Michael Marxen
Leiter Arbeitsgruppe Dynamische Gehirnzustände
NameMichael Marxen Ph.D.
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Kontakt Forschungsgruppe Dynamische Gehirnzustände und Bildgebungsmethoden
Kontakt Forschungsgruppe Dynamische Gehirnzustände und Bildgebungsmethoden
Technische Universität Dresden Forschungsbereich Systemische Neurowissenschaften Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden
Research Interests
My research group Brain Dynamics and Imaging Methods within the Section of Systems Neuroscience at the Department of Psychiatry of the TU Dresden is interested in understand how our brain states change on the time scale of seconds to minutes during rest or during tasks. For our research, we use primarily functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technique in addition to structural imaging protocols, brain stimulation techniques such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) or neurofeedback. Brain processes of particular interest are emotional regulation, cognitive control and attention. We are also interested in the development of new data analysis methods, collaborations with more applied scientists and the establishment of good scientific practises at our research institute. Please, visit our Group Website to find out more details. Useful information for scientists can be found under Resources.
Curriculum Vitae
Research Group Brain Dynamics and Imaging Methods
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Collaborative Research Center SFB940 "Volition & Cognitive Control"
Collaborative Research Centre TRR 265 "Losing and Regaining Control over Drug Intake"