What is studium generale?
studium generale means leaving your own subject area and learning to engage with other disciplines, broadening your horizons, getting to know new perspectives and looking at and working on topics from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Course catalog
Courses are announced each semester by the Faculties of TU Dresden or organized by (student) initiatives for the studium generale and published in a joint course catalog . In addition, there are offers from civil society organizations and the Studium Integrale offers of the HTW Dresden, which can also be attended by TU Dresden students. The offer covers a wide range and includes more than 120 courses per semester.
We have compiled FAQs to make it easier for you to find courses:
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen studium generale, AQua und Schlüsselqualifikationen?
AQua ist die an der TU Dresden am häufigsten, v.a. im Bereich der Geisteswissenschaften, verwendete Bezeichnung für Module, welche Schlüsselqualifikationen vermitteln. Das studium generale als weitere Möglichkeit Kompetenzen ergänzend zur eigenen Fachkompetenz zu erwerben ist meist ein Teil des Schlüsselqualifikationsmoduls. Weitere Teile können soft skills, Praktika oder Fremdsprachen sein. Studium generale ist also im Gegensatz zum AQua (bzw. den Schlüsselqualifikationen) ein enger definierter Begriff und setzt sich die interdisziplinäre und reflexive Kompetenz durch den Besuch von interdisziplinären oder Veranstaltungen anderer Fachbereiche zum Ziel.
Was heißt AQua?
AQua ist die Kurzform für Allgemeinbildende Qualifikationen. Hierunter werden Kompetenzen verstanden, die zusätzlich zur Fachkompetenz vermittelt werden. Die Lehrveranstaltungen, welche im Rahmen der Module der Allgemeinen Qualifikation besucht werden können, sind demnach keine Fachveranstaltungen. Neben dem Namen AQua sind für diesen Bereich auch weitere Begriffe gängig, beispielsweise Schlüsselqualifikationen, Fachübergreifende Qualifikationen, Berufsspezifische Kompetenzen usw.
How do I find a block seminar?
You can also display block seminars in our database under "Overview by weekday".
When is the course catalog online?
The course catalog is published at the end of September for the winter semester and at the end of March for the summer semester. You have the option of searching for courses in a targeted manner in the database.
Can I attend courses from my degree program within the studium generale?
No, as the studium generale is designed to enable you to think outside the box and promote your reflective and interdisciplinary skills. This is only possible by attending interdisciplinary courses and courses from other departments.
Which courses am I allowed to attend?
Your study regulations determine whether you have to attend studium generale and which courses are suitable for you. This varies from degree program to degree program. Your study regulations also state how many credit hours and what you have to achieve: certificate of attendance, graded certificate of achievement or ungraded certificate of achievement. Our table on credit transferability provides an initial indication. Once you have this information, you can simply look for the right courses in our course catalog.
Some Faculties also offer their own catalog/lecture directory for AQua or studium-generale modules. The AQua or key qualification modules can contain different groups of courses, one of which can be the studium generale. Some Faculties therefore publish a catalog each semester with courses that you can attend within your AQua module. In most cases, these catalogs also contain courses from the studium generale that have been preselected by your Examination Office according to the scope or type of proof.
Where do I have to register for a studium-generale course?
For lectures, it is usually sufficient to register on a participation list at the first lecture. This also applies to most seminars. In some workshops and seminars where the number of participants is limited, registration is required.
Whether, how and where registration is required is indicated separately in our course catalog for the respective course. This is done via OPAL.
What is a certificate of achievement and what is a certificate of participation?
At the end of the course, you must somehow prove that you have learned something from the course, i.e. provide a "performance" (passed exam, term paper or similar). You can find out exactly what is required from the contact person for the respective course (this is usually done in the first course). In some lectures, it is also necessary to register for the exam and you will receive a certificate of attendance (also known as a "Sitzschein") if you have attended a course regularly. This is usually checked by means of an attendance list in which you sign in each time.
Not all courses have credits listed, how do I find out how many I get for a course?
Credits are normally awarded for completed modules and not for individual courses, i.e. you will find the specific number of courses to be completed in your study regulations.
How often can I be absent so that I still receive a certificate of attendance at the end?
As a rule of thumb, you are allowed to be absent from a course up to two times without excuse, otherwise you will no longer receive a participation certificate. However, as the organizers issue the certificate, they also have the final say here. In cases of hardship, such as long-term illness, it is worth getting in touch with the relevant contact person.
Do I have to be present regularly so that I can take the exam?
No, there is no compulsory attendance requirement at TU Dresden if you want to take an exam. However, it is always advisable to attend the course regularly so that you are sufficiently prepared for the exam.
