Bühler-Kolloquium der Fachrichtung Psychologie
Amit Bernstein (University of Haifa, ISR)
Attentional bias in psychopathology vulnerability: Translational implications of a dynamic process perspective
Tim Hahn (Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, D)
The emerging field of predictive analytics in mental health: Applications, challenges and perspectives
Michelle Craske (University of California in Los Angeles, USA)
Optimizing exposure therapy for anxiety disorders: an inhibitory learning and inhibitory regulation approach
Silke Behrendt (TU Dresden, D)
Determining the developmental specificity of risk factors for substance use disorders over the life span
Ron Rapee (University of Sydney, AUS)
Reducing a lifetime of distress – the development and prevention of emotional disorders
Mathias Pessiglione (ICM Paris, FRA)
Why not trying harder? A neurocomputational approach to motivation deficits
Henrik Ehrsson (Karolinska Institutet Stockholm, NOR)
Cognitive neuroscience of body self-perception
Christian Büchel (Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, D)
The neural basis of pain and pain expectation
Birte Forstmann (University of Amsterdam, NL)
Strategic decision-making in the human subcortex measured with ultra-high resolution magnetic imaging
(Vortragende affiliiert an der TU Dresden, soweit nicht anders vermerkt)
Richard Grunzke (ZIH) & Dirk Müller (Fakultät Medizin)
The CRC 940 Information Infrastructure Project (INF): Current Status and Future Plans
Holger Mohr (Fakultät Psychologie)
Introduction to multiple testing correction in SPM, and discussion of Eklund et al., PNAS 2016
Peter Birkholz (Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik)
How MRI data can turn into a synthetic voice
Stefan Kiebel, Dimitrije Markovic & Dario Cuevas Rivera (Fakultät Psychologie)
Goal-directed behaviour under uncertainty: The active inference framework
Fernando Bravo (Fakultät Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften)
Neurocognitive systems underlying music’s affective impact in film
Neuroscience driven psychological treatments for anxiety and depression
(Vorlesungsreihe am Institut für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie)
Michelle Craske (University of California in Los Angeles, USA)
- Threat sensitivity in anxiety and depression: neural, psychophysiological cognitive and behavioral features
- Implications of threat sensitivity for exposure therapy
- Review of cognitive bias modification
- Review of interruption of reconsolidation and fear memory erasure
- Reward sensitivity in anxiety and depression: neural, psychophysiological, cognitive and behavioral features
- Implications for positive affect training
Disputationen an der Fachrichtung Psychologie
(nur SFB-relevante)
Judith Buse
The neuroanatomical network underlying impaired sensorimotor gating and altered processing of predictions in pediatric patients with Tourette syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder
Susann Schade
Der gestresste Präfrontale Kortex: Effekte von akutem und chronischem Stress auf kognitive Kontrollprozesse
Witold Chmielewski
The effects of task complexity and automated response tendencies on response inhibition processes
Joseph King
Closing the performance monitoring – cognitive control loop: Investigations of the neural implementation of behavioral adjustments following errors and conflicts
Sarah Jurk
Cognitive control, personality, and alcohol use: development, prediction, and consequences throughout adolescence
Christina Heitmann
Differential flexibility in goal pursuit: better ability to switch goals than means
Holger Mohr
Methods for an integrative view of distributed neural processes
Krutika Gohil
Investigation of extrinsic and intrinsic determinants modulating task goal processing during action cascading
Ilka Böhm
Neural signatures of anorexia nervosa: Insights into the motivational reward and cognitive control system
Habilitationen an der Fakultät Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
(nur SFB-relevante)
Nina Alexander
Genetic, epigenetic and environmental contributions to individual differences in stress sensitivity