Publications of the Chair
- Santana-Gonzalez, C., Ranatunga, J., Nguyen, G., Greiskalns, B., Das, N., Lattimer, E., Maurice, M., Yi, G., Zietlow, A. L., Eckstein, M., Zilverstand, A., & Quevedo, K. (2025). Emotion regulation in self-injurious youth: A tale of two circuits. Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging, 347, 111944.
- Stürmlinger, L. L., Ray, J., von Krause, M., Nonnenmacher, N., Alpers, G. W., & Zietlow, A.-L. (2025). Prenatal depressive symptoms, infant temperament, parental role satisfaction, and child adjustment: A longitudinal serial mediation. Journal of Family Psychology. Advance online publication.
- Woll-Weber, C. F. J., Reck, C., Marx, A. K. G., Küçükakyüz, S. M., Müller, M., von Tettenborn, A., Nonnenmacher, N., & Zietlow, A. L. (2025). Mothers of young children during the COVID-19 pandemic: Depressive symptoms and perceived stress. Psychopathology, 1–24. Advance online publication.
- Böhlmann, P., Mack, J. T., Weise, V., Seefeld, L., Bodenmann, G., Zietlow, A. L., & Garthus-Niegel, S. (2024). The prospective impact of extradyadic stress on depressive symptoms and the mediating role of intradyadic stress in parents-an actor-partner interdependence mediation model. PloS one, 19(11), e0311989.
- Casey, R. T., Hendriks, E., Deal, C., ..., Zietlow, A.-L., ...,& Pamporaki, C. (2024). International consensus statement on the diagnosis and management of phaeochromocytoma and paraganglioma in children and adolescents. Nature Reviews Endocrinology.
- Esfand, S. M., Querdasi, F. R., Gancz, N. N., Savoca, P. W., Nussabaum, S., Somers, J. A., Ditzer, J., Figueroa, M. B., Chu, K., Towner, E., Callaghan, B. L. (2024). The Mind, Brain, and Body Study: A protocol for examining the effects of the gut-brain-immune axis on internalizing symptoms in youth exposed to caregiving-related early adversity. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity – Health.
- Fahrer, J., Doebler, P., Hagelweide, K., Kern, P., Nonnenmacher, N., Seipp, V., Reck, C., Schwenck, C., Weigelt, S., Zietlow, A.-L., & Christiansen, H. (2024). Parent-child interactive behavior in a German sample of parents with and without a mental illness: Model replication and adaption of the Coding Interactive Behavior system. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15, Article 1266383.
- Kinzenbach, L., Praum, K., Stracke, M., Schwenck, C., Kieser, M., Otto, K., Reck, C., Steinmayr, R., Wirthwein, L., Zietlow, A-L., Christiansen, H., & the COMPARE-family Research Group. (2024). “When one has no REAL illness”—analysis of the knowledge component of mental health literacy in children and adolescents of parents with a mental illness. Frontiers in Psychiatry 15, Article 1423326.
- Luczejko, A. A., Hagelweide, K., Stark, R., Weigelt, S., Christiansen, H., Kieser, M., Otto, K., Reck, C., Steinmayr, R., Wirthwein, L., Zietlow, A.-L., Schwenck, C., & the COMPARE-family research group. (2024). Empathy and psychopathology in children and adolescents: the role of parental mental illness and emotion regulation. Frontiers in Psychiatry 15, Article 1366366. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1366366
- Luczejko, A. A., Werkmann, N. L., Hagelweide, K., Stark, R., Weigelt, S., Christiansen, H., Kieser, M., Otto, K., Reck, C., Steinmayr, R., Wirthwein, L., Zietlow, A.-L., & Schwenck, C. (2024). Transgenerational transmission of psychopathology: When are adaptive emotion regulation strategies protective in children? Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 18(1), 96.
- Seipp, V., Hagelweide, K., Stark, R., Weigelt, S., Christiansen, H., Kieser, M., Otto, K., Reck, C., Steinmayr, R., Wirthwein, L., Zietlow, A.-L., & Schwenck, C. (2024). Parenting stress in parents with and without a mental illness and its relationship to psychopathology in children: a multimodal examination. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15, Article 1353088.
- Spaegele, N.*, Ditzer, J*., Rodrigues, M., & Talmon, A. (2024). The experience of bearing a child: Implications on body boundaries and their link to preterm birth. BMC Pregnancy & Birth. 10.1186/s12884-023-06203
- Toffol, E., Stracke, M., Harlos, N., Lambrecht, S., Brandt, F., Friedrich, S., Kennard, S., Wenzel, L., Girolamo, G. de, Gilbert, K., Reck, C., Otto, K., Steinmayr, R., Renneberg, B., Paul, J. L., Thorup, A. A. E., Schwenck, C., Zietlow, A.-L., Wirthwein, L., & Christiansen, H. (2024). Lessons on targeting family mental health and improving outcomes for children of parents with a mental illness. Nature Mental Health, 2(8), 893–900.
- Werkmann, N.L., Luczejko, A.A., Hagelweide, K., Stark, R., Weigelt, S., Christiansen, H., Kieser, M., Otto, K., Reck, C,. Steinmayr, R., Wirthwein, L., Zietlow, A.-L., Schwenck, C. & the COMPARE-family research group (2024) Facial emotion recognition in children of parents with a mental illness. Frontiers in Psychiatry 15:1366005. - Wildner, A. S., Küçükakyüz, S. M., Marx, A. K. G., Nolte, T., Reck, C., Fonagy, P., Luyten, P., von Tettenborn, A., Müller, M., Zietlow, A. L., & Woll-Weber, C. F. J. (2024). Parental considerations about their childs' mental health: Validating the German adaptation of the Parental Reflective Functioning Questionnaire. PloS one, 19(12), e0314074.
- Wriedt, S. C., Müller, M., Reck, C., Nonnenmacher, N., Zietlow, A.-L., & Woll, C. F. J. (2024). The effect of antepartum depressive and anxiety symptoms on mother-infant interaction: The mediating role of antepartum maternal emotional stress. Infant Behavior & Development, 75, 101942.
- Zietlow, A. L., Ditzer, J., & Garthus-Niegel, S. (2024). From partners to parents: the influence of couple dynamics on parent-infant bonding and child development. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 42(5), 785–788.
- Zietlow, AL., Krumpholtz, L. (2024). Von Generation zu Generation: Mechanismen der Risikoübertragung elterlicher psychischer Erkrankungen im frühen Kindesalter. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, 67, 1350–1358.
- Ditzer, J., Wong, E. Y., Modi, R. N., Behnke, M., Gross, J. J., & Talmon, A. (2023). Child maltreatment and alexithymia: A meta-analytic review. Psychological Bulletin, 149(5-6), 311–329.
- Klauser, N., Müller, M., Zietlow, A.-L., Nonnenmacher, N., Woll, C., Becker-Stoll, F., & Reck, C. (2023). Maternal postpartum anxiety and the development of infant attachment: The effect of body sensations on infant attachment. Journal of Affective Disorders, 331, 259–268.
- Ray, J. K., Stürmlinger, L. L., Krause, M. von, Lux, U., & Zietlow, A.-L. (2023). Disentangling the trajectories of maternal depressive symptoms and partnership problems in the transition to parenthood and their impact on child adjustment difficulties. Development and Psychopathology, 1-16.
- Schneider, I., & Zietlow, A.-L. (2023). Die Eltern-Kind-Beziehung im Kontext elterlicher psychischer Erkrankung – Möglichkeiten zur Intervention [The parent-child relationship in the context of parental mental illness-Possibilities for intervention]. Der Nervenarzt, 94(9), 822–826.
