Bühler-Kolloquium der Fachrichtung Psychologie
Hans-Ulrich Wittchen (TU Dresden, D)
Definition und Klassifikation psychischer Störungen: Was hat sich mit DSM-5 geändert?
Sabine Sonnentag (Universität Mannheim, D)
Erholung von Arbeitsstress: Das Stressor-Detachment Model
Lena Jelinek (Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, D)
Metakognitives Training bei Depression (D-MKT): Therapeutisches Vorgehen und Befunde zur Wirksamkeit
Eni S. Becker (Radboud University Nijmegen, D)
Implizite Trainingsprogramme zur Rückfallprophylaxe bei Alkoholabhängigkeit
P. Reed Montague (Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute, USA)
The physical correlates of counterfactual choices: from BOLD imaging to dopamine recording
Christine Heim (Charitè Universitätsmedizin Berlin, D)
Neurobiological consequences of childhood trauma
Torkel Klingberg (Karolinska Insitutet Stockholm, NOR)
Working memory: Mechanisms of training and development during childhood
Petra Ritter (MPI CBS Leipzig, D)
Reverse engineering the brain with The Virtual Brain simulator
Aktuelle Perspektiven Psychiatrischer Forschung
Swen Hesse & Philipp Meyer (Uniklinikum Leipzig, D)
Nikotin-Rezeptor-Bildgebung mittels PET/MRT bei neuropsychiatrischen Syndromen und Adipositas
Michael Smolka (TU Dresden, D)
Computational Psychiatry
Katharina Zwosta (TU Dresden, D)
Neurocognitive mechanisms of shielding goal-directed from habitual response selection. Paradigm and pilot studies
Friederike Tam (TU Dresden, D)
Neural correlates of task-irrelevant emotional distractors on cognitive control in high-functioning adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Siawoosh Mohammadi (Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, D)
Using the ACID toolbox to enable in-vivo histology
Disputationen an der Fakultät Psychologie
(nur SFB-relevante)
Esther Walton
Genetic and epigenetic risk factors and brain-based intermediate phenotypes for schizophrenia
Johanna Haß
Candidate gene, genome- and methylome-wide association analyses using structural and functional biomarkers for schizophrenia
Annet Bluschke
The functional relevance of sensory cortices for working memory maintenance – neurophysiological investigations
Kathrin Müller
Reward processing and its contribution to substance use and to the development of addiction
Sebastian Trautmann
Substance use and substance use disorders associated with military deployment to Afghanistan: Who is at risk?
Matthis Wankerl
Genetic and epigenetic variations in the serotonin transporter gene as a predictor of depression related biological traits
Franziska Rosenlöcher
Auswirkungen von synthetischen Glucocorticoiden und pränatalem Stress auf die Entwicklung in der Kindheit
Kevin Smith
Categorization effects on the relationship between goals, outcome valence, and approach and avoidance tendencies