Jan 20, 2022
Award for CIS as a "beacon" of internationalization

Das ZIS ist einer von 22 "Leuchttürmen" der Internationalisierung
With the "Lighthouses" of internationalization, TU Dresden honors outstanding international partnerships, networks and programs. The selected decentralized activities contribute in their breadth to bringing TU Dresden one step further on the way to becoming a global university. In September 2021, 22 such "lighthouses" were identified for the first time from 78 submissions by the International Affairs Commission and officially announced in December.
The Center for International Studies was also recognized as a "beacon" of internationalization at TU Dresden. The Center for International Studies (ZIS) has existed since 2002 as a cross-departmental and cross-faculty Central Academic Unit of TU Dresden. The ZIS offers a consecutive Bachelor's/Master's program in the field of international relations with an interdisciplinary range of subjects in political science, law and economics. The core subjects of international politics, international economics and international law are complemented by genuinely interdisciplinary modules. A dense network of European and non-European cooperation universities as well as integrated training in two modern foreign languages are available for the semester abroad, which is compulsory in the Bachelor's degree and optional in the Master's degree.
TU Dresden supports this international visibility with the award.
The other award-winning partnerships, networks and programs can be found under this link: https://tu-dresden.de/tu-dresden/internationales/dezentrale-partnerschaften-netzwerke-und-programme