- Talmon, A., Tsur, N., Ditzer, J., & Talmon, A. (2023). Maltreatment in daycare settings: A review of empirical studies in the field. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse. 10.1177/15248380231155528
- Zietlow, A.-L., & Zemp, M. (2023). Kinder psychisch kranker Eltern. In J. Asbrand, J. Schmitz, M. Hasselhorn, W. Kunde, & S. Schneider (Eds.), Kohlhammer Standards Psychologie. Lehrbuch Klinische Kinder- und Jugendpsychologie und Psychotherapie (1. Auflage, pp. 541–560). Kohlhammer.
- Lindenberg, K., Asbrand, J. Zietlow, A.-L. (2022). In: „Psychologie: eine Einführung in ihre Grundlagen und Anwendungsfelder“ (Hrsg. Schütz, A., Brand, M., Steins-Löber, S.), 6., überarbeitete Auflage, Kohlhammer Verlag: Stuttgart.
- Müller, M., Zietlow, A.-L., Klauser, N., Woll, C., Nonnenmacher, N., Tronick, E., & Reck, C. (2022). From Early Micro-Temporal Interaction Patterns to Child Cortisol Levels: Toward the Role of Interactive Reparation and Infant Attachment in a Longitudinal Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 807157.
- Reck, C., Hagl, M., Ohlrich, R., & Zietlow, A.-L. (2022). From Interactive Regulation in Infancy to Relationship-Focused Interventions. Psychopathology, 1–11.
- Tettenborn, A. von, Popp, L., Zietlow, A.-L., Woll, C. F. J., Marx, A. K. G., Nonnenmacher, N., Kretz-Bünese, T., Hagl, M., Müller, M., & Reck, C. (2022). Kindliche Verhaltensauffälligkeiten im ersten Lebensjahr und mütterliche Belastung in der Zeit der COVID-19-Pandemie. Kindheit Und Entwicklung, 31(2), 81–90.
- Woll, C. F. J., Reck, C., Marx, A., Küçükakyüz, S. M., Müller, M., von Tettenborn, A., Nonnenmacher, N., & Zietlow, A.-L. (2022). Datasets for: How are German mothers feeling during the COVID-19 pandemic? Assessing the prevalence of and analyzing the relationship between depressive symptoms and perceived stress [Data set]. PsychArchives.
- Zietlow, A. L., Woll, C. F. J., Nonnenmacher, N., Müller, M., Labonte, V., Ditzen, B., Paulus, M., Sodian, B., Nater, U. M., Herpertz, S. C., & Reck, C. (2022). Study protocol of the COMPARE-Interaction study: the impact of maternal comorbid depression and anxiety disorders in the peripartum period on child development. BMJ open, 12(1), e050437.
- Eckstein, M., Zietlow, A.-L., Gerchen, M. F. & Levy, J. (2021). Neurobiological Systems Underlying Reward and Emotions in Social Settings. Front Psychiatry, 12, 72.
- Gallinat, C., Stürmlinger, L. L., Schaber, S., & Bauer, S. (2021). Pathological Skin Picking: Phenomenology and Associations With Emotions, Self-Esteem, Body Image, and Subjective Physical Well-Being. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 0, 1778.
- Hillmann, K., Neukel, C., Zimmermann, J., Fuchs, A., Zietlow, A.-L., Möhler, E., Herpertz, S. C., Kaess, M. & Bertsch, K. (2021). Maternal Early Life Maltreatment and Psychopathology Affect the Next Generation: Alterations in Post-awakening Cortisol Levels of Primary School-aged Children. Developmental Psychobiology, 63(1), 98-107.
- Knappe, S., Petzoldt, J., Garthus-Niegel, S., Wittich, J., Puls, H.-C., Huttarsch, I. & Martini J. (2021) Associations of Partnership Quality and Father-to-Child Attachment During the Peripartum Period. A Prospective-Longitudinal Study in Expectant Fathers. Frontiers in Psychiatry 12. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.572755.
