Funding Options
Are you a lecturer who would like to implement a new e-learning project? Or would you like your students to conduct research together at a summer school?
Are you a student who would like to carry out your own research project and present your findings at an international conference?
The team at the Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching would be happy to advice you on potential funding opportunities.

The Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching team offers the following funding opportunities:
- Digital Learning and Teaching Fund (Fonds DLL)
- Funds for Students Research (FOSTER)
- Student Research Exposition (StuFo Expo)
The ZiLL also advises the office of the Vice-Rector Academic Affairs in coordinating university-wide third-party funding proposals in teaching and academic development.
TU Dresden offers further funding opportunities for teaching:
- Saxon Teaching Award: A joint award presented by Leipzig University, TU Dresden and Chemnitz University of Technology.
- Teaching Award of the Association of Friends and Sponsors of TU Dresden
- Diversity-sensitive teaching award