C. Dysfunctions of volitional control
CRC 940 cluster C addresses core questions related to the break-down of volition and cognitive control in selected mental disorders such as: Which mechanisms underlie impaired volitional control in mental and neurodegenerative disorders such as addictive behaviors, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, and Parkinson’s disease? It comprises seven subprojects, three of which were completed during the first two funding periods (as indicated by *).
- C1: Volitional dysfunction in self-control failures and addictive behaviors
- C2: Affective modulation and dysregulation of cognitive control in bipolar disorder in different states and stages of the disease*
- C3: Anorexia nervosa as a model for increased volitional control: temporal dynamics, intrinsic costs and alternative explanations
- C4: Fronto-striatal dysregulation of motivational and cognitive flexibility*
- C5: Avoidance behavior as a result of one-sided exertion of cognitive control in specific phobia*
- C6: Cognitive control in impulsivity and compulsivity
- C7: Failures of social self-control