- Nonnenmacher, N.*, Müller, M.*, Taczkowski, J., Zietlow, A.-L., Sodian, B., Reck, C., (2021). Theory of Mind in pre-school aged children: influence of maternal depression and postpartum mother-child-interaction. Front Psychol, Frontiers in Psychology, section Psychology for Clinical Settings
- Schneider, I.*, Neukel, C.*, Bertsch, K., Fuchs, A., Möhler, Zietlow, A.-L., Brunner, Wolf, R.Ch., Herpertz, S.C. (2021). Early life maltreatment affects intrinsic neural function in mothers. Psychiatric Research, 3;143:176-182. *shared first authorship
- Schweizer, S., Gordon, J. L., Eisenlohr-Moul, T. A., Meltzer-Brody, S., Schmalenberger, K. M., Slopien, R., Zietlow, A.-L., Ehlert, U. & Ditzen, B. (2021). Steroid Hormone Sensitivity in Reproductive Mood Disorders: On the Role of the GABAA Receptor Complex and Stress During Hormonal Transitions. Frontiers in Medicine, 7, 596.
- Zietlow, A.-L., Reck, C. (2021): Zusammenhänge zwischen der Eltern-Kind-Interaktion und der kindlichen Entwicklung im Kontext postpartaler Depression in: Mall, V.; Voigt, F.: Früherkennung, Frühtherapie und soziale Inklusion; Aktuelle Fragen der Sozialpädiatrie, Bd. 6; 55-69; Schmidt-Römhild GmbH & Co. KG, Lübeck.
- Fischer, M., Zietlow, A.-L., Ditzen, B., Cohen, M. J. & Baucom, D. H. (2020). Paarbasierte Psychotherapie: Ein Review der Wirksamkeit kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutischer Ansätze mit Paaren bei psychischen Störungen. Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie. 68(4): 207-216. doi: 10.1024/1661-4747/ a000419.
- Fuchs, A., Dittrich, K., Neukel, C., Winter, S., Zietlow, A.-L., Kluczniok, D., Herpertz, S.C., Hindi Attar, C., Möhler, E., Fydrich, Th., Bermpohl, F., Kaess, M., Resch, F. & Bödeker, K. (2020). Hair Cortisol Moderates the Association Between Obstetric Complications and Child Wellbeing. Psychoneuro-endocrinology, 121, 104845. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2020.104845
- Knappe, S., Pfarr, A.-L., Petzoldt, J., & Martini, J. (2020) Parental cognitions about sleep problems in infants: A systematic review. Frontiers in Psychiatry 11. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.554221.
- Mielke, E., Neukel, C., Fuchs, A., Hillmann, K., Zietlow, A.-L., Bertsch, K., Reck, C., Möhler, E. & Herpertz, S. C. (2020). The Cycle of Abuse: Emotional Availability in Resilient and Non-Resilient Mothers with Early Life Maltreatment. Psychopathology. doi: 10.1159/000509904.
- Reck, C., Hagl, M. & Zietlow, A.-L. (2020). Resonanz in der Mutter-Kind-Beziehung im Kontext postpartaler Depressionen und Angststörungen. In: Maschsee-Gruppe (Ed.): Die implizite Dimension von Resonanz. Vom Begreifen dessen, was wir im psychotherapeutischen Prozess tun. Jahrbuch Selbstpsychologie Band 3 (pp. 29-50). Brandes & Apsel
- Schmalenberger, K. M., Eisenlohr-Moul, T. A., Jarczok, M. N., Eckstein, M., Schneider, E., Brenner, I. G., Duffy, K., Schweizer, S., Kiesner, J., Thayer, J. F., & Ditzen, B. (2020). Menstrual Cycle Changes in Vagally-Mediated Heart Rate Variability are Associated with Progesterone: Evidence from Two Within-Person Studies. Journal of clinical medicine, 9(3), 617.
- Zietlow, A.-L., Nonnenmacher, N., Reck, C., Ditzen, B. & Müller, M. (2019). Emotional Stress during Pregnancy – Associations with Maternal Anxiety Disorders, Infant Cortisol Reactivity and Mother-Child Interaction at Pre-School Age. Frontiers in Psychology, 10: 2179.
