dies academicus
The dies academicus is an academic holiday that is organized differently at different universities: From open house to university sports day. Basically, it is a day without compulsory courses and with many entertaining, educational and horizon-expanding activities. At the TU Dresden, the Institute Integrale takes care of the organization and implementation of the day.
Since 2009, Integrale has been organizing a diverse cultural and interdisciplinary lecture and workshop program with lecturers from both the TU Dresden and external institutions. On the meadow behind the lecture hall center and in the adjacent university buildings, a networking of disciplines, students, lecturers and all interested parties is promoted.
How do we achieve this?
First of all, Integrale organizes the interdisciplinary crime hunt "Crime Campus" every year. Here, the participants put themselves in the shoes of a fictitious detective and solve a tricky criminal case with the help of the student councils of the TU Dresden, while learning about the methods of other disciplines in a playful way.
On dies academicus, many university groups and initiatives also come together to present themselves to the students. The stage program of CampusRadio provides a relaxed atmosphere.
The dies academicus 2022 will take place on May 18th. You can find out more here.