ALBAf: Worklife learning in SME and employee-oriented promotion of work ability
Funding period: 01.10.2014 - 30.09.2017
Funding program: Unternehmen der Zukunft (BMAS)
Contact: Prof. Dr. Hermann Körndle, Olaf Peters
Project managament: Prof. Dr. Winfried Hacker, AG Wissen-Denken-Handeln (TUD)
Today small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) are faced with vast challenges due the global trend of digitization and competitive constraints of finding qualified employees. Experienced employees should be retained and their work ability should be promoted until high working age.
Our approach: participative workshops supported by digital learning ressources
In the INQA project ALBAf we aim to transfer existing knowledge about work design to SME that enhances health and learning. This knowledge has to be presented in a way that SME can easily integrate it into daily business.
Therefore the focus of ALBAf is on a participative workshop concept that is supported by digital learning ressources and reusable procedural guidelines. This approach is initially tested in four pilot enterprises. Based on these experiences we design generalizable and transferable recommendation that can be used by other companies as well as other branches.
In the ALBAf project we design:
- Practiable strategies for health and learning-enhancing work design
- A workshop concept, that incorporates all employees in work design
- checks for motivating and health-maintaining work conditions
- Solutions for communicating and developing knowledge and competencies in companies.