Alumni programme of the ZIS
Since the introduction of the programme "International Relations" in the winter semester 1998/1999, more than 600 students have successfully completed their studies with a Bachelor's degree (BA) and over 150 with a Master's degree (MA) in International Relations.
On the following pages you will find:
Alumni Network of TU Dresden
Alumni Network of TU DresdenAlumni Network of TU DresdenAlumni Network of TU Dresden
If you would like to stay or get in touch with TU Dresden, you can become a member in the TUD Alumni Network. That way, you will be informed about future events and receive further news.
The offer of the Alumni Network:
Regular information about news of TU Dresden
Dates, jobs, events
The Alumni Magazine "Kontakt-online"
The event series "Absol(E)vent" - the special start into the weekend
International contacts through the TU Regional Ambassadors
More information about the Alumni Network can be found at: