The Master's degree program "International Relations"
If you have any questions about the course of your studies, you can consult the study documents. These include the study plan, a description of the modules and the examination and study regulations. A general explanation of the Master's degree program IB can be found at the bottom of this page.
Documents and links on the organization of studies relate to timetables, language training, financing and semesters abroad.
If you need examination applications, would like to write your Master's thesis or have questions about the examination period, the Examination Office is the right place for you.
General information about the Master's degree program can be found on the following pages and also in the Student Information System (SINS).
Presentation of the Master's degree program in International Relations (2024)
- Regulations on the implementation of the selection procedure for the allocation of study places in the Master's degree program in International Relations of 23 February 2021
- Regulations on the assessment of aptitude in the Master's degree program in International Relations of 13 February 2024
- INFORMATION FOR FIRST-SEMESTER STUDENTS: Services and Advice for Students (Directorate Student Affairs and Continuing Education)
General information on the reformed Master's IB (from enrolment year 2022)
Here you can find the program description in print format.
The Master's degree program in International Relations at the Center for International Studies (ZIS) at TU Dresden is structured as a genuinely interdisciplinary Master's degree program consisting of the three core subjects of International Politics (IP), International Law (IR) and International Economics (IW). Students choose one of three specializations, each of which comprises two of these core subjects.
The following specializations are available:
- Global Political Economy (GPOE) - core subjects: International Politics (IP) and International Economics (IW)
- International Order and Institutions (IO) - core subjects: International Politics (IP) and International Law (IR)
- International Law and Economics (ILE) - core subjects: International Law (IR) and International Economics (IW)
In addition to the respective core subjects, interdisciplinary courses, a professional internship and a research design are also part of the course content.
The Master's thesis is completed at the end of the course and comprises 25 credit points (CP).
The Master's degree program in International Relations comprises a total of 120 CP and has a modular structure. In addition to core and elective courses in the respective specialization, students must complete modules that are independent of the specialization. These are an "Interdisciplinary Analysis of IB" module, a professional internship and a research design module, which prepares students for the Master's thesis. They have a total scope of 25 CP.
Optionally, 20 CP of the core area can be earnedin other core subject modules or courses in related social science disciplines can be included in modules available for this purpose. The latter also applies in particular to the third subject not integrated into the student's own specialization (example: In the specialization IO modules in the field of international economics). These courses can be taken in the Supplementary Qualifications (EQ) modules.
The Master's thesis is scheduled for the fourth semester. It has a scope of 25 CP.
- Compulsory courses independent of specialization
- Global Political Economy (GPOE)
- International Order and Institutions (IO)
- International Law and Economics (ILE)
Compulsory courses independent of specialization
MA-IB-IA | Interdisciplinary Analysis of International Relations | COMPULSORY | 10 |
MA-IB-BP | Professional internship | MANDATORY | 10 |
MA-IB-FD | Research Design | MANDATORY | 5 |
Master thesis | OBLIGATION | 25 |
Specialization in Global Political Economy (GPOE)
Core subject International Politics - at least 25 credit points (CP)
Module number | Module name | Type of course | CP |
MA-IB-SIB | Theories and Key Concepts of International Relations | COMPULSORY | 5 |
MA-IB-INT | International Institutions | OBLIGATION | 5 |
MA-IB-CTR | Complex Actor Constellations and Horizontal Cooperation in the Transnational Realm | MANDATORY | 5 |
MA-IB-GPE | Global Political Economy | MANDATORY | 5 |
MA-IB-MES | Methods of Empirical Social Research | elective | 5 |
Current topics in international politics |
Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-APA | Foreign Policy Analysis | Election | 5 |
MA-IB-GTE | History, theory and current issues in European politics | Elective | 5 |
Core subject International Economics - min. 25 LP
MA-IB-PET | Principles of Economic Theory | MANDATORY | 5 |
MA-IB-EEC | Empirical Economics | COMPULSORY | 5 |
MA-IB-DEV | Development Economics | elective | 5 |
MA-IB-IPE | International Public Economics | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-ERP | Empirical Research Project | Elective | 10 |
MA-IB-TIE | Topics in International Economics | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-IFM | International Financial Markets | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-EXC | Exchange Rates | Option | 5 |
MA-IB-MIG | Economics of Migration | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-ECG | Economic Growth | Elective | 10 |
MA-IB-TEP | Topics in Economic Policy | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-GIS | Introduction to Geographic Information Systems | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-MDE | Microeconomic Theories in Development Economics | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-TER | Current Topics in Empirical Economic Research | Elective | 5 |
