Administration and central tasks
The spokesperson of the CRC represents the CRC in dealings with the DFG and the TU Dresden. Together with the administration team of project Z3 and the members of the managing committee, he is responsible for the running business of the CRC, the coordination of the CRC and central tasks, the administration of the decisions of the CRC managing committee, the scientific coordination of the project areas and subprojects, intermediate internal evaluations and reviews of progress in the subprojects, and the allocation of central resources. The administrative team is also involved in the organization of scientific meetings, workshops, and symposia of the CRC.
Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr. phil. Thomas Goschke
CRC 940 Spokesperson; Professor for General Psychology (W3)
Phone: +49 (0)351 463-34695
Grants Manager and Coordinator
CRC 940 Coordinating Office
Phone: +49 (0)351 463-34695