meta-analyses of associations and potentially underlying mechanisms. Collabra: Psychology. 10(1): 92885. 10.1525/collabra.92885
Kohrs, F. E., Auer, S., [...] , Zerna, J., Zorbek, D., Zumstein, P., & Weissgerber, T. L. (2023). Eleven strategies for making reproducible research and open science training the norm at research institutions. eLife, 12, e89736. 10.7554/elife.89736
Zerna, J.*, Scheffel, C.*, Kührt, C., & Strobel, A. (2023). Need for Cognition is associated with a preference for higher task load in effort discounting. Nature Scientific Reports. 13(19501). doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-44349-3 | OSF
Scheffel, C.*, Zerna, J.*, Gärtner, A., Dörfel, D., & Strobel, A. (2023). Estimating individual subjective values of emotion regulation strategies. Nature Scientific Reports. 13(13262) (2023). doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-40034-7 | OSF
Zerna, J., Engelmann, N., Strobel, A., & Strobel, A. (2022), Need for cognition and burnout in teachers – A replication and extension study. Health Psychology Open. 9(2). doi: 10.1177/20551029221139679 | OSF
Scheffel, C., Graupner, S., Gärtner, A., Zerna, J., Strobel, A., & Dörfel, D. (2021). Effort beats effectiveness in emotion regulation choice: Differences between suppression and distancing in subjective and physiological measures. Psychophysiology. 58(e13908). doi: 10.1111/psyp.13908 | OSF
Zerna, J., Strobel, A. & Scheffel, C. (2021). EEG microstate analysis of emotion regulation reveals no sequential processing of valence and emotional arousal. Nature Scientific Reports. 11(21277). doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-00731-7 | OSF
* geteilte Erstautorenschaft
- Cognitive and Affective Discounting (CAD)
- Teilprojekt MGK im SFB940
- Need for Cognition and Well-Being
- Posterpräsentation "EEG microstate analysis reveals no sequential processing of valence and emotional arousal", 46. Jahrestagung Psychologie & Gehirn, 2021, Online
- Flash Talk "EEG microstate analysis reveals no sequential processing of valence and emotional arousal", Society of Affective Science, 2022, Online
- Pre-Data Talk "When easy is not preferred: A paradigm for estimating load-independent task preference", 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 2022, Hildesheim
- Pre-Data Talk "Estimating subjective values of emotion regulation strategies", 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 2022, Hildesheim
- Symposiumsbeitrag "Need for Cognition und psychisches Wohlbefinden", 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 2022, Hildesheim
Posterpräsentation "When easy is not preferred: A discounting paradigm to assess load-independent task preference", 48. Jahrestagung Psychologie & Gehirn, 2023, Tübingen
Symposium "Effort and reward in cognitive and affective contexts" (Session Chair & Vortrag), 17. Tagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik, 2023, Salzburg
- IGOR Preis für Offene und Reproduzierbare Wissenschaft 2023 für den Registered Report "When easy is not preferred: A discounting paradigm to assess load-independent task preference", verliehen auf der 48. Jahrestagung Psychologie & Gehirn, 2023, Tübingen
- OSIP Open Science Award 2023 für den Registered Report "Need for Cognition is associated with a preference for higher task load in effort discounting"