Associated / Former Staff
Associate Members
- J. Prof. Merle Fairhurst
J. Prof. Social Affective Touch (CeTI), Munich Centre for Neuroscience
Chair of Acoustics and Haptics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, TU Dresden
- Dr. Irene Valori
Chair of Acoustics and Haptics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, TU Dresden
Centre for Tactile Internet with Human in the Loop (CeTI)
Twitter: @IreneValori - Prof. Dr. Andrea Reiter
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy
University Hospital Würzburg
Margarete-Höppel-Platz, 197080 Würzburg, Deutschland
- Dr. Kathleen Kang
University of Leicester - Prof. Dr. Jakub Limanowski
Lehrstuhlinhaber Biologische Psychologie
Gastwissenschaftler am Exzellenzcluster CeTI, Nachwuchsgruppe „Menschliche Wahrnehmung und Handlung“
Former Staff
Dr. Sabine Al-Diban (Faculty of Education, Technische Universität Dresden)
Dr. Mareike Altgassen (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
M.Sc. Lea Bartsch (Cognitive Psychology Unit, University of Zürich)
Dr. Christian Bäuchl
M.Sc. Florian Bolenz
Rasmus Bruckner (FU Berlin / International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course)
M.Sc. Roxane Dilcher
Dr. Annika Dix (Chair of Engineering Psychology and Applied Cognitive Research | CeTI)
Dipl.-Psych. René Dutschke
Dr. Krutika Gohil
Dr. Adamantini Hatzipanayioti
Dr. Manosouss Klados (associated, Aston University)
Dr. Claudia König
Dr. Franziska Korb (Chair of General Psychology, Technische Universität Dresden)
Dr. Brian Mathias
- M.Sc. Susanne Neupert
Dr. Susanne Passow
M.Sc. Lena Pollerhoff
Dr. Franziska Rosenlöcher (Carus Akademie Lebenslanges Lernen at Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Caru at the TU Dresden)
M.Sc. Luca Spliethoff
Dr. Nora Vetter (Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Dresden of the Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus at the TU Dresden
- M.Sc. Irka Wetzig