However, regular attendance is necessary for a certificate of participation.
Is a certificate of attendance sufficient?
This depends on your examination regulations; our overview of recognition provides an initial indication.
Do I need a grade? And how many credits do I have to earn?
This is also governed by your examination regulations. Just take a look at our examination requirements overview to get an initial overview. Of course, we are also happy to answer any questions you may have; however, in cases of dispute, only the responsible Examination Office will provide binding information.
Can externally achieved credits also be recognized?
Only the Examination Committee of the respective degree program decides on the recognition of externally completed examinations for the current degree program. As a rule, externally achieved credits for equivalent studium generale courses are not recognized for the degree course, as they contradict the actual objective of the studium generale of interdisciplinary knowledge acquisition during the current degree course.
However, if you wish to have studium generale certificates from other universities recognized, this will generally not be a problem.
Where can I get the certificates for the Integrale lecture series?
The certificates for the lecture series organized by Integrale are sent by email or can be obtained from the Service Office of the Student Council (StuRa-Baracke, Zi. 4). For certificates for other courses from the studium generale catalog, please contact the course coordinator.
How do I get a certificate?
You can download the template for the certificate of attendance and the certificate of achievement here.
The awarding of the certificate is regulated by the organizer.
In most cases, information is given at the beginning of the first course. If not, it is worth contacting the lecturer directly.
Organize a course for studium generale yourself
If you would like to organize a course yourself as a student initiative, you can find information on requirements and deadlines in the internal area or get in touch with us.
The Citizens' University is TU Dresden's contribution to the Senior Citizens' Academy of Science and Art. Courses that are open to the Citizens' University can be attended by participants of the Senior Citizens' Academy.
The Dresden Citizens' University was launched in 1994 as an offer from TU Dresden for the citizens of the city and its surrounding area. The aim of the Citizens' University is to open up TU Dresden to interested parties through suitable courses and corresponding university activities. Lectures, lecture series, working or discussion groups can be attended and participants are given the opportunity to get to know the capabilities of the "University of their city" in the diversity of its scientific disciplines.
The Citizens' University is supported by the Spangenberg Foundation, which was set up for this purpose in the summer of 1994 by Mrs. Renate Stadler, née Spangenberg. Individual donations to the Gesellschaft von Freunden und Förderern der TU Dresden e. V. are also possible at any time.
The program of the Citizens' University is updated every semester and published together with the program of the Senior Citizens' Academy.
Website of the Senior Citizens' Academy
In the studium generale, students have the opportunity to attend courses from other Faculties or interdisciplinary formats and have them recognized in accordance with their study and examination regulations. The aim of the studium generale is to
- to impart interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge
- to link knowledge, thinking and methods to a holistic approach
- to integrate ideas, methods and perspectives from other disciplines into your own degree program
- gain insight into the variety of methods and problem-solving strategies of other subject areas
- gain a reflexive approach to their own subject and interdisciplinary problems
- to enable social participation and a sense of responsibility
- deepen general education.
In order to open a course for the Citizens' University or the studium generale, a certain procedure and defined requirements must be followed.
- The content of the course must be designed in such a way that it can also be followed by groups of people from other disciplines or from outside the university. In principle, courses that only require the Abitur level are suitable.
- Additional requirements for studium-generale courses:
- the course is either an integral part of a degree program or was designed specifically for the studium generale
- if the course has been designed specifically for the studium generale: the patron must be a university lecturer who is authorized to conduct examinations and guarantees the academic character of the course, i.e. a minimum number of SWS and ECTS must be achievable at a formal level. Only this patron is authorized to issue certificates of achievement and take examinations.
Every semester, the Vice-Rectorate Education and International Affairs publishes a circular requesting the registration of relevant courses for the studium generale/citizen university.
The current registration form can be found in the internal area.
If you do not receive this circular, you can subscribe to a mailing list which will inform you when the current form has been published. To do so, please contact Integrale - Institute for studium generale.
The deadlines for registration are
- for the winter semester: 30.06.
- for the summer semester: 15.01.
Information or events registered after these deadlines cannot be printed in the corresponding brochures, but will be published online.
Evaluation of studium generale courses
In order to maintain the quality of these events, formats that are designed and implemented specifically for studium generale are evaluated each semester with the help of the Center for Quality Analysis. You can find out more about the studium generale evaluation here.

Team "Vorlesungsverzeichnis studium generale"
Visiting address:
StuRa-Baracke, Raum 14 George-Bähr-Str 1e
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Studierendenrat TU Dresden
01062 Dresden