- Monika Eckstein*/ Zietlow, A.-L.*, Gerchen, M. F., Schmitgen, M. M., Ashcroft-Jones, S., Kirsch, P. & Ditzen, B. (2019). The NeMo Real-time fMRI Neurofeedback Study: Protocol of a Randomised Controlled Clinical Intervention Trial in the Neural Foundations of Mother-Infant Bonding. BMJ Open, 9(7), e027747. *shared first authorship
- Zietlow, A.-L.*, Eckstein, M.*, Hernandez, C., Nonnenmacher, N., Heinrichs, M., Schär Gmelch, M., Reck, C. & Ditzen, B. (2019). Dyadic Coping and its Underlying Neuroendocrine Mechanisms – Implications for Stress Regulation. Frontiers in Psychology, 9: 2600. * shared first authorship
- Christiansen, H., Reck, C., Zietlow, A.-L., Otto, K., Steinmayr, R., Wirthwein, L., Weigelt, S., Stark, R., Ebert, D., Buntrock, C., Krisam, J., Klose, Ch., Kieser, M. & Schwenck, Ch. (2019). Children of Mentally III Parents at Risk Evaluation (COMPARE): Design and Methods of a Randomized Control-led Multicenter Study—Part I. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10: 128.
- Reichl, C., Kaess, M., Fuchs, A., Boedeker, K., Zietlow, A.-L., Hartmann, A., Rujescu, D., Parzer, P., Resch, F., Bermpohl, F., Herpertz, S.C. & Brunner, R. (2019). Childhood Adversity and Parenting Behavior: The Role of Oxytocin Receptor Gene Polymorphisms. Journal of Neural Transmission, 126(6): 777-787.
- Neukel, C., Herpertz, S.C., Hindi-Attar, C., Zietlow, A.-L., Fuchs, A., Moehler, E., Bermpohl, F. & Bertsch, K. (2019). Neural Processing of the Own Child’s Facial Emotions in Mothers with a History of Early Life Maltreatment. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 269(2): 171-181.
- Bödeker, K., Fuchs, A., Führer, D., Reichl, C., Reck, C., Kluczniok, D., Kaess, M., Hindi-Attar, C., Möhler, E., Bierbaum, Zietlow, A.-L., Jaite, C., Lehmkuhl, U., Herpertz, S., Brunner, R., Bermpohl, F. & Resch, F. (2019). Impact of Maternal Early Life Maltreatment and Maternal History of Depression on Child Psychopathology: Mediating Role of Maternal Sensitivity? Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 2: 278-290.
- Neukel, C., Bertsch, K., Fuchs, A., Zietlow, A.-L., Reck, C., Moehler, E., Brunner, R., Bermpohl, F. & Herpertz, S.C. (2018). The Maternal Brain in Women with a History of Early Life Maltreatment: An Imagination-based fMRI Study on Conflictual vs. Pleasant Interactions with the Child. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience: JPN, 43(4): 273-282.
- Dittrich, K., Fuchs, A., Bermpohl, F., Meyer, J., Führer, D., Reichl, C., Reck, C., Kluczniok, D., Kaess, M., Hindi Attar, C., Möhler, E., Bierbaum, A. L. , Zietlow, A.-L., Jaite, C., Winter, S. M., Herpertz, S. C., Brunner, R., Bödeker, K. & Resch, F. (2018). Effects of Maternal History of Depression and Early Life Maltreatment on Children's Health-Related Quality of Life. Journal of Affective Disorders, 225 (Supplement C): 280-288.
- Nonnenmacher, N., Zietlow, A.-L., Noe, D. & Reck, C. (2018). Depressionen in der Peripartalzeit: Mutter-Kind-Beziehung und kindliche Entwicklung im Blickpunkt. Familiendynamik, 43(2): 100-107.
