Zoom Link
https://tu-dresden.zoom.us/j/86554537169?pwd=V3JkL3hpLzhuMitXc1NWakhTSHU5UT09 Meeting-ID: 865 5453 7169 Kenncode: =&UkH10*
Time: 11:00 am
05.10.2023 Lisa Jeschke/ Methodology seminar; "Possibilities and applications of focused transcranial ultrasound systems"
13.07.2023 Midory Katzue Higa Diez/ TP A11; "The role of the thalamus in cognitive control: A coordinate-based meta-analysis"
29.06.2023 Marie Therese Bartossek/ TP A01 "Modulation of the Stability-Flexibility Balance by Instructions and Reward"
01.06.2023 Thomas Goschke, Christian Bäuchl/ TP C01; "
"Volitional dysfunction in self-control failures and addictive behaviors” subtitle: “Neural coding of conflict as a predictor of control mobilization”
04.05.2023 Jasmin Stein/ TP B05; "Modulation of Self-Control by Acute and Chronic Stress"
20.04.2023 – Joseph King, Julius Hennig/ TP C03; "Anorexia nervosa as a model for increased volitional control: intrinsic value of effort, behavioral automaticity and real life implications"
06.04.2023 Anna Helin Koyun/ TP B08; „Supra-additive effects of pharmacological catecholamine modulation and non-invasive brain stimulation during response inhibition"
09.03.2022 Alexander Baumann, TP A02; "Memory mechanisms in instruction-based learning: connectivity results and behavioral outlook"
09.02.2023 Ben Jonathan Wagner/ TP A09; "Absolute and relative reinforcement learning of stimulus-response associations"