Evaluation of courses of the studium generale
The evaluation of courses (studium generale) - only data collection/ paperwork or real participation?
Most of us have already experienced it during our studies: The teacher asks you to participate in the student survey (evaluation) towards the end of the lecture period and to fill out a questionnaire (currently it is an online survey, previously it was mostly a paper questionnaire in the course) with various questions about the course itself, the teacher, the framework conditions, your own motivation to study, etc. You can tick most of them or "mark" the boxes. You can tick off most of these questions, such as "agree" or "disagree", or assign grades such as "I am very/not satisfied" or "partly partly". The crowning touch is a comment field. There you can scribble or type in what moves you about the event or its surroundings, be it positive or negative criticism, suggestions, a smiley.... Of course, all this is done anonymously and in compliance with data protection laws. You click on "Send" and then?
What's the point - for me or for the whole? More than many people realise:
- The teacher(s) deal with it and reflect on their teaching. With at least ten participants, there are statistics, i.e. results (evaluation of the survey with collection of comments), which you can discuss with the teacher(s) at the end of the lecture period.
- In faculties, it flows into committees (study commission) or the teaching report. People deal with it and it can have an impact on decisions about people, resources, the courses offered or even the evaluation of the degree programme (within the framework of a degree programme evaluation). At studium generale, we also look at the evaluations and try to derive tendencies for the studium generale teaching offer in order to improve it.
- In addition, Integrale presents the annual studium generale teaching award ("Wander-Globus", formerly Wanderpokal), a travelling award that recognises commitment in the area of studium generale in an exemplary manner. The results of the surveys, i.e. your feedback, are also taken into account. [Here] you will soon find an overview of the last years/semesters.
If you are taking part in a course, your predecessors have often contributed to its further development in previous years and you know that your feedback will also have an influence, usually on the current course and often beyond, for your successors as well.
Therefore, use your voice (in the survey and the feedback discussion afterwards) for yourself and for others - it has an influence.
Further information: https://tu-dresden.de/zqa/qualitaetsanalyse/lehrveranstaltungsevaluation/informationen-fuer-studierende
You can reach us, the Integrale Evaluation Working Group (course evaluation, responsible for the studium generale evaluation area) at: evaluation@integrale.de
Team "Evaluation studium generale"
Visiting address:
StuRa-Baracke, Raum 14 George-Bähr-Str 1e
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Studierendenrat TU Dresden
01062 Dresden