The intrinsic value of self-control
Abstract The aim of this project is to challenge the currently prominent view of volitional control as generally aversive. We aim to show that under specific conditions, people value and experience the engagement in and the accomplishment of tasks requiring volitional control as intrinsically rewarding and that this is reflected at a neural level in effort-related activations in brain systems involved in reward processing. Three subprojects focus on three different conditions that may give raise to the positive value and the experience of intrinsic reward associated with volitional control by exerting effort or resisting temptations. In Subproject A, we look into the learning history involving effort-contingent reward (learned industriousness) as a factor shaping interindividual differences in effort valuation and the willingness to exert effort. We use extrinsic (monetary) and intrinsic (competence feedback) rewards to associate effort with positive valuation and rewarding experiences. In Subproject B, we propose that state-variations in intrinsic effort motivation are affected by preceding activities, i.e., the amount of stimulation experienced in a previous task (boredom). Subproject C investigates self-related intrinsic reward people may experience while resisting a temptation when doing so is relevant to their self-concept (i.e., as a strong-willed or honest person). We propose that the need for a positive self-concept is a source of reward people may experience during the exertion of self-control. In each subproject we combine behavioral experiments with fMRI studies to directly examine activation in reward-related brain regions when people exert effort or resist temptations, while controlling for effects of extrinsic reward.
Project Members
Prof. Dr. Veronika Job
Professur für Motivationspsychologie
Fakultät Psychologie
Universität Wien Telefon: +43-1-4277-47322
Dr. rer. nat. Franziska Korb-King Postdoctoral Researcher
Phone: +49 (0)351 463 35113
M.Sc. Isabelle Caruso Predoc E-Mail:
M.Sc. Georgia Clay Predoc E-Mail:
Dr. Christopher Mlynski Postdoc E-Mail:
Clay, G., Mlynski, C., Korb, F. M., Goschke, T., & Job, V. (2022). Rewarding cognitive effort increases the intrinsic value of mental labor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(5). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2111785119
Media Coverage
https://science.apa.at/power-search/4068986293398927388 https://science.apa.at/power-search/17093984600916903033 https://orf.at/#/stories/3245157/ https://science.orf.at/stories/3211090 https://oe1.orf.at/programm/20220131/666631/Vom-Lohn-des-angestrengten-Denkens https://www.derstandard.at/story/2000132860177/der-mensch-ist-doch-nicht-so-denkfaul-wie-angenommen