Apr 06, 2023
No April Fool's joke!
Cluster E is complete! As of 01.04.2023, the fourth Boysen-TU Dresden Research Training Group welcomes two new scholars as active support for Cluster E Hydrogen Imports from MENA Regions in Comparison to Hydrogen Production in Germany, ,meaning Cluster E is now fully staffed.
We warmly welcome Jakob Baumgarten, who is working in Project E1 on the development of a market model to analyze the energy demand and potential of synthetic gases from MENA countries. His goal is to understand the demand and potential of hydrogen imports and thus contribute to a sustainable and secure energy supply.
In addition, we are pleased that Elphas Oyugi, who is planning an extended cost-benefit analysis for hydrogen production in MENA countries in Project E3, has found his way to the Research Training Group from Kenya. His work will focus on evaluating and comparing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of hydrogen production in the MENA region, with the ultimate goal of recommending the best possible production method.
The Research Training Group is proud to welcome these two scholars to Cluster E and looks forward to working with them in the coming years.