Zoom Link
https://tu-dresden.zoom.us/j/86554537169?pwd=V3JkL3hpLzhuMitXc1NWakhTSHU5UT09 Meeting-ID: 865 5453 7169 Kenncode: =&UkH10*
Time: 11:00 am
16.12.2021 Rebecca Overmeyer, SFB940/ TP C06;
„Effects of Reward and Punishment on Performance Monitoring”
02.12.2021 Philipp Riedel, Christian Bäuchl und Sophia-Helen Sass/ SFB940/ TP B03;
“Effects of neuromodulation and aging on visual attention, spatial memory, and
forward planning”
- 18.11.2021 Ilka Böhm, Joseph King, Stefan Ehrlich/ SFB940 TP C03; "Anorexia nervosa as a model for increased volitional control: intrinsic value of effort, behavioral automaticity and real life implications"
- 04.11.2021 Georgia Clay/ Isabelle Caruso/ SFB940/ TP A10; "The intrinsic value of self-control: intrinsic reward associated with effort exertion and honesty"