- Noe, D., Zietlow, A.-L., Haber, S. & Nonnenmacher, N. (2018). Krise nach der Geburt – Behandlungsansätze bei postpartaler Depression. Familiendynamik, 43(2): 108-114.
- Dittrich, K., Fuchs, A., Führer, D., Bermpohl, F., Kluczniok, D., Hindi-Attar, C., Jaite, C., Zietlow, A.-L., Licata, M., Reck, C., Herpertz, S., Brunner, R., Möhler, E., Resch, F., Winter, S., Lehmkuhl, U. & Bödeker, K. (2017). Observational Context of Mother-Child Interaction: Impact of a Stress Context on Emotional Availability. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26(6), 1583–1591.
- Krause, L., Einsle, F., Petzoldt, J., Wittchen, H.-U., & Martini, J. (2017). The role of maternal anxiety and depressive disorders prior to and during pregnancy and perinatal psychopathological symptoms for early infant diseases and drug administration. Early Human Development, 109, 7-14
- Kraft, A., Knappe, S., Petrowski, K., Petzoldt, J. & Martini, J. (2017). Unterschiede in der Mutter-Kind-Bindung bei Frauen mit und ohne Soziale Phobie [Maternal bonding and infants' attachment in women with and without social phobia and their children]. Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 47, 161-170
Martini, J., Petzoldt, J., Knappe, S., Garthus-Niegel, S., Asselmann, E. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2017). A prospective-longitudinal study on infant, maternal, and familial predictors and correlates of regulatory problems in early infancy. Early Human Development 115. 23-31.
Petzoldt, J. (2017). Systematic review on maternal depression and anxiety in relation to excessive infant crying: It is all about the timing. Archives of Women’s Mental Health.
Zietlow, A.-L., Nonnenmacher, N., Reck, C., Müller, M., Herpertz, S.C., Neukel, C., Fuchs, A., Bermpohl, F., Führer, D., Kluczniok, D., Hindi Attar, C., Jaite, C., Dittrich, K. & Boedeker, K. (2017). Early Life Maltreatment but not Lifetime Depression Predicts Insecure Attachment in Adult Females. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 20(4): 477-486.
- Zietlow, A.-L. & Reck, C. (2017). Die Bedeutung postpartaler Depression und Angststörungen für das mütterliche Beziehungserleben, die Mutter-Kind-Interaktion und die kindliche Entwicklung. In: Brisch, K.H. (Hrsg.): Bindung und emotionale Gewalt. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 98-122.
- Asselmann, E., Wittchen, H.-U., Petzoldt, J. & Martini, J. (2016). Peripartum changes in partnership quality among women with and without anxiety and depressive disorders prior to pregnancy: A prospective-longitudinal study. Archives of Women’s Mental Health 19(2).
- Fuchs, A., Führer, D., Bierbaum, Zietlow, A.-L., Hindi-Attar, C., Neukel, C., Kluczniok, D., Kaess, M., Kramschuster, A., Reck, C., Möhler, E., Lehmkuhl, U., Bermpohl, F., Brunner, R., Resch, F. & Bödeker, K. (2016). Transgenerationale Einflussfaktoren kindlicher Inhibitionskontrolle: Mütterliche Trauma-Erfahrung, Depression und Impulsivität. Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 65: 423-440.
Licata, M., Zietlow, A.-L., Träuble, B., Sodian, B. & Reck, C. (2016). Maternal Emotional Availability and its Association with Maternal Psychopathology, Attachment Style Insecurity and Theory of Mind. Psychopathology, 49(5): 334-34.
Müller, M.*, Tronick E.Z.*, Zietlow, A.-L., Nonnenmacher, N., Verschoor S. & Träuble, B. (2016). Effects of Maternal Anxiety Disorders on Infant Self-Comforting Behaviors: The Role of Maternal Bonding, Infant Gender and Age. Psychopathology, 49(4): 295-304. *shared first authorship
- Petzoldt, J., Wittchen, H. U., Einsle, F. & Martini, J. (2016). Maternal anxiety versus depressive disorders: Specific relations to infants’ crying, feeding and sleeping problems. Child: Care, Health and Development. 42(2):231-245.