Supplementary qualifications
MA-IB-JUM | Legal Methodology | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-PIL | Public International Law | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-UNS | United Nations System | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-IEL | International Economic Law | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-BVR | Special International Law | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-TDE | Transdisciplinary supplement | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-ELFa | Elementary level foreign language | Elective | 5 |
Specialization in International Order and Institutions (IO)
Core subject International Law - at least 25 credit points (CP)
Module number | Module name | Type of course | CP |
MA-IB-PIL | Public International Law | COMPULSORY | 5 |
MA-IB-UNS | United Nations System | OBLIGATION | 5 |
MA-IB-KVR | Constitutionalization of international law | OBLIGATION | 5 |
MA-IB-JUM | Legal methodology | elective | 5 |
MA-IB-TIL | Topics in International Law | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-SVR | Special issues of international law | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-BVR | Special international law | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-EUL | Introduction to European Union Law | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-HVR | International Humanitarian Law | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-IMS | International Human Rights Protection | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-RIO | Law of International Organizations | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-IEL | International Economic Law | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-RLC | Asylum and Residence Law | Elective | 5 |
Core subject International Politics - min. 25 LP
MA-IB-INT | International Institutions | COMPULSORY | 5 |
MA-IB-SIB | Theories and key concepts of international relations | OBLIGATION | 5 |
MA-IB-CTR | Complex Actor Constellations and Horizontal Cooperation in the Transnational Realm | MANDATORY | 5 |
MA-IB-TIO | Theories of International Organizations | MANDATORY | 5 |
MA-IB-MES | Methods of Empirical Social Research | elective | 5 |
MA-IB-ATP | Current topics in international politics | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-APA | Foreign Policy Analysis | Election | 5 |
MA-IB-GTE | History, theory and current issues in European politics | Elective | 5 |
Supplementary qualifications
MA-IB-PET | Principles of Economic Theory | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-EEC | Empirical Economics | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-TDE | Transdisciplinary Supplement | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-ELFa | Elementary level foreign language | Elective | 5 |
Specialization in International Law and Economics (ILE)
Core subject International Economics - at least 25 credit points (CP)
Module number | Module name | Type of course | CP |
MA-IB-PET | Principles of Economic Theory | COMPULSORY | 5 |
MA-IB-EEC | Empirical Economics | COMPULSORY | 5 |
MA-IB-DEV | Development Economics | elective | 5 |
MA-IB-IPE | International Public Economics | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-ERP | Empirical Research Project | Elective | 10 |
MA-IB-TIE | Topics in International Economics | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-IFM | International Financial Markets | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-EXC | Exchange Rates | Option | 5 |
MA-IB-MIG | Economics of Migration | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-ECG | Economic Growth | Elective | 10 |
MA-IB-TEP | Topics in Economic Policy | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-GIS | Introduction to Geographic Information Systems | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-MDE | Microeconomic Theories in Development Economics | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-TER | Current Topics in Empirical Economic Research | Elective | 5 |
Core subject International Law - min. 25 LP
MA-IB-PIL | Public International Law | COMPULSORY | 5 |
MA-IB-UNS | United Nations System | OBLIGATION | 5 |
MA-IB-IEL | International Economic Law | MANDATORY | 5 |
MA-IB-JUM | Legal Methodology | Optional | 5 |
MA-IB-TIL | Topics in International Law | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-SVR | Special issues of international law | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-BVR | Special international law | Choice | 5 |
MA-IB-EUL | Introduction to European Union Law | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-HVR | International Humanitarian Law | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-IMS | International Human Rights Protection | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-RIO | Law of International Organizations | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-RLC | Asylum and residence law | Elective | 5 |
Supplementary qualifications
MA-IB-SIB | Theories and key concepts of international relations | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-INT | International Institutions | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-MES | Methods of Empirical Social Research | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-ATP | Current topics in international politics | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-APA | Foreign Policy Analysis | Election | 5 |
MA-IB-GTE | History, theory and current issues in European politics | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-GPE | Global Political Economy | Elective | 5 |
MA-IB-TDE | Transdisciplinary Supplement | IP-EQ | 5 |
MA-IB-ELFa | Elementary level foreign language | IP-EQ | 5 |