- Reck, C., Zietlow, A.-L., Müller, M. & Dubber, S. (2016). Perceived Parenting Stress in the Course of Postpartum Depression: The Buffering Effect of Maternal Bonding. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 19(3): 473-482.
- Reck, C., Nonnenmacher, N. & Zietlow, A.-L. (2016). Intergenerational Transmission of Internalizing Behavior: The Role of Maternal Psychopathology, Child Responsiveness and Maternal Attachment Style Insecurity. Psychopathology, 49(4): 277-284
Zietlow, A.-L., Heinrichs, M. & Ditzen, B. (2016). Psychobiologie sozialer Nähe: Zusammenhänge mit Stress und Gesundheit im Entwicklungsverlauf. Psychotherapie im Dialog (PiD), 3: 82-85.
Brunner, R., Reichl, C., Bermpohl, F., Bertsch, K., Bock, J., Bödeker, K., Firk, C., Fuchs, A., Führer, D., Gröger, N., Heinz, A., Herpertz-Dahlmann, B., Herpertz, S.C. , Dahmen, B., Hindi-Attar, C., Klucz-niok, D., Konrad, K., Lehmkuhl, U., Möhler, E., Neukel, C., Reck, C., Resch, F., Rether, K., Zietlow, A.-L., Ziegenhain, U., Schury, K., Karabatsiakis, A., Braun, A.K., Gündel, H., Kindler, H., Buchheim, A., Meysen, T., Kolassa, I. & Fegert, J.M. (2015). Mechanismen der generationsübergreifenden Transmission belastender Kindheitserfahrungen: Theoretischer Hintergrund, Forschungsdesigns und erste Ergebnisse zweier multizentrischer Studien in Deutschland. Trauma & Gewalt, 9(2): 137-147.
Martini, J., Petzoldt, J., Einsle, F., Beesdo-Baum, K., Höfler, M., Wittchen, H.-U. (2015). Risk factors and course patterns of anxiety and depressive disorders during pregnancy and after delivery: A prospective-longitudinal study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 175, 385-395.
Meiser, S., Zietlow, A.-L., Reck, C. & Träuble, B. (2015). The Impact of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety Disorders on Childrenʼs Facial Emotional Expression Processing at Pre-School Age. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 18(5): 707-716.
- Müller, M., Zietlow, A.-L., Tronick, E.Z. & Reck, C. (2015). What Dyadic Reparation Is Meant to Do: An Association with Infant Cortisol Reactivity. Psychopathology, 48(1): 386-399.
Petzoldt, J. & Martini, J. (2015). Frühkindliche Regulationsstörungen. In E. Brähler & H.-W. Hoefert (Eds.), Lexikon der Modernen Krankheiten. Berlin: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.
Petzoldt, J., Wittchen, H. U., Wittich, J., Einsle, F., Höfler, M., & Martini, J. (2014). Maternal anxiety disorders predict excessive infant crying: A prospective-longitudinal study. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 99(9), 800-806.
Tietz, A., Zietlow, A.-L., & Reck, C. (2014). Maternal Bonding in Mothers with Postpartum Anxiety Disorder: The Crucial Role of Subclinical Depressive Symptoms and Maternal Avoidance Behaviour. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 17(5): 433-442.
- Zietlow, A.-L., Schlüter, M. K., Nonnenmacher, N., Müller, M., & Reck, C. (2014). Maternal Self-Confidence Postpartum and at Pre-School Age: The Role of Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Maternal Attachment Insecurity. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 18(8): 1873-1880.
- Martini, J., Wittich, J., Petzoldt, J., Winkel, S., Einsle, F., Siegert, J., et al. (2013). Maternal anxiety disorders prior to conception, psychopathology during pregnancy and early infants’ development: a prospective-longitudinal study. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 16, 549-560.